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White name weaps are for Ultima PD/DT




Angry Fist                                    0/35/40/0/
30hit - 4pd
Angry Fist                                    0/30/25/0/
35hit - 4pd
Angel Harp                                   0/0/0/45/
50hit - 2pd
Angel Harp                                   0/40/0/40/
45hit - 2dt
Amore Rose                                 55/0/0/35/
50hit - 11pd
Amore Rose                                 40/0/75/35 - 9pd

Agito (1975)                                 0/0/20/0/35hit - 11pd
Agito (1983)                                0/0/0/40/
30hit - 7pd
Agito (1983)                                0/30/0/0/
35hit - 7pd
Agito (1983)                                0/0/0/15/
30hit - 6pd
Agito (2001)                                0/0/35/0/
30hit - 6pd
Asuka                                           0/35/0/0/
35hit - 8pd
Ancient Saber                              30/0/30/25 - 11pd
Arms (Hell)                                   0/0/35/0/
80Hit - 25DT
Arms (Hell)                                   0/0/0/35/50Hit - 25pd
Arms (berserk)                            40/0/0/35/
40hit - 4pd
Arms (drain)                                 0/0/35/0/
50hit - 5pd
Agito (1983)                                0/0/0/15/
30hit - 6pd
Ano Rifle                                      40/0/0/0 - 6pd

Bamboo Spear                             40/0/0/0/
50hit - 44pd
Bamboo Spear                             0/40/35/0/
35hit - 35pd
Bamboo Spear                             15/40/0/0/
40hit - 36pd
Bamboo Spear                             0/0/40/0/
45hit - 40pd
Bamboo Spear                             0/0/25/45/
35hit - 36pd
Bamboo Spear                             0/0/25/40/
35hit - 25pd
Black King Bar                              0/0/35/0/
Brave Hammer                             0/0/35/0/
30hit - 10pd
Banana Cannon                           0/0/35/0 - 15pd
Branch of Pakupaku                    0/0/35/0/
20hit - 13pd
Boomerang                                  0/0/0/45 - 8pd
Boomerang                                  0/35/0/35 - 12pd
Boomerang                                  40/0/40/0 - 13pd
Boomerang                                  40/0/20/30 - 12pd
Broom                                           40/0/0/40 - 10pd
Butterfly Net                                0/0/0/0/
45hit - 7pd

Blizzard Laser                              0/0/0/0/55hit - 12pd
Blade Dance                                0/0/0/0/
25hit - 2pd

Cannon Rouge                            0/0/30/0/
25hit - 6pd
Cannon Rouge                            25/0/0/0/30hit - 7pd
Crush Bullet                                40/20/0/0 - 14pd
Crush Bullet                                0/30/35/0 - 15pd
Crush Bullet                                0/40/15/0 - 13pd
Crush Bullet                                0/0/30/40 - 15pd

Caduceus                                    0/0/0/40/45hit - 11pd
Clio                                               0/0/25/0 - 14pd
Crazy Tune                                 40/0/0/55 - 11pd
Crazy Tune                                 50/0/45/50 - 14pd
Calibur (charge)                          0/35/0/40/
40hit - 4pd
Cross Scar                                  35/0/0/0/
45hit - 5pd
Charge Vulcan                           40/0/0/40/50hit - 15pd
Chain Sawd                                25/0/0/0 - 9pd
Chain Sawd (untek)                   0/0/0/20 - 10pd
Chain Sawd                                0/45/0/40 - 16pd
Club (Demon)                            0/0/0/65/0/
70hit - 50pd

Dual Bird                                      80/40/0/0 - 63pd/9dt
Dual Bird                                      40/0/50/40 - 55pd
Dual Bird                                      40/0/0/35 - 27pd
Dual Bird                                      0/0/0/50 - 20pd
Dual Bird                                      40/0/0/40 - 28pd
Dual Bird                                      40/0/0/50 - 32pd

Decalog                                        0/0/0/0 - 4pd

Demon's Raygun                          0/0/65/0/55hit - 45pd
Demon's Arms                              0/0/50/50/
30hit - 3pd

Diska Of Braveman                      50/0/40/0/40hit - 40pd
Diska Of Braveman                      0/40/0/15/
40hit - 28pd
Diska Of Braveman                      0/0/25/45/
40hit - 32pd
Diska Of Braveman                      40/0/40/0/
40hit - 37pd
Diska Of Braveman                      45/45/0/0/
30hit - 36pd
Diska Of Braveman                      40/0/0/35/
40hit - 35pd
Demonic Fork                               0/30/0/0 - 12pd
Demonic Fork (untek)                  0/0/0/30 - 13pd

Durandal                                       0/55/0/0 - 7pd
Durandal                                      40/0/0/0/
45hit - 16pd
Durandal                                      35/0/0/0/
45hit - 15pd
Durandal (untek)                         0/0/0/0/
30hit - 13pd
Demolition Comet                       0/35/50/0/
35hit - 9pd
Demolition Comet                       20/35/0/0/
50hit - 15pd
Demolition Comet                       0/35/40/0/
50hit - 18pd
Demolition Comet                       40/0/0/0/
50hit - 14pd
Demolition Comet                       0/0/0/25/
50hit - 13pd
Dragon Slayer                              0/0/45/20/
35hit - 12pd
Dragon Slayer                             0/40/0/0/
40hit - 10pd
Daylight Scar                              0/0/0/30/
40hit - 12pd
Daylight Scar                               0/30/0/25/
35hit - 8pd
Daylight Scar                              0/0/15/30/
30hit - 7pd
Daylight Scar                              15/0/25/0/
Daylight Scar                              0/0/0/0/
40hit - 6pd
Double Saber                              0/0/0/0/
30hit - 6pd
Drill Launcher                              0/0/0/0 - 5pd
Diska (arrest)                              30/0/0/40/
40hit - 4pd
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/0/40/
45hit - 4pd
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/50/50/
50hit - 5pd
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/0/0/
55hit - 8pd
Diska (gush)                               45/0/0/40/
50hit - 5pd
Diska (gush)                               0/40/0/45/
45hit - 4pd
Diska (blizzard)                          0/0/0/55/
40hit - 3pd
Diska (demon)                            0/0/45/15/
50hit - 6pd
DB Saber                                    0/0/0/50/
40hit - 5pd

