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Status Updates posted by Trigunman

  1. Congo-rats to Under9000 for finding a new Red Ring! XDDD Now next time, you can help me get one, I'll bring the FO and ID again.... ;^)

    1. Trigunman


      Will do, thanks and no problem man! ^_^

  2. DUDE this cold rocks!  I sound like Alex Jones from Infowars now, LOL!  :onion108:

    Cuz me, I gotta go talk about our government and GMOs, BRB...

  3. I feel the flow, the power coursing through my veins.... YEEEESSSSSSSSS... I FEEL THE POWER OF A BILLION SUNS BURNING THROUGH MY HANDS! ALL OTHER THINGS IN THIS UNIVERSE ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS POWER! I CONTROL THE DARK FLOW MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha... *cough* *cough* I mean, oh yea, awesome sword. w00t  ^_^ yuuuusssss

  4. At home, sweet home and back in the saddle again, GIDDY UP! XD

    1. Trigunman


      Ahhh it was great Evie, thanks! Sis, bro-in-law and nieces are great! Doing well and hope you had a good trip visiting with Chuk yourself. =^)

  5. Woe unto you oh earth, for the beast has gone down unto you and is full of wrath, for he knows his time is short.


    Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number.


    It's number... Is six hundred and sixty-six.

    1. jezbuz


      Six Six Six, the number of the beast

      Six Six Six, fhe one for you and me

  6. Happy Birthday there Hot Rocket Tots!

    Have a good one and don't do anything I wouldn't do bro... (which ain't sayin' much ha!)


    1. RocketTots


      thanks dood!

  7. 777 acquired.

    Finally got my lucky number haha! :onion-head11:

  8. To all my fellow Ultimaites, Merry Christmas to you all and may all your PGF wishes and red box dreams come true!  :onion-xmas1::onion-xmas2::onion-xmas3::onion-xmas4:

    1. 777




  9. Ahhh well hot damn, I'm a legend in my own mind for reeeelz now, haha! Thanks Cyane!

  10. Just a head's up for all you PSO2'ers here that still frequent the Feoh server (#1) on PSO2, my Trigunman character is going to be transferred over at the next scheduled maintenance interval.  Hopefully I'll see some of you guys there soon!

  11. Here's to 2017, Happy New Year my fellow Ultimites! *raises glass*

  12. No, that light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train...  It's a laser from a US Navy Destroyer aimed at YOU.  XD

  13. Just finished up Game+++ difficulty on Pixel Shinobi: 9 Demons of Mamoru, i.e. I've beat the game 3 times now.  Oh and it gets stupid hard folks, talk about rage quit LOL.  I figure 3 times is good, time to move on, (the last levels in the game was also starting to get buggy!) I even found the elusive Shadow Kusarigama (badass sickle & chain) and got the last achievement for the game I think.

    So, time to enable -=END LURK MODE=- and get my rear back on the server a bit more, now that the Triforce event is here, yay.  So holla if you need some help folks!

  14. Blah, Mardi Gras kicked my butt... Or more I should say pounding on a bass since Friday night did it. =^\ Had fun though at least. ^_^

  15. 🎂🎂🎂 Happy B-day to the Solyinator!  🎂🎂🎂

    Thanks for all your hard work here at Ultima bro, hope you're still shredding too, keep the fire burning!

  16. HOLY mother of God, Xceptional, you're getting a case of beer for christmas from Tri-Santa my good man! THANK for solving me and Shoutgu's EP2 crashes!

  17. Rest now my little Quad-Tekk, you fought valiantly against Olga-Flow until the very end.  He almost fell to your mighty Lindcray, but your tekk mana ran out and you perished at his hands instead. 

    Therefore, I Triforcer will avenge your death!  By this time next week, I will destroy Olga Flow by my own hands!  I will bury his own Dark Flow into his rotting skull and avenge your blood... This I SWEAR before the gods of Ragol!


  18. Objective achieved: Trifecta lvl 200 characters complete. No more CCA runs for a long while for me! XD

  19. Gah, poor lab rats, I know how they feel today...

    Eyes dilated from optometrist, neck a bit stiff from chiropractor, gauze on my arm from blood taken by phlebotomist at Dr's office.  Sheesh.

  20. I hope your birthday is a great one Jade!  Congo-rats and party hard hon!

    We miss you Mag Queenie, hope you come drop by here at Ultima to say hello on the forums and in-game sometime.



  21. Mags.... What finicky little creatures you are! XD Y U TAK SO LONG 2 GROOO???

  22. OH NOES IT'S THE SNOWACALYPSE! Oh wait, it's only a Sleetastropy... At least I get a day off from work haha!

  23. To all my friends, teammates and Ultimites in general: Going to start cutting way back on my time on the server. New music project starting soon and I'm getting burnt out on the game. I'll be around, just not as much... Aside from that, you know where to find me. =^)

  24. Viridias, I'm looking for J00! ^_^ Check out my thread, thanks!

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