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Status Updates posted by Emewn

  1. If depression doesn't kill me, God's plan will kill me. & I can't wait.

    That's why I quit smoking weed and drinking alcohol at the same time.

    I don't do what's easy for me. I do what's hard, because I want to keep learning how to be a good man. Everything is a test.

    1. CFlo


      Being a "good man" is subjective. Just exist and be chill until you don't exist anymore.

  2. People's sins are catching up with them.
    If you're a sinful person, you shouldn't be doing extreme things that could threaten your life, because you might lose.


    1. Emewn


      This status was about the many people who have been losing their lives lately due to sin.

      Sin must be balanced, and outweighed by good deeds.

  3. Emewn

    Happy Birthday bro. Sorry I'm late. I hope you had a good 1. ❤️ 

    1. Colt


      Thank you man! It was fun and chill!

  4. It's a gift to me when I see people be kind to each other, because my heart is cold like death itself. I only want to feel love, fun, and happiness. I experience that when I see my neighbors care for each other with kindness.


  5. I want a big turtle to give all my love to. 🐢

  6. Breathe if you are ever:

    Breathe deeply & consistently for good health.

    Water is another form of oxygen, but it does the same thing for the body except faster.

    You might notice your reproductive organ heating up sometimes. 
    Consistent deep breaths can fix that in a matter of minutes.

    The human body is like a computer. When it doesn't have oxygen it gets loud, and doesn't function properly.

    A good set of lungs and habits by which they are used greatly determines a person's cognitive functions, and emotional stability, because oxygen is important for the brain.

    Bad habits need to be checked, and corrected.

    The wizard sasquatch is signing out.

  7. The person who loves you the most is God.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. R-78


      3 minutes ago, Emewn said:

      I wrote 2 statuses yesterday each one being hours in between.

      We have a different definition of "hours".



    3. Usagi-chan


      it can be annoying that someone spam status but similarly you should talk to those people who do spam dislikes to everything he does

    4. R-78


      I actually talked to some of them and helped him recover some points as I'm also annoyed when a cool post from him gets downvoted.

      But it is hard to control people's hate when he's aggressive toward everyone.

      Swearing at Mudkipz because he made a joke, calling Lipelis names because he shared his opinion on an item, constantly arguing with Triforce, insulting the Staff and now also has a problem with me just because I tell him to follow the rules like everyone?

  8. It feels good to be the realest man alive. But my life is not easy.

  9. Demons steal original thoughts from me, and gives them to other people they made contracts with. It's quite the comedy to me.

  10. I got so much dome I damaged my head when I was little, and still got brains to use.
    I'm a freaking sasquatch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emewn


      I ain't the fastest, but I do have something to work with feel me.

    3. killswitch


      crack is a real drug then....lol

    4. Emewn


      I never did crack. I've only seen crackheads growing up.

  11. Bad habits are contagious. 
    Be yourself.

  12. If you want something try your best before you get it, and after.

    Being faithful before the perfect relationship starts is a good quality. Take it from the realest man alive.

  13. How clean is your temple?
    I hope your temple is kept clean.

    Your mind is special.

    Whether or not spirits dwell there,
    Depends on your efforts.

    Your temple is sacred, and should be reserved for the inspirations God our Father gives.

    The health of the mind or Temple are rather important, but folks think it doesn't matter.

    Yet many men's Temple's are plagued with thoughts that are strange to them including myself.

    The state of my Temple has taught me.

    We all need to protect the place where our thoughts manifest.


  14. Next time you see a homeless man or woman that looks like a drug addict and they ask you for money please give it to them. Even if you hate that they're drug addicts.

    Put yourself in their shoes, and try to understand that when they don't have the drug, and when the drug stops working those people struggle so much more to be in their own bodies. 
    All drug addicts are malnourished, and need good food for after the drug stops working. They can think clearly about what they experienced while they eat.

    A person could ask you for money with the intentions of using it on drugs, but then suddenly get a change of heart, and buy food and water instead.

    God speaks to everybody by spirit.
    If A poor drug addict asks you for money give it to them if you can. 

    Have faith that God will guide them when the time is right.

    God guides all his children to live righteously. The good and the bad.

    God never quits on you, so don't quit on humanity.

    Live and love to keep people alive and healthy.

    I can imagine how much sadness and neglect it took to turn people into drug addicts.

    Everyone needs to give and be given love. Sometimes people need help to get a chance.


    1. EDEN


      >Gives money to homeless drug addict

      >is enough for a bouji crack rock

      >they OD and die

      >god guided me

  15. The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.

    The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful positions therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

  16. On PlayStation Store

    Grand Theft Auto V: 
    Premium Online Edition is $16

    1. nnorton44


      Sweet just bought it 💯

  17. Sometimes love from your enemies heals the most.

    The love you give your enemy could be the only love they have ever known.

