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Status Updates posted by JoeDee


  2. No thanks, royal weddings bore the shit out of me. But if they bring back beheadings, I'd tune in for that.

  3. That was the best superjail to date.

  4. Finna see if superjail is up yet.

  5. Doctor Who

    1. Zeph
    2. Apollo


      hell yes, i concur with Zeph!

  6. Another derpnado. I'm starting to like this season.

  7. 3 hours of sleep is enough, right?

    1. Zeph
    2. sunfire285


      dependsonwhat youre doing

  8. Call of Duty: Reach

  9. Skynet went online 2 days ago. The nukes get dropped today. Everybody ready?

  10. Happy bicycle day everyone

    1. Zeph


      I worked on mine :P

  11. New ubuntu in 10 days.

  12. “I can explain it for you, but I can’t understand it for you.”

    1. Zeph


      Where's the like button. :P

  13. Okay, back to work. HNNGG

  14. Lucky i hate you.

  15. i sell propane and propane accessories

  16. First decent night of sleep in the past 3 weeks

  17. I admire Taco Bells new honest advertising. "Our cheese now made with 20% less plastic!"

    1. djij2010
    2. sheldama


      but 40% more fail!

    3. khi26e


      You have ruined alot of future fourth meals for me XD

  18. When approaching a coworker in the hall, I like to say 'hi' from 20 feet away and maintain awkward, silent eye contact until I pass them.

    1. davell
    2. Zynetic


      I sure do hope I never end up working with you.

    3. Apollo


      That's definitely unique....

  19. Forks should have little knife blades on both sides. They could be called kforks (kuh-forks).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alkanet
    3. djij2010


      i'd eat a meal with 2 kforks =D

    4. becca


      ...or just make the k silent? lol!

  20. Yard sales are fun because you can talk someone down to 50 cents for stuff they once treasured. It's like twice the sad for half the price.

  21. Phone dead. Flash drive broke. Xbox saves gone. Thanks life. Bed.

  22. Saturn is the one with a ring around it right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zynetic


      Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. Saturn just have the most, which are really just made up of ALOT of rocks orbiting the planet.

    3. marcisawesome


      actually its ice not rocks

    4. Apollo


      Next we'll discuss politics!

  23. One good thing about that last power outage: Modem was reset. WIN!

  24. I missed the blanks. My life has no meaning.

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