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Everything posted by ryukin

  1. 100/0/100/100 PR+80, cb, post, pdx99, 10 dts
  2. S> 99 pds for 15 DTS S> post

  3. Already asked for this, was just linked to the command thread of the help section by soly. Wouldn't expect it
  4. I would like 5x exp

  5. I've never leveled up sync in my 15 years of pso, and tellu goes off at what seems a 55% rate w/ 0 sync. It procs more often than not is what I mean, but the sato never does anymore.
  6. can anyone explain why a 200 IQ sato won't proc invinc at 100 pb? The sync is 0, and I havn't seen the invinc proc from low hp or 100 pb in about two weeks.
  7. s> 99 pds for 15 dts s> post

  8. ryukin

    B>Master Raven

    I thought i'd let you know, you're basically asking for something that doesn't exist. Master Ravens can be found in ddbp2 and it will always be 0/0/0/0, so someone would have to add hit with dts, and basically no one would add hit to a MR by itself and keep it a MR. They would change it to a Psycho Raven with hit, but even that is not that common.
  9. s> 99 pds for 15 dts s> post

  10. s> 99 pds for 15 dts s> POST

  11. s> 99 pds for dts s> POST S> pbc/blank PR

  12. s> 99 pds for dts s> POST S> pbc/blankPR S> PR 100/100/0/100

  13. s> 99 pds for dts s> POST S> pbc/pr S> PR 100/100/0/100 125 dts

  14. Wedding Dress and Dress plate for a wedding on the beach, with cure/poison and cure/confusion for all the drinking, and a resist/flame because it's so hot out
  15. S> 99 pds for dts S> POST S> pbc/PR

  16. S> 99 pds for 15 dts S> POST S> PBC S> Psycho Raven

    1. donpepe99


      price  pbc pd ?

  17. S> 99 pds for DTs S> POST

    1. Shiva
    2. Shiva


      ops, wrong one, sorry

  18. S> 99 pds S> POST 

  19. Move player 4 spawn in Episode 2 literally one step forward so they are in range of the guild and we will be able to start quests faster when we are repeatedly spamming EP2 quests pls.
  20. What's sato's invince proc rate, I know tellu is 50% for all 3, but I can't find sato's proc rate
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