Elysion                                          0/0/0/0/
55hit - 24pd
Elysion                                          35/0/70/0 - 12pd
Elysion                                          0/50/40/40 - 18pd
Egg Blaster                                   0/0/0/0/
55hit - 32pd
Egg Blaster MK2                          0/50/0/50/
50hit - 55pd
Egg Blaster MK2                          40/60/0/0/
40hit - 50pd

Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/0/
30hit - 16pd
Flight Cutter                                 25/0/0/0/
20hit - 11pd
Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/35/
30hit - 21pd
Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/0/
35hit - 18pd
Flight Cutter                                 0/30/0/0/
35hit - 22pd
Frozen Shooter                           45/0/50/40 - 4pd
Frozen Shooter                           0/40/0/0/
45hit - 20pd
Frozen Shooter                           0/40/0/35/
40hit - 13pd
Frozen Shooter                           20/0/30/0/
40hit - 12pd
Frozen Shooter                           0/0/25/35/
45hit - 25pd
Frozen Shooter                           30/0/40/0/
40hit - 14pd
Frozen Shooter                           0/0/0/40/
45hit - 21pd
Frozen Shooter                           15/35/0/0/
40hit - 13pd
Flowen's Sword (3084)              0/15/20/0/
20hit - 25pd
Flowen's Sword (3079)              0/25/0/35/
15hit - 22pd
Flowen's Sword (3060)              0/0/15/0/
30hit - 14pd
Flowen's Sword (3060)              0/20/20/0/
35hit - 36pd
Final Impact                                 0/0/0/0/
40hit - 7pd
Flamberge                                   0/0/35/0/
40hit - 11pd
Flapjack Flapper                         0/0/0/0 - 4pd
Fire Rod                                       0/40/40/0 - 14pd
Fire Rod                                       0/40/30/0 - 12pd

Guardianna                                  0/40/0/45/
70hit - 27pd
Glide Divine V.00                        0/50/40/45 - 15pd
Glide Divine V.00                        0/0/30/30 - 11pd
Glide Divine V.00                        35/0/0/35/
40hit - 19pd
Glide Divine V.00                        0/0/55/0/
45hit - 20pd
Great Fairy Sword                      30/0/35/0 - 25pd
Great Bouquet                            0/25/35/65 - 8pd
Great Bouquet                            55/0/35/0/
45hit - 11pd
Guilty Light                                 60/0/0/0/
40hit - 14pd
Galatine                                      0/35/0/0 - 6pd
Galatine                                      0/0/50/0 - 9pd
Girasole                                     40/0/45/0
Gae Bolg                                    0/0/50/0/
50hit - 12pd
Gae Bolg                                   40/35/0/0/
50hit - 17pd
Gae Bolg                                   40/0/0/40/
45hit - 11pd
Gae Bolg                                   35/0/0/40/
40hit - 10pd
God Hand                                 50/0/0/0/
25hit - 5pd
Guren                                        45/0/0/0/
25hit - 9pd
Gungnir (berserk)                      0/0/35/45/
45hit - 4pd
Gungnir (gush)                          0/0/0/40/
50hit - 3pd
Gungnir (hell)                            30/0/0/0/4
0hit - 4pd

Hell Arms                                  0/0/0/0/
40hit -7pd
Hell Laser                                  0/0/0/0/
40hit - 4pd
Hell Laser                                  0/0/0/0/
50hit - 15pd
Hell Laser                                  0/0/50/50/
50hit - 17pd
Hitogata                                    35/0/0/25 - 4pd
Holy Ray                                    70/0/30/0 - 10pd
Heart of Poumn                        0/35/50/0 - 8pd
Harisen Battle Fan                    0/0/0/0 - 4pd
Heaven Striker                          0/35/0/35 - 15pd

Imperial Pick (untek)                0/20/0/0 - 6pd

Jizai                                           0/0/0/0/
40hit - 55pd

Kamui                                        0/0/15/30/
40hit - 55pd
Kamui                                        0/0/45/0/
25hit - 22pd
Kamui                                        0/0/0/30/
30hit - 12pd
Kiss Of Death                            0/0/0/40 - 9pd
Kusanagi                                   0/0/0/0/
30hit - 7pd
Kunai                                         25/0/25/0/

Le Cogneur                              100/0/0/0 - 32pd
Le Cogneur (Spirit)                  0/70/30/0 - 55pd
L&K38                                       15/0/0/0/
L&K38                                       0/0/30/0/
Launcher (charge)                   0/5/0/0/
50hit - 4pd
Lindcray                                   25/0/0/50 - 16pd
Lindcray                                   45/0/0/35 - 20pd
Lindcray                                   45/0/0/45 - 25pd
Lindcray                                   5/10/0/15 - 8pd
Lindcray                                  0/0/0/25 - 7pd
Lollipop                                    0/0/0/0 - 10pd
Laser (demon)                        0/0/0/40/
45hit - 4pd
Laser (berserk)                       0/0/50/0/
50hit - 6pd
Login                                       0/25/0/0/
55hit - 11pd
Login                                       0/35/35/0/
35hit - 6pd
Login                                       0/0/45/0/
45hit - 5pd
Last Survivor                          30/0/0/0/
30hit - 4pd

