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Pwand 45pd

Hylian 15dts

Mag 15-20dts(?)

Where is the other 100+ dts to buy a DM? Best of luck but don't expect much interest right now as DM cost a bomb ;-)

This is more like a trade... Trading


Hylian shield

200mind mag (picture below) for DM with 50 hit/dark50/native50. please PM if interested


Gl bro :)

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The community on this server is really bad and acidic. This is why I lost interest on this game. Lots of old players love to put you down each time someone is selling or looking for an item.

It's not that the community is acidic, that's a little harsh to vast majority of players on the server. I took a look at your topic beforehand and was going to inform you that the price (made by the supply and demand keep in mind) would be a lot steeper than what you have posted above. I'm honestly a little shocked to see what you posted regarding the above statements. Nobody here was bashing you. Your trade is just... not up to par with the cost of a DM. Best of luck but I would like to see some form of apology, not to me, but to Tro.

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Well Orion or Rigel. Rigel sounds familiar from somewhere.. Anywho you don't owe anyone an apology as the other people that "bashed" your topic according to you don't either. This is a game there will be trolls. Just like YouTube has trolls this game does too. If you're too sensitive for that then maybe you should consider a more friendly based game. Wizard101 I hear is a good game. Anyways there are good people on this server, I seriously don't consider myself one but I could care less what people think. Find the good people stick with them and hunt gear to eventually be able to afford end game gear. I'm sure by the looks of it, it doesn't look like you been on this server long enough and already want end game gear. If you find the right people you can build your wealth and at the same time have fun which is what this game is intended to. It can be fun, there's more to the game than hoarding gear. TA, cmode, battle mode, mini events, annual events.. You name it. Just don't take everything to heart man, no need for butthurtness. If you ever need to play join PRO team. I'm sure they will take you in and show you the way. Hope this helped XD

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Tbh this is a perfectly acceptable offer to purchase a DM. There are no set prices on anything. Items on this server are only worth what each seller asks for. Just because a bunch of people decided to overpay for Dark Weapons does not mean that everyone is willing to do so. It's honestly a pretty big issue that things like a weapon in a game that none of you payed for would go over $100 in actual currency. So I see no issues with what he offered for DM. If someone is willing to sell it to him for his offer, what's it to you guys?

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Tbh this is a perfectly acceptable offer to purchase a DM. There are no set prices on anything. Items on this server are only worth what each seller asks for. Just because a bunch of people decided to overpay for Dark Weapons does not mean that everyone is willing to do so. It's honestly a pretty big issue that things like a weapon in a game that none of you payed for would go over $100 in actual currency. So I see no issues with what he offered for DM. If someone is willing to sell it to him for his offer, what's it to you guys?


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Wow ok this got out of control. Lets reel off some facts:

I didn't mean to offend anyone but honestly, being real for a moment, I was simply suggesting to not get your hopes up as the chance of someone trading a DM for the above offer is simply not realistic at the moment.

Also, I have only been playing properly since the end of December 2015 - therefore I am not an "old" or "acidic" player?

I wasn't putting anyone down

I wasn't trying to start an argument

My first comment was not bashing anyone, it was written in a light hearted tone

I am not a troll

I genuinely wish everyone the best of luck with their trades

I do not expect an apology for anything

I will not apologise for anthing

@Orionpk, do you still want my Canon Rouge or not as you offered, I accepted, then you have ignored me since, no pressure, just wondering lol :-)

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You know what would fix the dark weapon prices? If they added them to the donation list let's say for like 120-130dts.the people would try to sell them cheap to get theirs sold over the donation list one. It's one option to fixing these so called "prices". Retails store do it even though this game has nothing to do with anything real but just virtuality where we all come to engage in battles and or laughs. I personally don't know why I play the game anymore, I've done it all lol

Good luck though Orion or whatever your name is.

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