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Everything posted by gamenac

  1. I got lucky and my main had all the important equipment for me to play him, still sucks having missing items though xP. At least we have good gms on the server.
  2. After the rollback of my main character I noticed that my common bank had bugged and emptied itself. I figure it was due to the whole having the hacker wipe all of my characters xP GC: 42103510 Thanks for any and all help in the matter!
  3. I don't know about the IP, but you totally shouldn't click on this link for any information about him.
  4. Thanks Andres. It was a combination of the resolution being off from the reinstall and my skins flipping the client out. Went back to the original settings and everything is good to go.
  5. Haha, it was probably because I got him really mad/worried that I knew a whole bunch about him xP
  6. Whole account wiped after being able to get back on. Though, I learned from last time and have a full inventory of my main character and my main's bank =D. This is the only character I'm really worried about so I made sure to get everything on there. There's also an after the wipe picture at the end, the character in slot 4 I made to powerlevel while everything gets fixed. Thank you for any and all help, I know you guys are working hard to get everything done so take your time and no worries, I have a ranger to level =P GC:42103510 Slot #2 64m3n4c's Inventory: http://imageshack.us/a/img707/4940/sh2v.png http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/erix.png/ http://imageshack.us/a/img713/203/zptu.png 64's Bank: http://imageshack.us/a/img38/9412/ib9.bmp http://imageshack.us/a/img849/8555/242d.png http://imageshack.us/a/img845/2430/xm5s.png http://imageshack.us/a/img845/2430/xm5s.png http://imageshack.us/a/img824/5198/rokn.png http://imageshack.us/a/img812/7310/ejj4.png http://imageshack.us/a/img513/9981/3wx2.png After Shot: http://imageshack.us/a/img824/3303/uqg3.png Edit: As far as the time, I'm not exactly sure of the exact time of the wipe, just that it was between today and last nights shenanigans.
  7. Hello everyone. Last night after the whole 'hacking' incident and closing out my main account, I attempted to log on today to find that the client will not proceed past this white screen. I just noticed it this morning when going to check on what all had been lost from the incident. I know that everyone is busy with everything going on. I'm not too worried about lost characters (unless its was 64 again xP) just worried about being able to play in general. I've reinstalled, removed skins, reset my router, and cleared any cached info on my computer. I'm assuming that the problem first started between my last log off last night and this morning between 6 and 7 am est. Any help would be appreciated. GC: 42103510 Screen of the client attempting to let me on (it stays like this without kicking me or giving an error): http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4300/0p0a.png
  8. Poptartsftw is one of my new heroes!

  9. Poptarts, you and Andres are my heroes on this server. That was just too good man. I've stayed up for way longer than I should've just to see the logs xD
  10. Poptarts, you just had to scare him off. I made a copycat to mess with him and everything! xD At least I ruffled his feathers when i said i got a list of his websites =D And as racist as he was towards your character, it was funny seeing him fumble for comebacks over and over.
  11. According to the so-called hacker himself, it is none other than Broomop. I posted a bit earlier about this under the random announcements post. If you're not familiar, he is infamous in most pso communities as being a script kiddie and is known to deface websites he doesn't like. As well as passing off various programs that contain viruses under the guise of his 'hacks'. He also has info on his website concerning things like this. LISTEN TO ADMINS/GMS/VETS CONCERNING THE ISSUES THAT ARE HAPPENING AT THIS TIME JUST AS FROST SAID
  12. Here's an interesting tidbit for you guys to nibble on, he has a whole topic dedicated to bypassing ultima security, oh and has a 'pso hacking' site as well. Info was passed on to Kajex via pm =D
  13. Yeah, he was a script kiddie from back in the days of the Dreamcast version. His 'hacks' were usually just stolen from other people and then injected with keyloggers and trojans. Most annoying person I have ever played with/around.
  14. Exactly, or else its the matrix and we're all just batteries =P
  15. Its not just a game! If you die in PSOBB, you die in real life!
  16. Andres, you are my hero!!! Thank you to all the staff who've helped, I truly appreciate it!
  17. Or you could be like me and just want to collect anything and everything rare xP
  18. You have to complete the sidequest in order to obtain the prizes, the main quest doesn't seem to have any besides meseta.
  19. http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2300 http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2414 These articles should help you with SS Rank RT info.
  20. I wish I had the screenshots before, would definitely be better. Like I said, I'm not too worried about the items, I can always find them or trade for them again. Thanks for the reply.
  21. Thanks very much Chuk, I appreciate it.
  22. Due to the dressing room bug my character inadvertently got reset back to lvl 1. Along with that all of my items were also reset back to starting equipment. It happened at roughly 6:45 am pst. I was on for eight hours or more yesterday or the day before. This is the topic I created inquiring about the bug earlier today. Here are two screenshots showing the effect of the reset, I don't have any recent inventory screens. http://imageshack.us/a/img593/3001/n66n.png http://imageshack.us/a/img36/954/qyq.bmp I'm not too worried about the items being recovered as much as I care about my characters level. I just hit the 150 point not long ago and don't want to lose the work. I can always hunt for the items as I continue to level. GC #: 42103510 Character slot 2 Thank you for any help on this matter.
  23. Yes, it was the exact same except a different style, name and all. I know my pc was lagging badly, but not so badly that i recreated the exact character. Thats how i know i hit the dressing room instead of the recreate button. I flipped out until I realized what I'd actually done lol.
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