Master Raven                         25/0/40/0 - 12pd
Master Raven                         45/0/0/40 - 15pd
Master Raven                         0/45/0/35 - 14pd
Master Raven                         0/0/40/45 - 15pd
Master Raven                         50/40/0/0 - 18pd
Master Raven                         30/0/45/0 - 13pd
Master Raven                         25/0/35/0 - 11pd
Master Raven                         25/40/0/15 - 14pd
Master Raven                         0/0/0/40 - 9pd
Master Raven                         25/35/0/0 - 11pd
Mille Marteaux                       0/0/40/25/

Morolian Blaster                     45/0/30/65 - 85pd/12dt
M&A60 Vise                           45/0/0/0/
35hit - 75pd/11dt
M&A60 Vise                           0/0/0/0/
15hit - 20pd
M&A60 Vise                           0/50/45/45 - 24pd
Meteor Cudgel                      0/40/0/45/
35hit - 14pd
Meteor Cudgel                      45/0/0/0/
40hit - 12pd
Madam's Umbrella                0/40/0/0/
30hit - 24pd
Madam's Umbrella                0/0/0/40/
40hit - 55pd

Madam's Umbrella                0/30/0/0/45hit - 60pd
Maser Beam                          0/0/40/35 - 16pd
Murasame                             0/40/0/0 - 10pd
Morning Glory                       0/0/25/0 - 5pd
Morning Glory                       0/0/25/0/

Nei Claw                               0/40/0/35 - 50pd

Ophelie Seize                       40/0/40/0/
Ophelie Seize                       0/0/0/0/60hit
Ophelie Seize                       50/0/040/40hit

Panzer Faust                         0/0/30/0 - 6pd
Panzer Faust                         30/0/0/0 - 6pd
Phonon Maser                      0/0/0/0/
50hit - 15pd
Phonon Maser                      0/30/0/40/
35hit - 25pd
Plantain Huge Fan                0/0/0/0 - 5pd
Photon Claw                         0/0/0/0/
40hit - 11pd
Partisan of Lightning           0/40/0/0/
35hit - 12pd
Phoenix Claw                        0/0/0/0 - 5pd
Panther's Claw                     0/0/0/0 - 6pd


Rambling May                        0/0/0/40/
Rambling May                        0/40/0/0/
Rambling May                        35/0/0/0/
Rage De Feu                           0/0/0/0/
25hit - 32pd
Red Saber                              45/0/35/0/
35hit - 17pd
Red Saber                              20/0/30/0/
30hit - 12pd
Red Sword                             0/0/0/0/
10hit - 10pd
Red Sword                             0/0/0/0/
80hit - 45DT
Red Sword                             0/0/60/0 - 8pd
Red Mechgun                        0/50/0/40/
35hit - 11pd

Red Mechgun                        0/0/25/0/50hit - 12pd
Red Dagger                            0/35/0/0/
50hit - 14pd
Red Slicer                              40/0/0/40/
50hit - 15pd
Red Scorpio                          25/0/0/0/
40hit - 12pd
Rianov 303SNR-2                 0/0/20/50/
Rianov 303SNR-3                 0/40/0/40/
Rianov 303SNR-4                 40/0/30/0/
Rika's Claw                            0/0/45/50 - 13pd
Rabbit Wand                          25/0/0/0/
35hit - 16pd
Rainbow Baton                      0/0/0/45/
50hit - 15pd
Raygun (hell)                          40/0/0/0/
45hit - 12pd
Raygun (Blizzard)                  0/0/0/55/
Repeater (charge)                  0/0/0/5/
50hit - 3pd
Ripper (demon)                      0/0/0/0/
45hit - 3pd
Ripper (charge)                      0/40/0/25/
50hit - 5pd
Ripper (arrest)                        0/0/0/0/
50hit - 5pd

Serene Swan                          15/0/30/0 - 55pd
Serene Swan                          15/0/0/0 - 40pd
Siren Glass Hammer              0/40/0/50 - 12pd
Sange & Yasha                        0/20/30/0/
35hit - 20pd
Sange & Yasha                        0/40/35/0/
45hit - 55pd
Sange & Yasha                        0/40/0/0/
50hit - 18pd
Sange                                      0/40/35/0/20hit - 10pd
Sange                                      0/35/0/35/
45hit - 14pd
Sange                                      0/35/0/0/
45hit - 9pd
Sange                                      30/35/0/0/
45hit - 12pd
Sange                                      0/45/25/0/
45hit - 16pd
Sange                                      40/35/0/0/
30hit - 10pd
Spread Needle                        40/0/45/0 - 7pd

Spread Needle                        35/0/0/0 - 3pd
Spread Needle                        0/40/0/45 - 7pd
Spread Needle                        25/0/0/45 - 6pd
Spread Needle                        40/0/0/40 - 8pd
Siren Glass Hammer               0/40/0/50 - 11pd
Slicer Of Fanatic                     0/35/0/0/
30hit - 99pd/15dt
Suppressed Gun (charge)      0/0/0/0/
45hit - 65pd
Suppressed Gun (berserk)     75/0/0/25 - 60pd
Syringe                                    20/45/0/40 - 14pd
Shouren                                  0/0/0/0 - 5pd
Sacred Duster                        0/0/25/0/
30hit - 14pd
Sacred Duster                        0/0/0/0/
25hit - 11pd
Sacred Duster                        0/0/30/30 - 3pd
Sacred Bow                            0/40/0/40 - 10pd
Samba Fiesta                          5/0/0/0 - 10pd
Slicer of Vengeance               0/0/0/35 - 9pd
Slicer of Fanatic                     0/0/0/40 - 8pd
Stealth Sword                        30/30/0/0 - 7pd
Stag Cutlery                           35/0/0/50/
40hit - 28pd
Silence Claw                           0/0/45/0/
45hit - 9pd
Sonic Knuckle                         0/0/0/0/
40hit - 18pd
Sonic Knuckle                         25/0/15/45 - 9pd
Sonic Knuckle                         55/25/0/0 - 8pd
Sonic Knuckle                         0/40/40/0 - 9pd
Sonic Knuckle                         25/0/15/45 - 11pd
Sonic Magazine                     25/0/0/0/
35hit - 6pd
Soul Banish                            0/0/0/50/
40hit - 50pd
Soul Banish (Untek)               20/0/0/25
Soul Banish                            0/0/0/40 - 5pd
Soul Banish                            0/45/40/0 - 9pd
Soul Banish                            0/35/35/0 - 6pd
Snake Spare (untek)             20/0/0/0 - 3pd
Sword Of Ultima                    45/40/0/0 - 22pd

