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Ultima Veteran
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Status Updates posted by hidden

  1. S> TJS 100-0-0-100-80 hit

  2. B> DM/PGF  Offer: 2 Max stat TJS + 0-80-0-100-65 Arrest Needle 

    B> DF OFFER : 2 Max STAT TJS

  3. trade TJS 100-0-0-100-80 for 

    100-0-100-0-80 TJS

  4. S> 0-0-0-45-40 hit TJS

    1. rashan0121
    2. hidden


      Pure dt's/pds But if you have one of my wants, Max P ravens, or Sta/Max wedding dress or dm/df i know its all expensive stuff, that's why i'll throw in / why i pretty much taking dt's/pds

  5. S> 0-0-0-45-40 hit TJS 

  6. S> 0-0-0-45-40 TJS 65 dts

  7. b> Max WD PM me

  8. 0-0-0-40-45 Pravens for sale ... PM

  9. Nothing really to exciting dropping this event !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yeyy


      I'm 6'9 690 pounds of muscle don't mess with me

    3. hidden


      /ignore lol i really don't care. i didn't say this event sucked , i just said nothing exciting for me, you are all some nit picking people lol. I really said nothing bad.  i don't get why yall crying LMAO

    4. yeyy


      Hehehe LMAO XD I dont get why we cryin boy XD LMAOOOOOOOOOO dude u had me dyin but why we cryin xDDD looooooooooool that was so funny why we cryin thoxD



      we 2nitpickin in this world guys, he didn't say the event sucked, there's just nothing good whatsoever in the event but even if there's literally nothing good in the event it is a wonderful, great event!:)

  10. S> 0-0-0-0-40 hit Lindcray PM

  11. B> AB dark hit Master raven 

    1. O9B066


      No ab but have a 40 d 50 h Mr 

  12. I have the worst schedule when it comes to HH

    1. R-78


      It's on.

      Go hunt now.

    2. hidden


      Awesome stuff man ! thanks!

  13. Its my birthday :D

    1. Ricardo Gomes

      Ricardo Gomes

      happy birthday hidden

    2. tru


      Happy bday!

  14.  T> Black-bluestone  for Photon booster

  15. So we just going to forget the WHOLE valentines event? Definely thought it'd be on atleast 2 days before valentines. ORGANIZATION PLEASE

  16. S> frank the bunny costume 10 dts

  17. Is there a event where we actually know the start date?

    1. O9B066


      ha, nah man it's all top secret, even though this isn't a major event (anniv Xmas etc, but still one of my 2 favs)

  18. A lot of wierdos on PSO. Does this game attract them? am i the only normal one who likes this game? lol

    1. mudkipzjm


      sad is the tale of a MMO

  19. S> 40 hit blood tornado 

    10 dts

  20. B> 99 power material 2x 40pds

    B> 30 luck mats = 35pds

    1. leezy


      There goes the market

  21. B>200 Power material

    B> 100 Luck material

    Paying in Pds

  22. B> 300 power material 5:1 (60pds)

    B> 200 Luck material 1:1  (200pds)

  23. S> 0-80-0-100-65 Arrest needle

    S> 0-5-0-60-50 hit Charge Yas9k

    S> Yas 7k Hell 70 hit

    S> Red ring Medium

    S> Anti dark ring


  24. S> 0-80-0-100-65 hit arrest needle

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