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Mr Noob

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Status Updates posted by Mr Noob

  1. T>DF set on DM set

  2. T>Maxed DF on Maxed DM preferably n/m

  3. T>Maxed P ravens on Maxed AN (with hit) or Maxer Souls (hit) Can add if necessary

  4. That awkward moment when you see your ex girlfriend on your new job, and the friend you have inside your pants wants to go outside and kiss her like in the old times.  :onion-head05:

  5. To those disturbed guys who afk 24/7 in lobby. I salute you. :onion106:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rayblasterx


      typing dw and switching windows also works pretty well B)

    3. Misombre


      I should have kinda foreseen that one... now I feel bad, for you that is.

    4. McLaughlin86


      I once configured a script to move me automatically every minute so I'd never be auto kicked.

  6. To those guys who don't even know what they want for their stuff, I salute you.

    1. Starlord


      They want schthack stuff. I asked.

    2. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      I thought they wanted icy but hot ice cream, that tastes almost like vanilla but chocolate and that looks like pork but being turkey.

    3. nnorton44


      Ice cold water, get it while it’s hot!!

  7. After months and months of begging to complete my TJS set, I finally managed to do it. Thanks TJS, you have proven to be the hardest purchase I have ever made (including Dark Weapons) but I finally beat you. Now, I can resume my studies and get that freaking diploma. :P

  8. B 80h Charge Yas 9000m 56 DTS

  9. B> charge yas9m

  10. B>100 HP mats and 35 Luck. Paying with DTS

  11. B>Charge Yas9m paying in dts

  12. B>Charge Yas9M

  13. B>Charge Yas9M

  14. B>Charge Yas9M

  15. B>Glide v00 pm me if you have this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      Even if I ask you not to pm me, you can pm me.

    3. radezz


      i will pm >)

    4. Misombre


      e__e I feel like I should pm ya... but what for T-T

  16. B>Magical Piece

  17. B>Nice stats Rambling May and Yas9m charge

  18. B>Nice stats Rambling May and Yas9m charge

  19. B>Nice stats Rambling May and Yas9m charge

  20. B>v101 for 5 pds

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