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Sellin for 50pd. 0/0/30/25 .... not that that really matters. 
Do not pm me. If many people reply then t'll go auction mode and the first to bid 60pd gets it. 

Edited by BLACKR0B0T
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1 hour ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

They can vary quite a bit. 25 is a nice deal for one, but they used to range more like 40-70 when I joined server. When there is a surplus and green names on, price can sometimes drop lower like this.

i suggest him to charge 10-15 pd's because its imposible to get one from drops and they are no roct runers so the demand is high and there is no easy drops for pw even with green names so 35-40 pds its sounds fair.

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5 minutes ago, O9B066 said:

Is pw still get able with the event going on 

Yes. Ep1 Mil Lilys (purple 1/1032, this one is why green names helps) and Ep2 Del Lilys(whitill 1/900) aren't dropping any event items, those are the two main pwand drops. The Lilys that are dropping event items are other ones (ep1 ob lily and ep2 mil lily).

Edited by Fyrewolf5
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From what I saw from recent sales of swand 50 seemed reasonable. I have been lowballing almost all my trades as a soft thank you for the community being helpful and answering my questions. Im at the point in the game where I can actually pick up some PD and start getting real gear so, kinda want to charge regular prices for things of value. 

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44 minutes ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

Yes. Ep1 Mil Lilys (purple 1/1032, this one is why green names helps) and Ep2 Del Lilys(whitill 1/900) aren't dropping any event items, those are the two main pwand drops. The Lilys that are dropping event items are other ones (ep1 ob lily and ep2 mil lily).

lie mil lily rare is or loggin or rianov something like that... unless the event ends

You change the rare drop chance if i remember well and you just forgot you just swaped the pw drop from the mil lily for the event one XD

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Just now, pishion said:

lie mil lily rare is or loggin or rianov something like that... unless the event ends

No it's not. Like I said Ob Lily (the nonrare yellow one) is dropping the event items in ep1. Mil Lily (the rare blue one) still has it's regular drops, including psycho wand on purple.

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Just now, Fyrewolf5 said:

No it's not. Like I said Ob Lily (the nonrare yellow one) is dropping the event items in ep1. Mil Lily (the rare blue one) still has it's regular drops, including psycho wand on purple.

k think just unlucky... got made about 50 max attack already with green names and like 20 with hh so must be salty ty... then they would go for regular price 20-35 depending the buyer and seller

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