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Status Updates posted by leezy

  1. Dam keep going rico oh rico keep going.

  2. S> hylain shield 99pd only pd,I need to buy Griff sred

  3. S>IF 60n,79d,60 hit 80dts

    1. leezy


      70 dark sorry for the fat finger

  4. S>60n,70d,60 hit iRon faust,80dts or trade for type me,i can add more items

  5. This is my dark flow,this is my gun (hand grabbing @$!#),dark flow use for killing,this (hand grabbing @$!#) use for fun.

    1. Zoomcat7


      This is my DF, there are many like it but this one is mine

  6. T> 50 hit bringer rilfe,and 50hit banana launher,for 350 hp mats,

    1. leezy


      I mean baranz launcher

    2. leezy


      Don't let cyane see you say launcher crush banana,,cuz it's not tru

    3. Misombre


      Ok I'll delete it =/ *shiver*

  7. What on my mind...should part way with my 100 soul,

  8. T> baranz lanucher 50hit for 300 hp mats....come on now green name is on eazy hunt for 50hit charge shot

  9. S>last swan 100 a beast and machine 80hit 60dts

  10. Dam nobody have type me/mech for trade,,how much is one worth max hit 2 max stats and 80hit demon?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leezy
    3. Starlord


      Man nobody sells shit anymore. People hanging to stuff like they are actual possessions. Trust me I know a couple people like that so you might as well find replacements for those types

    4. leezy


      I'm like that also,,but everything have a price,,

  11. I think I'm gone be done being a ranger,once I finish my three ranger to 200 I'm sale some of my gears,,,keep only weapon I need for roct and rt

    1. makaveli


      good luck on your new class leezy ^^

    2. leezy


      I'm gone play hunter alot

    3. Misombre


      That's the way to go ! Come come to the weaklings side =D

  12. Deadpool this friday,oh boy ..I'm get fuck up

    1. radezz


      Omg yes! And I can't wait for Suicide Squad either!!!!!! :3333

    2. Malxerz


      My bf says it's a beautiful story about how a guy under goes a dangerous medical treatment to stay alive c:

  13. Late at night when all the word is sleeping,,I stay up and think of you,,where ever you are,if you here or you fare, hoping that you thinking of me to,,I be dreaming of you tonight,tell tomorrow I be holding you tight,and their no where in the world I rather be,,then here in my roomL,dreaming about you and me,,I love my wife aka SaPhap.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leezy


      Joker I do,,everyday single day,morning and night,,this woman change my life,,i use to be hot headed and mad all the time,,now I found a reason to keep her smile and happy

    3. TheJoker25


      I know and that's cool and all but, still doesn't explain why 'we' have to hear about it? It just seems like that should be something kept personal.

    4. leezy


      But Joker you should see one night I was about to go out with a few friends,,just riding around town ,,she Block me from going out,,that night my friend got hime down by the law,2 1/2 pound and a jar of x,,, still them fools look up

  14. Ride In Piece Dave Mirra,,growin up as a bmx kids I look at you for as a motivation to go bigger and harder,,busted my knee can't ride no more,,thx Dave

    1. Zoomcat7


      Part of my childhood died with him

    2. leezy


      It's got to be a accident discharge,I still can't belivie he would do that

  15. Can we add special to suppress hand gun?

  16. Looking for dm 50's native and dark and 50 hit..got item to trade plus dts and plus my secret atm machine.

  17. Should larva make dark bridge boost all teach dmg by 75% and megid 50/50 kill ratio,,I pay in dts

  18. Tell me! Why are we so dying to see,that the one we hurt are you and me,,their got me facing,I can't never live a normal life,

  19. Tell me! Why are we so dying to see,that the one we hurt are you and me,,their got me facing,I can't never live a normal life,

  20. Buying dm 400 dts for a blank one

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Malxerz


      someone buy a pgf for 200 and make a blank for leezy

    3. Malxerz


      sell him a blank dm for 650 dts

    4. Malxerz


      wow no, 12 dts only

      Disgusting sphered DM

  21. 16 more day leezy make his return to pso, happy birthday momma daddy love you

  22. What am I doing up, at this ungodly hours,on a work night,,,dam baby sleeping

  23. MadE it home,wife don't want to do nothing,I'm online now what sup psobb

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