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Everything posted by SunnyD

  1. Ok you really are banned sorry. More info here:
  2. You will be rollbacked. I wish people read djs guide sometimes...
  3. I wonder how many these a day will make larva remove it. Good luck.
  4. ok now you lost me. What the point of the topic to buy or sell.
  5. Errr i think hes buying not selling. Hes asking how much are those items in pds.
  6. Not that i think hes lying or anything but now we do rollbacks without fotos?
  7. If you guys want a quest to be made (if you want to suggest) at least try to follow the requirements bellow. - No quests that rewards super awesome rares. - No more BP/BP2 type quests. - No random spawn quests.~ - No Cmode/Battle mode quests - Its ok to have a reward besides meseta but it needs to be according to the status that item has in game and the dificulty to clear the quest(for ex: not going to reward heaven striker or nothing like those) - No more simulatores (Rikas already made a fine one). Aside from that i think you can suggest anything, plus these are not only my requirements, im pretty sure Larva woudnt accept them even if i said the ok. Thanks.
  8. No se orbiden, x3 drops es para ir por el wedding de louis. :)

    1. louisking
    2. Ganon


      Deja q sake algo el sunny sino se acostumbra este gay ajajajaja

    3. louisking
  9. Mate only a piece of advice, try to tone down your wishlist a bit. Good luck.
  10. ... Chatlog at least. Ultima doesnt ban people without proof.
  11. Busco Luck material. Doy has 20 pd por cada, y necessito 20 asi que 400 pds por todo. Looking for luck material. Give 20 pds each and i need 20 so 400 pds for everything. This topic for information on how to obtain them. Thank you/Gracias
  12. SunnyD

    Fotos y Vídeos

    Ok este es TTF. Nuevo record. (4 way pb al empezar) louis (louisking) yo (sunny v2) die (2012 die) zyn (zynetic) Aun puede ser mejorado. (Y quando tenga tiempo los pongo todos en nuestra pagina de records que esta sin records si aun no an reparado)
  13. Ok i was just checking i love my sof :P

  14. Mmm thats why i said just because it seems odd my demons hitting on the first try...

    Does it work with all slicers? (aka an s rank one)

  15. Zyn pro the sns on slicers is just for longer range? (just asking, scarse info on this). Also im guessing it works on all slicers...

  16. A few information on Damage cancel. Some of you should read that. http://www.psowiki.net/wiki/Damage_Cancel http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53753
  17. I belive he found a way a around it. Hes on our team now
  18. SunnyD

    Fotos y Vídeos

    No se preocupen no es ttf. X) And you are the pro here, dont deny it <.<
  19. He better hope its not someone else like him on the other side then
  20. Lol Bem Mantis gostei muito do trabalho que fizeste ate hoje e realmente é uma pena ires. Vamos sentir a tua falta e dos teus videos com certeza. (Eu acabo o cliente e as quests )
  21. Sorry, sold the hs already.
  22. Perdona, no hablo espanhol, but if anyone wishes to translate this, feel free to do so. Name: Zynetic *Real Name: Matthew Swift (Matias Rapido) Level: 129/60/27/1 (Muy bajo de momento. Tengo mas alto pero no es en este servidor) Class: RAcast/FOmarl/HUcast/RAmarl Position: Membro *Objectives: No tengo ningun objectivo particular solo busco jugar lo mejor que puedo *Comments: Creo que vosotros ya deben haber oyido de mi de Sunny como un super pro pero la verdad es que yo soy un jugador como vosotros. Estoy muy contento de estar con vosotros y espero que podamos hacer buenos juegos juntos. (Louis el es engles pero es muy bueno. Yo y gannon lo convidamos). y sorry me disconecte nel game >.<
  23. Bien me disculpo a todos los RR en especial a Skull y Henry. Los acuse y por los vistos no era vuestra la culpa, por esso perdon. Con esto dicho espero ver muchos mas -rep quando ponermos los proximos records. Gracias
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