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Test Ship

- Hopefully fixed problem where you would get free roam maps with no doors or NPCs etc.
- Fixed problem leveling up when you had a mag equipped with certain stats, causing an underflow (due to a bug in the code) and borking the client's level up routine.

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Test ship

- Added quest timers, it's not yet live but is part of the code now
With the command /timer you set a flag for the quest timer to appear when you leave Pioneer2 (by yourself or if the quest starts in other area than Pioneer2. The timer will automatically stop when you complete the quest (with a success or failure). Some quests might not have the correct code to stop the server side timer tho.. in this case you can report it and we'll look into it.

The following is NOT part of the server yet, but is on the table.
Eventually the quest timers will help to build run leaderboards with the quest, time and players in the run, any other thing if possible/meaningful.
Such leaderboards would count up to a defined number of runs (it won't save every single run).

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Main Server

- Added GuardianGirth Villainous Rift and Malicious Uprising series. They can be found in Episode 2/Extermination, also updated his Lost series.
These will take effect once the ship is updated. See enemy counts here.

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Changed (again) the way custom textures work. This time is a rather interesting way, is a bit longer to set up but this way you'll save time and effort later on when the textures are updated and you have to rebuild your custom files.

To use custom texture follow the guide below to make the new custom textures (it is exactly the same for models).
How to use custom textures (and models)

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- Thanks to @Eres we now have quite a lot of (basically all) weapon pictures in the item database... However if you have one that you think should be on the wiki, please let me know and I'll look it up.
I'm still debating how to do the mags since they have tons of colors.

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- Updated the way the mini map item information is gathered, to give players more control over it, I have now included a file where you can set specific items and their colors.
The file is named _minimap_items_default.ini, make a copy, rename it to _minimap_items.ini and edit it to your liking.
- You still need to enable the mini map items, you can do so from the General tab in the Launcher options
- You can comment (disable) a line with a semicolon ;
- An item with color 00000000 won't be shown in the mini map.

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Test Ship

- Error comparing barrier level requirements, causing disconnections when equipping a barrier with the same level requirement as the level of the character equipping it.

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- Removed custom files option, below you will find a list of which files are always updated by the server and how you can use custom versions of them

  • rare_drop.ogg: rare_drop_custom.ogg
  • texturejapanese.xvm: texture_custom.xvm

To use custom models and textures for items, refer to this post

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- Fixed error in new weapon special reduction code which would make every rare weapon reduced to 0.5
- Added custom code to handle stat boosts, original Sega code would only use the first boost (of the 2 available).


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- Made the client patch itself up whenever new items are made (this will prevent the issue of yesterday, that because I forgot to update the values, the weapon special names and everything above them were not correct).

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