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Everything posted by tritael

  1. I wanted to make this due to the fact that this is one of my favorite responses to a speed hacker from any GM. (Horay for shit quality. )
  2. I get bored, and stuff like this happens. More to come.
  3. I love my people on Ultima. ❤

  4. I don't know you very well or why you're leaving, but I hope you come back one day.
  5. I am tired of two things right now, a) a certain someone coming into my rooms and continuously harassing me for "good items" and B) the swarm of people entering my rooms and making me DC. What the shit? :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. THBlackie


      RAPE-BOT solves problems, go with that one xD :P, oh and the password thing works to i guess xD

    3. serverus


      no zeph i dont know i never enter ur party lol

    4. tritael


      I don't like to pass my rooms unless I'm doing a trade because 90% of the time I keep my party open in case someone needs help or has a mag request. Most of the people that ask for my help don't know me well enough to guess my passwords and/or go on the forum to check what my pass might be (had I ever decided to post it somewhere, lol.)

      @Chuk&&Mio This ginger is friend to one and all!

      @Necrolust I don't like to yell, (although I have gone into RAGEC...

  6. Sadly no, the only screenshot I can give you is of me missing the mag. Nate can confirm that I was working on his mag, as well as my friend Brobee who usually hangs with me while I'm mag feeding. I was working on two mags at the time, this Bhirava and the other was the missing mag Apsaras. I was feeding Dimates and Trifluids respectively, otherwise I have no other screenshots. Oh, and the character that the mag was on is Slot #1. *** Not sure how much this helps but here is a recent chatlog between Nate and I when I was working on his mag. 16:36:56 42089735 GingerrV2 Hullo. 16:37:03 42092928 nate how you doen 16:37:10 42089735 GingerrV2 I'm well enough. 16:37:21 42092928 nate hows babby 16:37:39 42089735 GingerrV2 16/0/22/25 16:37:45 42092928 nate i have a 5 year old 16:37:53 42089735 GingerrV2 Looking to get the stats to 25/0/25/50 to make a Sato. 16:37:53 42092928 nate what lvl is that 16:37:59 42089735 GingerrV2 ^0 or so. 16:38:04 42089735 GingerrV2 60^ 16:38:19 42092928 nate nice how long will you have it 16:38:28 42089735 GingerrV2 About a day or two, as I said before. 16:38:35 42092928 nate oh kk lol Hopefully any bit of this information can help.
  7. Okay, so I'm having a small heart attack over here. I was working on a mind mag for a player named Nate, and got DC'd. When I logged back on it vanished from my inventory. It was an Apsaras 17/0/25/27 with Twins and Farella (I think, I'm only sure that it had twins.) I've re-logged multiple times and cannot figure out what happened to this mag. I need some definite help on getting it back since it's not my mag and I'd hate to have wasted both the player's and my time in the work on this mag. If there is anything that can be done, please help me. D: *** Also, my GC# is 42089735 and this occurred around 6:00am-6:30am EST.
  8. I'm trying to remind myself I'm making mags for a good cause. It's getting rough after running out of TV shows to watch, lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiza


      Have you seen any British Shows? Look for Inbetweeners, it has a movie too.

    3. tritael


      Thanks, I'll look up some cheesy horrors and Inbetweeners. :3

    4. Zeph


      Nothing wrong with going retro as well. There are some mighty well written Old T.V. shows out there.

  9. Husband's guy friends in town, might go missing for a tad bit. :/

  10. Mitra Mags remind me of this Pug I once had. Yeah sure, it was a dog, and that's great. Still doesn't make up for the fact that it was a) dumb as a door and B) useless when it came to doing anything you needed it to. Stupid Mitras... :/

    1. sheldama


      mitras have such a horrible feeding chart also >.<

    2. tritael
    3. THBlackie


      not if you want dex :D lol xD, but anything else.. yea :(

  11. Note to self, feeding 10 mags at once is nearly nonstop with the time it takes to refill at the shop. 3 1/2 minutes goes down to about a 1 minuted wait time. :D

    1. sheldama


      makesure you stop everyonce in a while to change block, relog or you might lose levels and end up with mags you dont want

    2. tritael


      Thanks for that input, I'll make sure to be careful. :3

  12. Hello there, I've finished the Rati Mag. The stats are 5/45/50/0 at lvl100 as I stated before, with Twins, Farlla, and Pilla. Just to be sure, please confirm this is the correct color white you were looking for. If all is good then you may find me in a room titled "MAG&BUU". 5PDs, and you can pick it up whenever you like. Have a great day~.
  13. So many Rati mags. e.e;

  14. This is just a bump, because my list is low on the food chain. e.e;
  15. I'm working on a few Power Rati Mags. It have Twins, Farlla, and Pilla. The stats will be 5/45/50/0 at lvl100. I usually charge 5PDs for my mags. Let me know if you want one, this batch should be done in a day or two. Also, I have two pink, and one white. Obviously you want white, lol.
  16. I will be able to get the baby mags, all I need to know from you are what colors (for the mags that can be colored.) I think I'll need a bit more than 400k, but it will be fine for now. Whenever you are ready, I will be in a room with your name on it.
  17. Jesus that's a tall order. Alright, but it may take me longer than a week to finish all of them. Do you have all the mag cells I need to make these?
  18. Sure, what kind of mags? Just baby mags or certain levels/types?
  19. + Gingerr's // Pepperr's Trade && Wish List + I got jealous of all the neat trade && wish lists; so I made my own. Most of the items are about 1-2PD, some a tad bit more. Just ask the price and whatnot. + SWORDS + Blade Dance x 2 Bloody Art Cross Scar Yamato x 3 Musashi Vivienne Elysion Double Saber Photon Claw Victor Axe Booma's Claw + GUNS + Varista VISK-235W M&A60 Vise x 3 H&S25 Justice x 2 L&K14 Combat x 2 Demon's Arms +2 Meteor Smash Inferno Bazooka Frozen Shooter Guilty Light x 2 + ARMORS && SHIELDS + Star Cuirass Select Cloak Congeal Cloak Light Relief Proto Regene Gear Graviton Plate Red Coat Flowen's Shield Standstill Shield Striker Plus + MISC + UPDATED SOON
  20. Hey there, I'm selling a red Nidra Mag for 15 Photon Drops. Level: 200 Stats: 50/50/50/50 IQ: 200 Synchro: 120% Photon Blasts: Golla, Leilla, Mylla & Youlla Someone got it.
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