Tension Blaster                      0/45/0/0 -10pd
Tension Blaster                      0/0/0/0/
Tyrell's Parasol                       0/0/20/0 - 15pd
The Sign Of a God                 0/0/0/0/
40hit - 20pd
The Sign Of a God                 0/30/0/25/
40hit - 24pd
Toy Hammer                          0/0/0/85 - 25pd
Twin Psychogun                    0/0/0/35 - 5pd
Twin Psychogun                    0/0/30/40 - 16pd
Twin Blaze                              0/0/0/0 - 6pd
Twin Brand                             0/40/0/0/
45hit - 15pd
Toy Hammer                          40/35/40/0 - 6pd


Vjaya                                        0/0/0/0/
Vivienne                                  35/35/0/0/
50hit - 64pd
Vivienne                                  25/0/0/25/
50hit - 45pd
Vivienne                                  50/0/0/0/
50hit - 45pd
Vivienne                                  30/15/0/0/
45hit - 11pd
Vivienne                                  35/30/0/0/
30hit - 5pd
Victor Axe                               15/0/0/0/
50hit - 15pd
Vulcan (demon)                      0/0/40/35/
40hit - 4pd

Yasminkov 7000V                   20/0/0/20 - 5pd

Yasminkov 7000V                   0/0/35/0 - 4pd
Yasminkov 7000V                   0/35/0/40 - 14pd
Yasminkov 7000V                   40/0/0/0 - 5pd
Yasminkov 7000V                   0/0/40/40 - 15pd
Yasminkov 7000V                   0/0/30/40 - 13pd
Yasha                                      0/0/60/0 - 7pd
Yamato                                    0/0/0/0/
40hit - 6pd
Yunchang                                60/0/40/0 - 25pd
Yunchang                                65/0/35/0 - 25pd

Water Gun (untek)                   0/0/20/15 - 15pd
Water Gun (untek)                   0/50/0/0 - 28pd
Water Gun (untek)                   0/0/0/55 - 35pd
Water Gun                                35/0/0/0 - 15pd
Water Gun                                0/0/30/0 - 15pd

Zanbacon (untek)                   20/0/0/0
Zamba                                     0/40/0/0/


Aura Field - 5pd       
Aura Field - 5pd       
Aura Field - 5pd             
Aura Field - 5pd   
Dress Plate - 6pd
DF Field - 4pd
Electro Frame - 5pd
Kroe's Sweater - 8pd
Luminous Field - 7pd
Mother Garb+ - 30pd
Mother Garb+ - 30pd
Parasite Wear: Neigal - 11pd
Samurai Armor - 15dt
Samurai Armor - 15dt
Samurai Armor - 15dt
Samurai Armor - 15dt
Sacred Cloth - 12pd
Stink Frame - 6pd              
Stink Frame - 6pd
Spirit Garment - 7pd
Spirit Garment - 7pd
Spirit Garment - 7pd           
Virus Armor: Lafuteria - 15pd
Wedding Dress - 55pd


Angel Ring - 2dt
Anti Light RIng - 40pd
Attribute Wall - 4pd

Cat Ears - 2dt
Combat Gear - 4pd
Genpei - 8pd
Honeycomb Reflector - 8pd
Invisible Guard - 10pd
Kasami Bracer - 12pd
Light Relief - 4pd
Purple Ring - 5pd
Ranger Wall - 7pd
Ring (Purple)  - 5pd
Ring (Black) - 5pd
Rico's Glasses - 12pd
Rico's Earring - 10pd
Rupika - 8pd
Sacred Guard - 5pd
S-Parts ver 1.16 - 5pd
S-Parts ver 2.01 - 8pd
Three Seals - 30pd


Centurion/HP                  3pd
Centurion/Body              2pd
Centurion/Mind               2dt
Centurion/Technique     3pd
Centurion//Power            1dt
Heart Container             1dt
Cure/Freeze                   2pd
Godric's/Aility                2pd
Heavenly/Ability            2pd
Heavenly/Power            2pd
Heavenly/Luck              2pd
HP/Revival                    1pd
Perfect Resist               1pd
PB/Create                     3pd
PB/Increase                  20pd
Swordsman Lore          4pd
Trap Search                  3pd
V101                              3pd
V502                             5pd
V501                              2pd
V801                              1pd

Stellar Shard                                                     15DT
Parts of EGG BLASTER                                    5PD
Magic Rock "Heart Key"                                  30PD
Cladding of Epsilon                                          4PD
Sorcerer's Right Arm                                        4PD
Bringer's Right Arm                                          5PD
S-Red's Arms                                                   10PD
Christmas Present                                           2PD
Liberta Kit                                                        10PD
"Commom" Mag Cell                                       2PD

Amplifier of Gizonde                                        3PD
Amplifier of Razonde                                       3PD
Amplifier of Red                                               3PD

Lv 15 Tech                                                        1PD
Lv 20 Tech                                                        2PD
Lv 30 Tech Shifta                                             3PD
Lv 30 Tech Deband                                         3PD
Lv 30 Tech Jellen                                            3PD

Lv 30 Tech Zalure                                           3PD

S+D Or J+Z (Lv30) = 5PD




Mag 0/0/0/0                                                   6PD/1DT (each one)





Power Material 5:1 (or 99x = 3DT)
Mind Material 5:1 (or 99x = 3DT)
Evade Material 20:1 (99+99 = 1DT)
HP Material 5:1  (or 99x =3DT)
Def Material 5:1  (or 99x = 3DT)
Luck Material 1:1   (98x = 14DT)

TP Material 1:1

(I have like 200-300 of each one)

Im looking for:




Please READ this before look weaps.