  18. People have such little sense of accountability and responsibility. Do you not realize that everyone needs a friendly reminder here and there with the amount of distractions the world Government puts in front of us?

    The elderly people are like little children, and in that sense elderly folks need friendly reminders as children do.

    I wonder how many people would tell an elderly person who is on drugs that it is bad for them. My mother could be getting harassed in public by some man, and people seeing it would rather remain silent. That's called being fake. Accept it. And accept the existence of spirits, because drugs cause even the elderly to be attacked by spirits.

    The same way an innocent child questions in their own mind why they're having such strange and corrupted thoughts, the elderly folks experience it too. Please be considerate of the elderly. Everybody needs Jesus, and some people are too numb to understand why. Spread the word of God if you love somebody. Or you will forever be small according to the scale of manliness.

    1. yeyy


      let's not even try to convince emewm that everything that he says is dumb and that he has to change because at this point he is so deep in his own butthole that there is no way out for him and no matter how many people tell him that he's ignorant and makes no sense, he will definitely not listen


      emewm if you're trying to come out the closet then just say it buddy nobody here is gonna judge you bro

    2. Emewn


      I posted my 1 year old facebook status on here just because. No need to get butthurt. 

    3. yeyy


      @Emewn im saying you should come out of the closet, there's nothing to hide! we're lgbtq friendly dude :)

  19. In 1492 Christopher Columbus arrived at the Dominican Republic and brought hell to my Taino ancestors, killing, eating, raping, and enslaving millions of them

    Today Dominicans are so violent to innocent people, birds, and animals that it's embarrassing to me

    Our people were created out of slavery, and rivers of blood & tears

    It's shameful to do that to other people, birds and animals

    Our history should teach us to behave 
    That is why the Bible exists

    It's a history book that was inspired by the spirit of God which shows mankind's wrongs in order that we in the present moment might learn from mankind's, and the Devil's mistakes

    The Bible was first translated to English in 1382 by John Wycliffe, because of mistakes mankind made in the sight of God's eyes which are always present in everything that we do

    The populous at the time could not read the Bible for themselves in order to know the truth, so corrupt teachers gave them disinformation that would in effect damn their souls

    In those days much like today people were doing serious magic that required many souls of people in order for the sorcerers & witches to be rewarded

    There were many killings in order to be rewarded by evil spirits

    The teachers taught lies and deceit to all of Europe, and those lies and deceit caused many people to sin

    That is the reason the 
    Black Death Plague came, and killed nearly 75% of Europe's population from the years 1347-1351

    John Wycliffe was a survivor of the 
    Black Death Plague, and he was inspire by the spirit of God to translate the Bible to English for everyone to read the truth for themselves, because he knew that the 
    Black Death Plague was God's wrath, because people were blindly believing the false teachings that teachers were spreading

    After the Black Death Plague 
    Europe was in desperate need of resources, so that is when it was decided by the secret ruling organizations that Europe would prepare for years in order to challenge the Native Americans, and take their resources

    Christopher Columbus set out to sea at 1492, and he knew full well what he would find

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EDEN


      Shoulda vaxxed doggie n you wouldnt be trippin over black plague

    3. McLaughlin86


      I'm not condoning any of what has been posted here, but if you wanna take a trip, go read about Tartary - An Empire hidden in history

    4. Emewn


      Eden you're a fool, and I have no problem openly calling you out on it.
      To avoid such communications please feel free to leave me alone by ignoring my posts if you don't like me.
      Same goes to anybody else who thinks about talking to me funny & disrespectfully.

      McLaughlin86 Good looks brody. I'll check it out. 
      I appreciate the recommendation. 

  20. If the Government's physicians were able to identify the human gene that enables mankind to receive guidance from the spirit of God I'm sure they've already made a vaccine mandatory in order to counter it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emewn


      Phax brody

    3. EDEN


      Scientists did discover that the human gene that enables mankind to receive guidance from the spirit of god is the same gene that enables severe mental disability. Coincidence? You tell me doggie

    4. RocketTots
  21. These help to cure cancer directly, and indirectly:

    Burdock Root
    Cascara Sagrada
    Red Clover
    Santa Maria
    Blue Vervain
    Irish Sea Moss

    These help to cure diabetes directly, and indirectly:

    Blue Vervain
    Burdock Root
    Irish Sea Moss
    Red Clover
    Rhubarb Root
    Santa Maria

    Other notable Herbs & Spices:


    Other alkaline foods:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emewn


      Feel free to research Dr. Sebi's work for more information

      Dude seems to know his shit

    3. yeyy
    4. Emewn
  22. How many forgiven mistakes until a woman understands her man is good, and not somebody who should be cheated or hurt?

    How many mistakes does it take for a woman to suddenly decide she wants to be the best she can be for her man?

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