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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2012 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. what anime was that when i click the link xD
    1 point
  3. It doesn't currently exist, but it is certainly possible. ... That being said, I don't think that adding hit to existing weapons should be a result of merely farming items, especially ones from quests that are already spammed to death anyway. Since I don't want to seem like I just completely shot down an event idea: Consider changing the quests/monsters involved. Preferably monsters that don't spawn too often in TTF/RT or even POD. Consider a different reward --donations keep the server running. Besides, many people have traded a lot to get a 40 hit weapon, and then its value would drop considerably with an event like this.
    1 point
  4. thats a great choice imo. best of luck to you
    1 point
  5. This is for anyone who is in the PSO2 Beta. It is a english translation patch for the beta but is only about 30% translated but its still better then staring at Japanese confused all day of what everything means xD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9259868/pso2_closed_beta/translation/pso2_closedbeta_text.rar You will have to manually put the files in by extracting the .rar files and dropping them into the right folder. 1) Download the .rar file and open it. 2) Go into C:\Program Files\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2 \pso2_bin\data\win32 (unless you specifically saved it elsewhere) and move and replace the files from the .rar to this folder. (It is always a good idea to back up original files.) 3) Launch the Beta client and go online. Voila! Most text has been translated. Drpariolo give us the link of the file. He did not translated.
    1 point
  6. bueno creo este post porque me voy a aunsentar digamos hasta q se me pase la bronca... a las 4 34 de la mañana cuando entre en una party de 1 char level 1 q estaba alimentando mags yo tenia 1 pds en mi bolsa y cuando lo fui a depositar al banco,, me salio como si no tuviese el item y me boto luego cuuando entre y revise mi flow 50 hit 100 dark 90 native no estaba reloguee y nada, tonces bueno no tengo foto de mi flow porque se me formateo la pc, asi q no tengo pruebas solo los q me conocen saben q tenia esa arma debido a eso me despido se que volvere porque me gusta el game y los amigos pero no se cuando salu2..
    1 point
  7. Everytime I see chu chu fever I have the sudden urge to kill something.....
    1 point
  8. were am i going to find a girl thaats just like a anime girl, i settle for an otaku girl <3amber<3 and no not jeffrey mom i cant want an asain son xD
    1 point
  9. En cualquier momento y lo siento de nuevo por el error Solved and closed.
    1 point
  10. lo siento no me di cuenta del error ocurrió el miércoles Debe ser resuelto ahora
    1 point
  11. Trabajando en ello ahorapor favor, manténgaseal personaje Hecho resultados mensaje
    1 point
  12. A Hucast who soloed TTF in Ultimate with out LK 38 You can also solo RT with a Hucast if you have s-reds without LK. The biggest problem is Gryphon since you have to live through all of his aoe attacks but yes it is possible. HUcaseal can do the same thing as well. except Hucaseal can use dual bird to keep distance.
    1 point
  13. wow and u wanna be a mod with that nice words mmm ....
    0 points
  14. godric is just a bish dont listen to him hes just a slave for the other GMs and a fakku
    -1 points
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