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Everything posted by chuk

  1. Only if you're sure you're not going to screw it up
  2. Damn, 2 votes short for the soul eater version xD
  3. ok, don't play on that character for now and wait for a rollback.
  4. Yeah, I just checked your account data in the database directly and you have not been banned by a GM. Just caught up in the filter for whatever crazy reason.
  5. Ok, might be a hardware ban, based on your mac address. Is it possible to try on another computer?
  6. Unfortunately only Larva has access to the ip filter of the server. It might fix itself though. Do you have another network you can connect to and test out?
  7. Prob just a bug, unless you have been banned for some reason. Guildcard number is 42013524?
  8. Halloween Event - 2012 Be ready to shiver of excitement as we have a wonderful Halloween event ready for you guys! Story A crazy curse has fallen upon Ragol and spread out to the ships of Ultima. Most monsters were able to withstand the fancy plague but one creature had a strange mutation... One specie has developed some serious reaction, causing it to mutate in a ferocious, fierce monster. Enraged and powerful, they slaughter any player that comes near them and crushes even the most experienced players in a wimp. To the brave ones amongst you, who are willing to risk their lives to combat this enormous threat, a great reward is available. That's right, along with those increased stats it also drops... a completely new weapon. A weapon once used by the God of curses himself. The monster Cursed indi belra's This is the famous cursed monster I was talking about, as you can see below, its stats have been buffed quite well so be sure to hunt in teams for optimal extermination. Mob stats HP + 200% ATP + 50% EVP + 25% DFP + 25% LUCK + 10% SPD + 10% Drop ID's PINKAL READRIA YELLOW WHITE ORAN GREENHIL The new weapon Ultima reaper Currently the best partisan scythe type in the game. Stats ATP 666 ATA 45 EVP -20 DFP 0 LCK 0 GRIND +15 12 stars and I forgot the amount of grinders Required ATP 480 (so all classes can equip it) special unreduced hell, perfect to slice up everything, especially in ep4 a little bit bigger range than a regular partisan can hit up to 15 enemies in one swing megid pierces when equipped currently the best partisan type weapon in the game Description "The bloodred comes from all the victims it has slain." "The user of this cursed scythe will surely go to hell..." "It is said this weapon was once from the grim reaper himself" "The owner of this scythe will die in 13 years" "It is said the red color comes from all the victims it slayed" "This weapon feeds itself from its victims souls" "This scythe was used to cut Godric into pieces" Additional Of course, our good friends, the halo rappies are back aswel to drop their beloved goodies : jack 'o lanterns. These contain various unique items and magcells. They can be found in episode 2, in the temple on any difficulty (but they drop more often stuff on higher difficulties). Hallo Rappy/Jack-O'-Lantern Cell of MAG 213 Cell of MAG 502 Heart of Chu Chu Heart of Opa Opa Heart of KAPU KAPU Heart of Chao Parts of RoboChao Heart of Pian Pioneer 2 Parts Item Ticket. Let Halloween begin! Español Evento de Halloween - 2012 Esten listos para temblar de emocion tenemos un fantastico evento de halloween para ustedes Historia Una maldicion ha caido sobre ULTIMA. La mayoria de las criaturas fueron capaces de soportar esta lujosa plaga pero una de las criaturas tuvo una estraña mutacion... Esa especie ha teniedo una reaccion grave, causando una Mutacion y ferocidad, Un Monstruo Feroz. Enfurecido y Poderoso, una masacre cualquier jugador q se acerca a ellos son aplastados aun los jugadore mas experimentados. Para los mas valientes entre ustedes, Quienes son los que arriesgaran sus vidas para enfretar este enorme problema, Una gran recompensa estara disponible. Asi es, junto con esos stuatus incrementados tambien suelta... un arma totalmente nueva un arma que fue usada por el dios que lo maldijo El monstruo indi belra's Maldito Este es el famoso monstruo del que les hablaba, como pueden ver acontinuacion, sus estadisticas se han aumentado muy bien asi que asegurate de cazar en grupo para una facil exterminacion. Monstruo Estadisticas HP + 200% ATP + 50% EVP + 25% DFP + 25% LUCK + 10% SPD + 10% ID´s que tiran PINKAL READRIA YELLOW WHITE ORAN GREENHIL La nueva Arma Ultima Reaper actualmente la mejor guadaña en su tipo en el juego Estadisticas ATP 666 ATA 45 EVP -20 DFP 0 LCK 0 GRIND +15 12 estrellas Atp requerido 480 (asi que todas las clases pueden usarla) Especial no reducido hell, perfecto para todo el tramo, especialmente en ep4 un poco mas grande el rango que un partisan regular puede golpear 15 enemigos de un solo movimiento megid penetracion cuando lo equipas actualmente el mejor tipo de partisan en el juego Descripcion "El rojo sangre viene de todas las victimas que ha asesinado." "El usuario de esta arma seguramente ira al infierno..." "Sedice que esta arma It is said this weapon fue una vez de la muerte" "El posedor de esta guadaña morira en 13 años" "esta arma se alimenta de el alma de sus victimas" "Esta guadaña fue usada para cortar a godric en pedasitos" Adicional Por su puesto, nuestros queridos, amigos los halo rappies estan de vuelta para soltar sus queridas: JACK ´O LATERN estas contiene varios y unicos items y celulas mag. Pueden ser encontrados en episodio 2, en el templo cualquier dificultad(pero es mas facil que tiren algo si vas ala mayor dificultad) Hallo Rappy/Jack-O'-Lantern Cell of MAG 213 Cell of MAG 502 Heart of Chu Chu Heart of Opa Opa Heart of KAPU KAPU Heart of Chao Parts of RoboChao Heart of Pian Pioneer 2 Parts Item Ticket. halloween ha comenzado
  9. This one ofcourse xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw8pcxE6U9k
  10. Believe me, that extra 20 hit is worth it. If you still haven't made your DM, you should wait till you find a 50 hit one. Restless lion quest and checking the shops from time to time will get you one not too hard.
  11. Larva fixed both yesterday. Thx for the report.
  12. why not going for 50 hit?
  13. Thank you ^^ Also, all pgfs are sold out, the other offers are still active though Thx to everyone who supportedthe server already.
  14. Halloween discount on donations The server is a bit low on funds, so we decided to do an action to pay this months server rent by organizing a discount. Do yourself and the server a favor and take advantage of these offers. (Donations are what keep this server alive http://www.phantasys...p-server-alive/ ) Offers : 3 PGFs for sale, each at 45$ (3 PGFs only) <---- SOLD OUT Every weapon donated for will have 20% hit on it. (except on S-rank weapons) 20% price discount on all items except weapons (so on shields, armor, mags, cells) When adding 20% on any attribute (also hit) you'll get an extra free 10% These offers will be active for 3 days, starting from now till Friday. Link to the donation list --> http://www.phantasys...list-donations/ <--
  15. for only 99.99 extra you get THIS!
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