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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Starlord


    200dts hylian shield centurion battle red ring min soul booster stellard shard (Hugs not drugs)
  2. Christmas is not that far away lol . I would let you borrow mine but I’ve always had bad experiences in the past by borrowing gear. Wish you all the gay luck on your search. Please gays, help a fella out. Someone sell him a DM if you got a spare one. May the gayness be with you all. 🌈 🌈🌈🌈
  3. I would like to have starlord armor. This armor whenever you’re around people will double, triple or quadruple your stats. The upside is since it is a troll item it will also cut down other people’s stats (teammates) by half, making it “challenging” like the good old lad with plenty of alts “emew” said. An armor that screws your friends kind of like starlord did to the rest of the avengers (spoilers). Ps: hucast only item Thank you
  4. You have some of the coolest quest plus the life saver of the year “lemon shop” man who would have thought you would come in clutch with a way to keep our pds in one place without having to spread them around. I love lemon shop.
  5. S> Tsumikiri J sword. Pm me prices

  6. The part I wrote on Sonic team armor and lindcray was sarcasm. I was just throwing shade at someone who said lock dark weapons. Some people worked hard to get dark weapons even years and now there’s someone that can’t “buy” one comes along and wants to suggest all those years of grinding that someone else did to obtain them to just get them locked.
  7. To be honest on that one I mainly want the pds to add special to my sranks
  8. B> STA (Sonic team armor) 200dts (donation tickets)

  9. Starlord


    I approve these two. So good by me. I will have to see shin in action with hucast
  10. Starlord


    Sent you a pm on the rr but gl with your search lol
  11. S> centurión arms 20pds, cent battle 198pds, soul booster 70pds, psycho black crystal 70pds, hylian shield 70pds. Pm me if you’re interested

  12. Starlord


    My request got ignored. I’ll just take my talents elsewhere
  13. Starlord


    Oh man, where do I sign up? I’m interested in joining
  14. No more troll no present part? I’m still very sad at that. I trained oh so very hard to beat CCC. Trained for 200 years
  15. Added some wants list, will check specifically what I need for new chars and will add those to the list
  16. Starlord


    Aré you “ami “ in game? Lol I remember those items
  17. If they do it’s fine. I’m no one to hold them ransom. I’ll probably should just post a wants list but in reality for new chars I have nothing so pretty much anything is good atm
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