Let me explain better for those who don't understand how this exchange works. The values are simple:

Blue name weaps = PSO2 DT
White names = Ultima DT/PD

You don't play PSO2NG but you want to buy one of my items? There are several sites that sell meseta and they themselves give me you passing the server I play on and my ID. I use DT prices here just for  calculate between both games.

Prices can have a little discount if u buy more things.

(Ship 01 Feoh - PC Steam)

Parasitic Gene Flow (PGF) (325 DT)

Parasitic Gene Flow (PGF) (325 DT)

Arrest Faust                              0/100/0/80/80hit (75DT)

Arrest Faust                              0/30/0/70/20hit
Arrest Needle                           40/0/0/30/
25hit (28DT)
Arrest Needle                           45/0/0/30/40hit (36DT)
Arrest Needle                           0/100/0/100/50hit (62DT)
Bamboo Spear                         40/0/0/40/55hit (8DT)
Blood Tornado                          0/30/0/0/35hit
Bomb Chu                                 0/100/0/0
Bomb Chu                                 0/35/40/0
Bomb Chu                                 100/100/0/70
Bomb Chu                                 40/45/20/0
Bomb Chu                                 30/0/0/40
Cannon Rouge                          0/0/0/50/
Crimson Sword                         0/0/0/0/
Crimson Sword                         0/100/0/100/
Crush Cannon                           0/0/70/100/
70hit (70DT)
Crush Cannon                           30/0/0/75/50hit (42DT)
Crush Cannon                           0/25/0/0/45hit (24DT)
Crush Cannon                           30/25/0/0/30hit
Crush Cannon                           0/0/30/30/
35hit (22DT)
Crush Cannon                           0/40/0/0/35hit
Crush Cannon                           0/0/0/35/
Crush Cannon                           0/15/0/0/
Dark Flow                                 45/0/70/0/80hit (328DT)
Dark Meteor                             0/100/100/0/80hit (350DT)
Dark Meteor                             100/0/0/100/80hit (350DT)
Dark Meteor                             0/0/100/100/80hit (350DT)
Dark Meteor                             100/0/0/100/80hit (350DT)
Dark Meteor                             100/0/100/0/80hit (350DT)
Dark Meteor                             80/80/0/0/80hit (335DT)
Dark Meteor                             100/0/0/100/50hit (315DT)                           
Dual Bird                                   35/0/0/0/
40hit (24DT)
Dual Bird                                   0/0/35/40/40hit
Frozen Faust                            0/100/0/100/
80hit (72DT)
Frozen Faust                            0/0/30/30/55hit (48DT)
Fury Of The Beast                   30/0/0/40/40hit (30DT)
Glide Divine                              0/45/0/0/25hit
Glide Divine                              0/0/0/35
Glide Divine                              0/0/30/0
Glide Divine                              0/0/20/15

Glide Divine                              0/35/0/0
Glide Divine                              0/30/0/40
Glide Divine                              0/30/25/0
Glide Divine                              0/0/20/0

Heaven Striker                         0/35/0/0/25hit (15DT)
Heaven Striker                         0/35/0/0/35hit (23DT)
Heaven Striker                         0/0/0/90/25hit (19DT)
Iron Faust                                 20/0/0/30/25hit
Iron Faust                                 0/0/60/0/
Inferno Girasole                       50/0/0/45

Le Cogneur (Hell)                    30/30/0/0/60hit (44DT)
L&K40                                      0/30/30/0/40Hit (38DT)
L&K40                                      0/0/30/0/40hit
L&K40                                      0/0/35/35/
Lindcray                                   0/40/0/100/
55hit (55DT)
Lindcray                                   0/40/0/40/45hit (39DT)
Lindcray                                   0/35/0/40/35hit (32DT)
Macho Blades                         0/0/0/0
Mille Faucilles                         0/35/0/100/45hit (48DT)
Mille Faucilles                         0/0/0/40/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         100/0/0/100/
70hit (68DT)
Mille Faucilles                         35/0/0/0/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         0/25/20/0/
Panzer Faust                          0/30/0/30/
Panzer Faust                          80/0/0/0/
Psycho Raven                        100/0/0/100/
40hit (57DT)
Psycho Raven                        0/60/70/75
Rambling May                        0/45/40/0/
Rianov 303SNR-5                 0/60/0/100/30hit (49DT)
Ricos Parasol                         0/0/40/40/30hit
Sacred Bow                           0/0/0/0/50hit (30DT)
Sacred Bow                           0/40/0/35/40hit (28DT)

