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Status Updates posted by Akioyamato

  1. Buying Episode 1 and 2 tomorrow or Wednesday (Not emoticon that can express my level of joy) And I've finished both episode 1 and 2 of PSP2i!

  2. Almost done with both Episodes 1 and 2 of Infinity. Beat ep. 1

  3. Watching Inuyasha, The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass.

  4. Buying a laptop off of ebay for $159.99 so i can play all day :3

  5. Pricing on all three Ra techs?

    1. Cyane
    2. Akioyamato


      I forgot to add level 20.

  6. Can I have a price check on level 20 RA skills?

  7. Everyone's playing PSO2 but me! Now vent makes me sad :(

    1. Akioyamato


      @Poptartsftw NO WAY!

      @Armando ._. I was once that hater...

    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      i tried playing pso2 but it didnt work for some reason

    3. Akioyamato


      Oh it was a good NO WAY not an oh my god... no way...

  8. @Poptartsftw I hate on you so much because I can't install PSO2 so I sit and listen to Epica pouting :(

  9. I'm seriously afraid to log in... I may cry if my stuff is missing.

  10. How many donation tickets can I get for $2?

    1. Choko


      They're $1 each, so 2.

    2. Akioyamato
    3. Ghdivlb Gjendd

      Ghdivlb Gjendd

      true, but you can get one or zero if you like. Maybe even fractional ones, idk

  11. While I have been sick, I've been playing Phantasy Star Portable 2 infinity and... My god major overhaul on EVERYTHING from the previous game.

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      such a shame it was only intended for Japan, there WAS an english patch in the works but the devs called it quits

    2. blitsen


      emilia's Japanese antics ! made me wanna bite my psp in half !

    3. Akioyamato


      @R.A.V.S.O I keep my sucky laptop at hand for Devifoxxs' translation guide, @chuk NOPE! @blitsen yeah that may be painful.

  12. W00t, quick break i guess i'm back now!

  13. Sorry Ultima, but once again real life is kicking my ass so I'll be taking a break from the actual game. But, I shall remain on the forum taking this downtime to fall in love with PSP 2 again <3

  14. while the server is down, this would be a perfect time to work on an over powered claw weapon ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Breaker
    3. Nei


      yes please.

    4. Akioyamato


      @Larva, Agreed! Lol.. @chuk, my game disc is broken :( @Michael Mann, no thanks... @Nei, *Respect.png*

  15. Free weekend, Pso anyone?

  16. KAJEX! Your contest/Mini Event/Q&A for free items was RIGGED.. I KNEW NOTHING!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akioyamato
    3. Cyane


      Called being smart!

    4. Akioyamato


      ._. Who's really smart? Google or the Googlie?

  17. FuSa game pad configured like GameCube controller.. Tonight... it's on!

  18. Trying to set controls for this FuSa Gamepad for PSP and it's trolling me hard...

  19. I'll be online round 3:30 4ish, but I'll be on my screen cracked, sucky, slow laptop so I won't be hunting :(

  20. These mags are killing meh >:0. Got one 5/72/0/0 and the other 5/0/0/64

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riot-


      game system mags

    3. Cyane


      Hang in there!

    4. Akioyamato


      @shion255 Mark 3, dimates and Difluids. @Riot- why you so smart? @cyane Believe me, I'm trying!

  21. Changed my Signature. Hehehe Thanks BanHammer

  22. Where my Cabal Online players at?! *sigh* I

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Akioyamato


      Yeah, I feel so out done. And i thought my brother was OP at level 101 xD

    3. Riot-


      i forgot my level but it isnt low xD

    4. Akioyamato


      That means you know how to live!

  23. Soo... What have I missed?

    1. Akioyamato


      Ah, the classic booma kill. <3

  24. Any Phantasy Star Portable 2 players? Meet meh online. That's where I have been Hiding. Sorry Ultima :/

    1. Redstar Hunter

      Redstar Hunter

      Sure thing! :D give me a few days to set myself up then I'm here >:D

  25. Dex>Pow = can hit no damage, Pow>Dex = Massive Damage can't hit... I hate ultimate.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Akioyamato


      Well whatever helps.

    3. gamenac


      If you go all power, especially with any hu char, you need items that boost ata/dex (mags are a big help). Only problem with going low pow on a hunter is that your damage is pretty bad =P

    4. shion255
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