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Status Replies posted by Soly

  1. had nightmares about spider/cockroach hybrids in my room...help

  2. What are the chances ill survive on 2 ½ sandwiches for dinner?

  3. h̺͙͎̱̝̞͋̽̍ͧ̎̒͜͝i̽̒̔̋̓͛̋҉̵̸͇̩̰̻̮͎̯̲̟̰͘͝

  4. Plug.dj/pso-ultima come hang out and enjoy some good music.

  5. Soly, seriously congrats on $100. I'm not sure how I could lose.

  6. B> asteron striker :3

  7. How much is an epsiguard?

  8. 僕の人生はまさに少女漫画のようになってしまった。現実逃避で明日の会談を楽しみにしている。休みなのに仕事をしたい・・・なんだこ...

  9. Lotsa people seem to have trouble wiv this, so... IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP MAKIN A PSO2 ACCOUNT COME FIND ME! If I have the time I will probably help ya out.

  10. Lotsa people seem to have trouble wiv this, so... IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP MAKIN A PSO2 ACCOUNT COME FIND ME! If I have the time I will probably help ya out.

  11. Is life again :3

  12. Is kill again :c

  13. Is kill again :c

  14. Don't forget to love yourself.

  15. Very happy c: can be less kill now

  16. Very happy c: can be less kill now

  17. These new kids really need to learn to not talk shit to the people that are trying to help them. Don't call me a dick for rushing the TTF but get mad when I don't kill the boss for you, that's not how it works.

  18. How do I update my forum profile???

  19. http://i.imgur.com/aqSgsqu.jpg Mayte be like "what kind of shit hand is this Ing?"
  20. One day ill be more alive ;_; so busy with thinggssssss

  21. One day ill be more alive ;_; so busy with thinggssssss

  22. One day ill be more alive ;_; so busy with thinggssssss

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