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Status Updates posted by sheldama

  1. Need some lvl30 Shifta. Anyone got some love?w

    1. Khi20e


      He'll yea hook it up I need one to I'll pay

    2. sheldama


      You got it backwards :P i need the shifta

    3. subbie


      I've managed to find level 30 Jallen, Deband and Zealue - but never that shifta lvl30 until someone took pity on me and sold me one XD Good luck in finding one. ;D

  2. Need some lvl30 Shifta. Anyone got some love?

  3. Getting rid of my Ranger Gear (most boring class IMO). Pm for nifty ranger gearzzzzzz

    1. 209calibear


      what type of stuff

    2. Xylene


      what kind yo

  4. Dear Tovius, i have your stuff because you dced in the middle of a transfer without any explaination of what you were doing considering you are a complete stranger. I have your junky stuff until you PM me. Querido Tovius, te disconnectaste en el medio de un tranfo sin ningun explicacion... tengo tus cosas hast que em envies un PM

  5. Yes Zynetic, you have been DETHRONED as top shouter!

    1. Apollo


      MOTHER FRIKEN *LOTS OF CENSORED WORDS* GTFO MY TITLE! God.... you people.... and your stealing of my title! DON'T ANY OF YOU HAVE LIVES?!

    2. Apollo


      MOTHER FRIKEN *LOTS OF CENSORED WORDS* GTFO MY TITLE! God.... you people.... and your stealing of my title! DON'T ANY OF YOU HAVE LIVES?!

    3. Zynetic


      Oh, wait... Why didn't I notice this before? :|

    1. khi26e


      Man chaos is just so far ahead of the comp sweet guide azami I'm going to use it 2 compensate for the 3 mats I over used

    2. Rene Martinez

      Rene Martinez

      hi sheldama!!! please tell me how can have reputation!!!

  6. 3 v101s, and a 45hit Slicer of Fanatic.... been a good day

    1. Zynetic


      Redria, Skyly and Oran are obviously better than Purplenum.

    2. sheldama
    3. sheldama


      My plan was get a v101 for all my characters so i dont have to transfer. then people were like HERE ARE MY PDS PLEASE TAKE THEM and i was like.. . common bank ain't that bad

  7. Added criteria onto CK mvp. go check it out all you CKs

    1. Zynetic


      Ugh, I need to get used to 'CK'... I keep thinking it means Combo Kill.

  8. Buying Zalure 30 (or 28/29) for 8 pd and Luck Mats for 1pd a piece

  9. Buying Zalure 30 (or 28/29) for 8 pd and Luck Mats for 1pd a piece

  10. Who will be my Rival now?

    1. Dizzak420


      Did you have an old rival? Maybe I'll make a FOnewearl and have her battle azami

    2. sheldama


      I always had in my imagination a rivalry with Sunny as to who was best FO. Oh well

    3. Dizzak420


      its a shame isn't it. xP

  11. RR... FINALLY

    1. Zeph


      Gratz, how long did it take you?

    2. sheldama


      I dunno, me and Dizz have done a bunch of ttfs, twit too. Now All i need to get is a Wedding and Azami has all of her Gear.

  12. thx for the friend request. look forward to questing with you! Maybe one day i will just sit down and power azami to 200. I just never dedicate that much time to runs :P

    also, clean out your mailbox

  13. Second Shifta 30... why no Foie or Rafoie??

    1. SunnyD


      Uhm non support tech have a lower drop rate or drop on higher variants of the same zone :P

    2. Zynetic


      Support Techs are actually quite common drops: They are staples of the Force class, and are quite easy to obtain.

      Attack techniques, however, have a drop rate of 1/100,000, and a different one drops for a different ID in a specific area. For example, Pinkal Tower drops Grants 30 and Whitill R1 drops Gifoei 30.

  14. Sunny's quest is designed to kill you... with vengeance.... but I finally got a bringer's arm off it!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sylarjr


      yep after i read sheldama post i spammed th equest a normal morning glory and a red mech :)

    3. Zynetic


      502 does not increase the success of Demon's. :v Only Paralyse/Hell/Confuse/Freeze.

    4. SunnyD


      yup hes right ^ :P

  15. Dark Bridge... may not be as awesome as a Meteor... but my FO can equpi it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SunnyD


      my teams 200s are pros too :P

    3. sheldama


      I was laughing with Freedert earlier that I kinda just need to get a Wedding Dress and a Red Ring and I will have pretty much everything i wanted for my FO

    4. Dizzak420


      Where you at Azami? You too good to show up now that you got Dark Bridge. No, I'm jk xP. Rare monster event and drops this weekend! Oh and Viper is back not sure if you remember him.

  16. I have some 20+ techs you can have that I am not using and some god minds or heavenly abilites if you need them

  17. I had a yellow up to 35 but hate the HU class and deleted her so I am making a Yellow RAmarl. I much prefer FO or RA. The only problem is getting 2 sets of lvl 30 techs >.< if I make a second FO considering i dont have any lvl 30 techs as is.

  18. Hey man, I have a Bluefull and a Pinkal. For the team i was wondering what IDs would be useful or that few people have. Like a Viridia for Cannon Rouge and a Redria for Limiters? What has best v101 drop?

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