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Stark 1

Ultima Veteran
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Status Replies posted by Stark 1

  1. anyone got a 5/0/20/175 mag?

  2. I need new people to hunt with ._.

  3. S> bringers rifle, prophets of motav, 20 hit slicer of fanatic.

  4. Have you ever wanted to meet someone and then you met then and it turns out that there personality is a total clash to yours and now you cant believe that you stood in line to meet them?

  5. I talk a lot of shit for someone who is barely 5 foot

  6. I am a syncesta.

  7. What if I brought Hive back?

  8. Can summer just get here sooner?

  9. what will you do when the item drops?

  10. Life is better when its dank.

  11. you know you're obsessed with PSO when you start hitting the spacebar before typing on other sites e__e

  12. want to make a fo items to buy list,,but dont know where to start

  13. Happy birthday to me.

  14. s> tjs 100-0-100-0-50

  15. shoutout to stark, nessly, and takata. that round of pts was fun as hell ^^

  16. There's gotta be some kind of Single's Awareness Day event the server can host tomorrow. Y'know, 'cause I'm pretty sure 90 percent of us don't have much else to do for the holiday.

  17. Last night it was very fun to play with newbies who didn't just want me to tank them through TTF. They were actually PLAYING the game, not just blazing through bosses for exp.

  18. I'm still annoyed that with the updated drop charts, purplenum has a 1/125,000 chance of getting psycho wand from Mil Lillies. I made that purplenum character just for PW QQ

  19. S> 40 hit arrest needle 1 ps

  20. the heck is this lanatronix spider thing?

  21. I must be the kid of the PSO world because while all the grownups are talking about their PGFs and worrying about their photon drop finances, I'm enjoying my big boy Dragon Slayer while asking "Daddy what's that cool gattling gun-like shotgun?" I'll bet you miss these innocent times of wee.

  22. You all miss me huh? <3

  23. sooo whattssupp !!

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