Serene Swan                         0/0/40/70/10hit (30DT)
Serene Swan                         0/0/30/40/40hit
Serene Swan                         0/30/0/0/
Sealed J-Sword                     0/0/0/0/
20hit (34DT)
Sealed J-Sword                     0/0/30/35 (22DT)
Slicer of Vengeance              60/70/0/0/50hit 
Silence Claw                          0/0/45/30/
85hit (30DT)
Snow Queen                          25/0/25/0/30hit
Snow Queen                          40/0/0/25/50hit
Spread Needle                       0/30/0/50/
Spread Needle                       0/0/0/35/
Syringe                                   0/0/45/35/30hit
Tsurumikiri J-Sword              0/0/100/100/70hit (78DT)
Tyrell's Parasol                      70/0/0/0/70hit
Yasminkov 7000V (Hell)       0/0/0/0/
80hit (55DT)
Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) 0/0/0/0/55hit (48DT)
Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) 0/0/0/0/55hit
Yasminkov 9000M (Charge) 0/0/25/40/
Yunchang                               0/0/0/70/
70hit (40DT)
Yunchang                               75/0/0/0/65hit (38DT)
Ultima Reaper                        0/35/35/0/25hit
Vjaya                                      40/30/0/0/
Zalure gun                             0/0/0/0

SonicTeam Armor (149DT)
Wedding Dress (97/100def)
Sue Coat (15/15def)
Neutron Skin (3/50def)

From The Depths (3DT)
From The Depths (3DT)

From The Depths (3DT)

From The Depths (3DT)
Hylian Shield (9DT)
Hylian Shield (9DT)
Hylian Shield (9DT)
Red Ring (Cat Scratch)
Red Ring (Bunny)
Red Ring (Ylvis Costume)
Red Ring (Ylvis Costume)
Safety Heart 
Safety Heart 
Three Seals                        

Adept (2,5DT)


Angel's Wing 0/121/32/47

Sato 5/150/45/0
Sato 5/145/50/0
Sato 5/140/55/0
Sato 5/126/69/0
Sato 5/148/47/0

Soniti 0/146/51/0
Soniti 5/170/25/0
Soniti 5/170/25/0
Soniti 0/176/24/0
Soniti 0/153/47/0
Soniti 5/150/45/0
Soniti 8/180/12/0

Nidra 0/126/72/0
Nidra 0/75/124/0
Nidra 0/140/60/0
Nidra 5/135/60/0
Nidra 5/124/69/0

Soniti 0/146/51/0
Soniti 0/153/47/0
Soniti 0/176/24/0

Tellusis 2/183/15/0
Tellusis 0/128/66/0
Tellusis 5/135/58/0
Tellusis 0/180/20/0
Tellusis 0/180/20/0

Gael Giel 0/180/20/0
Gael Giel 5/126/69/0
Gael Giel 0/150/50/0
Gael Giel 10/55/60/75

(All Mags have Twins and 3 PB)

Combat Booster         (5DT)

Combat Booster         (5DT)

Combat Booster         (5DT)

Combat Booster         (5DT)
Chromatic orb            (4,5DT)
Chromatic orb            (4,5DT)
Psycho Black Crystal (14DT)
Psycho Black Crystal (14DT)
Psycho Black Crystal (14DT)
Stellar Shard               (14DT)
Blue Black Stone        (3DT)
Photon Booster          (3DT)
Magic Heart Key        (3,5DT)
Magic Heart Key        (3,5DT)
Magic Heart Key        (3,5DT)

Magic Heart Key        (3,5DT)

Magic Heart Key        (3,5DT)

Photon Sphere           (12,5DT)

(Items written in blue are exclusively for pso2 meseta.
Rarely will I be able to make an exception)





Edited by Ricardof14
Weaps updated
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Heaven Punisher                    5/25/0/0
Snow Queen                           0/0/0/45/45hit

Mille Faucilles                         0/0/0/0/50hit
Mille Faucilles                         0/0/0/40/35hit  
Mille Faucilles                         40/0/40/0/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         35/0/0/0/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         0/25/20/0/30hit

Prices on these please?

Edited by Chalybion
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On 1/14/2021 at 6:28 AM, Ricardof14 said:


I haven't finished packing yet, but I can already negotiate the items. As there are many I am too lazy to put the price. But you may ask that almost all are priced below average. And of course .. if you are going to buy more than one I will give you a better discount.)

I'm still accepting Meseta from Phantasy Star Online 2. Send me a private message.

Angel Harp                                   0/0/0/45/50hit
Amore Rose                                 55/0/0/35/50hit
Amore Rose                                 40/0/75/35
Agito (1975)                                 0/45/0/0/30hit
Agito (1975)                                 0/0/20/0/35hit
Asuka                                           0/35/0/0/35hit
Ancient Saber                              30/0/30/25
Arms (berserk)                             40/0/0/35/40hit
Arms (drain)                                 0/0/35/0/50hit

Baranz Launcher                          100/0/0/100/50hit
Baranz Launcher                          0/0/0/0/80hit
Bomb Chu                                    35/50/0/0/35hit
Bomb Chu                                    0/0/0/45
Blood Tornado                              0/0/0/40/40hit
Blood Art                                      0/0/0/0/30it
Bamboo Spear                             40/0/0/40/55hit
Bamboo Spear                             0/40/35/0/35hit
Bamboo Spear                             15/40/0/0/40hit
Bamboo Spear                             0/0/25/40/35hit
Brave Hammer                             0/0/35/0/30hit
Banana Cannon                           0/0/35/0
Boomerang                                  0/0/0/45
Boomerang                                  40/0/40/0
Boomerang                                  40/0/20/30
Broom                                           40/0/0/40
Butterfly Net                                0/0/0/0/45hit

Blizzard Laser                              0/0/0/0/55hit
Crush Cannon                             0/30/0/0/35hit
Crush Cannon                             0/0/0/0/45hit
Crush Cannon                             40/20/0/0
Crush Cannon                             0/30/35/0
Crush Cannon                             0/40/15/0
Caduceus                                    0/0/0/40/45hit
Clio                                               0/0/25/0
Crazy Tune                                 40/0/0/55
Crazy Tune                                 50/0/45/50
Calibur (charge)                          0/35/0/40/40hit
Cross Scar                                  35/0/0/0/45hit
Chain Sawd                                25/0/0/0
Dual Bird                                      35/0/0/0/40hit
Dual Bird                                      0/0/40/0/50hit
Dual Bird                                      80/40/0/0
Dual Bird                                      40/0/50/40
Dual Bird                                      40/0/0/35
Dual Bird                                      0/0/0/50
Dual Bird                                      40/0/0/40
Decalog                                        0/0/0/0

