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Ultima GM
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Everything posted by Cyane

  1. you gotta move your mouse around for it to work referring to this post there's a handful of things good for this event here
  2. ctrl + c you can move the camera around with the mouse typing /hud you can remove the hud from the game to take beautiful pictures :3
  3. Just one, or several of the same character. With the same equipment etc You said to take prints of a pretty place/places we can't reach but with the camera mod we can. this one i would like to enter :3 think you can enter if you put all that on other pso folder then you run the game from there D I don't advise making model swaps because it causes crashes if badly done and not all have the experience to do such things :w:
  4. Español: Demuestra que eres el jugador más a la moda en Ultima y gana 20 billetes donación(DT's). Tome una impresión de pantalla hermosa y enviala aquí. Tienes hasta el 15 de septiembre para entrar. Cambio de modelos no son permitidos. Se permite la edición de las skins y el uso de ENB. Buena suerte Portugues: Mostra que és o jogador mais na moda de Ultima e ganha 20 bilhetes de doação(DT's). Tira um print screen maravilhoso e envia-o aqui. Tens até ao dia 15 de Setembro para entrar Troca de modelos não é permitida. Permite-se a edição das skins e o uso de ENB. Boa sorte Skin guide:
  5. Cyane

    That face when...

    But is great for your health :3!
  6. Cyane

    That face when...

    Hope you all fine now sire çwç
  7. If you can edit your topic like that we may be able to help.
  8. Cyane

    That face when...

    Did he had to break everything else to fix that? D:
  9. Please follow this guide on how to report bugs Also if you recreate a character you lose everything on them. Y este en español
  10. Still working on getting larva to fix his acc ;o; As for the alfa female that's Spot, i'm surely the male. If you are ever able to see this, let's hang out in the game :3
  11. Cyane


    intenta cambiar la resolucion D:
  12. Heya :3 if you seem me running around with a fonewm not blue name means i have time to spare, feel free to invite to hunt
  13. ;-; subs are over now, unless other participants are ok with it, would put you against Cody. Since we are still in the first round Edit: since nobody was vocal about it i won't be allowing it, we had a set deadline for subscriptions. Sorry.
  14. Not lost! Didn't merge those yet to the new system and you abandoned the pm with 10 on it where i ended up merging all the dts. Value should be on your profile now :3
  15. Não me lembro de fazer isso. Iria complicar as trocas com outros jogadores se tivessem nomes diferentes.
  16. Solved. You can edit your message if you have something extra to say. Avoid topic bumping at that frequent rate. Staff will always help as soon as possible.
  17. See you soon again Leezey ;o; you get tired of pso2 eventually xwx it looks cool and all but.. not the same feel as bb
  18. With this subscriptions are not accepted anymore New branches will be up soon. Peoples on branch 1 will have their battles last, and possibly will be merged with other fighters if their opponents miss all the battle calls. Battle calls for first round will happen till the 27th of this month, branch 1 fighters have 1 week extra, since their branches involve 2 fights(if they happen). This afternoon we can start some battles, pairs can pm me together and say they are available. Battle calls will happen as I'm ready. >>Mention to this post to get prepared>>
  19. that might be a little too much, lets see how the rounds go this week
  20. been seeing you around, hope you are enjoying your time here :3
  21. gah sorry xD thought that was edited after xox ;w; the event rounds last around 1-2 weeks depending on how many i can put together to fight so if you still want i can add you
  22. Was testing forum messages for emails. Seem to be working faster at least from Larva feedback, let us know if it's too slow still. Edit: Feedback shows it's back to normality :3 thank you for your patience with this
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