Demon's Raygun                          0/0/65/0/55hit
Demon's Arms                              0/0/50/50/30hit

Diska Of Braveman                      50/0/40/0/40hit
Diska Of Braveman                      0/40/0/15/40hit
Diska Of Braveman                      0/0/25/45/40hit
Diska Of Braveman                      40/0/40/0/40hit
Diska Of Braveman                      45/45/0/0/30hit
Diska Of Braveman                      40/0/0/35/40hit
Demonic Fork                               0/30/0/0

Durandal                                       0/55/0/0
Durandal                                      40/0/0/0/45hit
Demolition Comet                       0/35/50/0/35hit
Demolition Comet                       20/35/0/0/50hit
Demolition Comet                       40/0/0/0/50hit
Demolition Comet                       0/0/0/25/50hit
Dragon Slayer                              0/0/45/20/35hit
Dragon Slayer                             0/40/0/0/40hit
Daylight Scar                               0/30/0/25/35hit
Double Saber                              0/0/0/0/30hit
Diska (arrest)                              30/0/0/40/40hit
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/0/40/45hit
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/50/50/50hit
Diska (arrest)                              0/0/0/0/55hit
Diska (gush)                               45/0/0/40/50hit
Diska (gush)                               0/40/0/45/45hit
Diska (blizzard)                          0/0/0/55/40hit
Elysion                                          0/0/0/0/55hit
Elysion                                          35/0/70/0
Egg Blaster                                   0/0/0/0/55hit
Egg Blaster MK2                          0/50/0/50/50hit
Egg Blaster MK2                          40/60/0/0/40hit
Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/0/30hit
Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/35/30hit
Flight Cutter                                 0/0/0/0/35hit

Frozen Shooter                            90/0/0/90/50hit
Frozen Shooter                           45/0/50/40
Flowen's Sword                           0/15/20/0/20hit
Final Impact                                 0/0/0/0/40hit
Flamberge                                   0/0/35/0/40hit
Flapjack Flapper                         0/0/0/0
Guardianna                                  0/40/0/45/70hit
Glide Divine V.00                        0/50/40/45
Glide Divine V.00                        0/0/30/30
Girasole                                       25/0/0/40
Great Bouquet                            0/25/35/65
Great Bouquet                            55/0/35/0/45hit
Galatine                                      0/35/0/0
Galatine                                      0/0/50/0
Girasole                                     0/30/0/0
Gae Bolg                                    0/0/50/0/50hit
Gae Bolg                                   40/35/0/0/50hit
Gae Bolg                                   40/0/0/40/45hit
Guren                                        45/0/0/0/25hit
Gungnir (berserk)                      0/0/35/45/45hit
Gungnir (gush)                          0/0/0/40/50hit
Gungnir (hell)                            30/0/0/0/40hit
Heaven Striker                          0/35/0/0/25hit
Heaven Punisher                      5/25/0/0

Hell Laser                                  0/0/0/0/40hit
Hell Laser                                  0/0/50/50/50hit
Hell Raygun                               50/0/0/50/50hit
Hitogata                                    35/0/0/25
Holy Ray                                    70/0/30/0
Heart of Poumn                        0/35/50/0
Harisen Battle Fan                    0/0/0/0
Iron Faust                                  0/0/0/0
Jizai                                           0/0/0/0/40hit
Kamui                                        0/0/15/30/40hit
Kamui                                        0/0/45/0/25hit
Kiss Of Death                            0/0/0/40
Kusanagi                                   0/0/0/0/30hit
Lavis Cannon                           0/0/0/30/40hit
Le Cogneur                              100/0/0/0
Le Cogneur                              30/30/0/0/60hit
Le Cogneur                              0/70/30/0
Launcher (charge)                   0/5/0/0/50hit
Lindcray                                   45/0/0/35
Lindcray                                   45/0/0/45
Lindcray                                   5/10/0/15
Lindcray                                  0/0/0/25
Lollipop                                    0/0/0/0
Laser (demon)                        0/0/0/40/45hit
Laser (berserk)                       0/0/50/0/50hit
Login                                       0/35/35/0/35hit
Login                                       0/0/45/0/45hit
Master Raven                         25/0/40/0
Master Raven                         45/0/0/40
Master Raven                         0/45/0/35
Master Raven                         0/0/40/45
Master Raven                         50/40/0/0
Master Raven                         30/0/45/0        
Mille Faucilles                         0/0/0/0/50hit
Mille Faucilles                         0/0/0/40/35hit  
Mille Faucilles                         40/0/40/0/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         35/0/0/0/35hit
Mille Faucilles                         0/25/20/0/30hit

Morolian Blaster                     45/0/30/65
M&A60 Vise                           40/0/0/0/40hit
M&A60 Vise                           45/0/0/0/35hit
Meteor Cudgel                      0/40/0/45/35hit
Madam's Umbrella                0/40/0/0/30hit
Maser Beam                          0/0/40/35
Murasame                             0/40/0/0
Morning Glory                       0/0/25/0
Panzer Faust                         0/40/0/0
Panzer Faust                         30/0/30/40
Psycho Wand                        30/0/0/40
Plantain Huge Fan                0/0/0/0
Photon Claw                         0/0/0/0/40hit
Partisan of Lightning           0/40/0/0/35hit
Phoenix Claw                        0/0/0/0
Panther's Claw                     0/0/0/0
Rambling May                        0/40/0/0/40hit
Rambling May                        0/0/0/40/45hit
Rambling May                        0/0/0/0/35hit
Rage De Feu                           0/0/0/0/50hit
Rage De Feu                           0/0/0/0/40hit
Raikiri                                      0/0/0/0/40hit
Raikiri                                      0/0/0/80
Red Saber                              45/0/35/0/35hit
Red Saber                              20/0/30/0/30hit
Red Sword                             0/0/0/0/10hit
Red Sword                             0/0/60/0
Red Dagger                            0/35/0/0/50hit
Red Slicer                              40/0/0/40/50hit
Rika's Claw                            0/0/45/50
Rainbow Baton                      0/0/0/45/50hit
Raygun (hell)                          40/0/0/0/45hit
Repeater (charge)                  0/0/0/5/50hit
Ripper (demon)                      0/0/0/0/45hit
Ripper (charge)                      0/40/0/25/50hit
Ripper (arrest)                        0/0/0/0/50hit
Sealed J-Sword                      0/0/0/0/20hit
Sealed J-Sword                      0/0/40/40
Snow Queen                           0/0/0/45/45hit
Serene Swan                          0/30/0/20
Serene Swan                          0/40/0/45
Serene Swan                          0/35/0/30
Serene Swan                          0/0/40/35
Serene Swan                          15/0/0/0
Spread Needle                        0/0/0/45/40hit
Sange & Yasha                        0/20/30/0/35hit
Siren Glass Hammer               0/40/0/50
Suppressed Gun (charge)      0/0/0/0/45hit
Suppressed Gun (berserk)     75/0/0/25
Syringe                                    20/45/0/40
Shouren                                  0/0/0/0
Sacred Duster                        0/0/25/0/30hit
Sacred Duster                        0/0/0/0/25hit
Samba Fiesta                          0/0/0/40
Slicer of Vengeance               0/0/0/35
Slicer of Fanatic                     0/0/0/40
Stealth Sword                        30/30/0/0
Stag Cutlery                           35/0/0/50/40hit
Silence Claw                           0/0/45/0/45hit
Sonic Knuckle                         25/0/15/45
Sonic Magazine                     25/0/0/0/35hit
Soul Banish                            45/0/45/0
Snake Spare (untek)             20/0/0/0

Tension Blaster                      0/45/0/0
Tyrell's Parasol                       0/0/20/0
The Sign Of a God                 0/0/0/0/40hit
Twin Psychogun                    0/0/0/35
Twin Blaze                              0/0/0/35
Toy Hammer                          40/35/40/0
Ultima Reaper                       45/0/0/30
Vivienne                                  35/35/0/0/50hit
Vivienne                                  25/0/0/25/50hit
Vivienne                                  50/0/0/0/50hit
Vjaya                                       0/30/0/0/45hit
Victor Axe                              15/0/0/0/50hit
Vulcan (demon)                     0/0/40/35/40hit
Yasminkov 9000 (demon)      0/35/0/0
Yamigarasu                              0/40/0/0/30hit
Yamato                                    0/0/0/0/40hit
Yunchang                                60/0/40/0
Yunchang                                65/0/35/0
Yunchang                                0/30/70/0
Water Gun (untek)                   0/0/20/15
Zanbacon (untek)                   20/0/0/0


Aura Field                  
Aura Field                  
Aura Field                  
Aura Field                 
Dress Plate
DF Field
Electro Frame
Kroe's Sweater
Luminous Field
Mother Garb+
Mother Garb+
Parasite Wear: Neigal
Samurai Armor
Samurai Armor
Sacred Cloth
Stink Frame                             
Stink Frame      
Spirit Garment
Spirit Garment
Spirit Garment                      
Virus Armor: Lafuteria
Wedding Dress
Wedding Dress
Wedding Dress
Wedding Dress


Attribute Wall
Black Ring
Combat Gear
De Rol Le Shield
Honeycomb Reflector
Invisible Guard
Kasami Bracer
Light Relief
Purple Ring
Ranger Wall
Ring (Purple)
Ring (Black)
Rico's Glasses
Rico's Earring
Sacred Guard
S-Parts ver 1.16
S-Parts ver 2.01
Virus Shield: Vol Opt


Swordsman Lore
Trap Search

Proof Of Sonic Team                                        8DT
Stellar Shard                                                     15DT
Psycho Black Crystal                                       15DT
Parts of EGG BLASTER                                    5PD
Magic Rock "Heart Key"                                  30PD
Cladding of Epsilon                                          5PD
Sorcerer's Right Arm                                         5PD
Bringer's Right Arm                                          5PD
S-Red's Arms                                                   10PD
Christmas Present                                           2PD
Liberta Kit                                                        12PD or 2DT
"Commom" Mag Cell                                       2PD
Grinder x99                                                      10PD

Amplifier of Gizonde                                        3PD
Amplifier of Razonde                                       3PD
Amplifier of Red                                               3PD

Lv 15 Tech                                                        1PD
Lv 20 Tech                                                        2PD
Lv 30 Tech Shifta                                             3PD
Lv 30 Tech Deband                                         3PD
Lv 30 Tech Jellen                                            3PD

Lv 30 Tech Zalure                                           3PD

S+D Or J+Z = 5PD




Mag 0/0/0/0                                                   10PD





Power Material 5:1      (99) all 20pd or 3dt
Mind Material 5:1        (99) all 20pd or 3dt
Evade Material 25:1    (99)
HP Material 5:1           (15)
Def Material 5:1          (60)
Luck Material 1:1         (0)





Hey im interested in,

Baranz Launcher                          100/0/0/100/50hit
Spread Needle                        0/0/0/45/40hit
Power Material 5:1      (99) all 20pd or 3dt

Mind Material 5:1        (99) all 20pd or 3dt

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