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- Added custom resolution, selecting custom resolution will let you input arbitrary resolutions for the game window and the HUD.
Please note that while using custom resolution, the High Resolution HUD option doesn't work (you have to input the HUD resolution you want in the relevant settings).

If you input a resolution not supported, the game will close on startup, so please do not try anything not standard.
Multimonitor resolutions are supported if you use something like nVidia's Surround (for example 3840x1080).
4K is supported (at least it worked for me).

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  • 1 month later...


- Enabled full dressing room, you now can edit your character proportions as well as the other options that are locked after the character is created, however you cannot change the character name or section ID this way.

*You must update the game through the launcher to be able to use the full dressing room.

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  • 4 weeks later...


- Fixed units unwrapping, before wrapped units would disappear upon unwrapping, now they should work correctly, this might need some server side changes tho.
Credit to Ives and Ralf.


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  • 2 months later...

It has been a while since I posted here.

For the next update, there are a few things planned.


- Solo mode mag reverser will be enabled (previously due to sega's sloppy coding it would not work at all).
- A monster target HP bar will be available (can be enabled through the launcher)
- Discord rich presence (gallery and video at the bottom), if you use discord, the game will connect to it and share information like what episode you are playing, difficulty, area you are on, etc.



- Material reset will have an option to select what type of material to reset, the command has to be confirmed with the same parameters as the first time or it won't process the reset.


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- Fixed issue with max stats calculator that would break HP boosts from frames and barriers that had any.
- Fixed Samurai Armor LCK
- Fixed V101 ATA
- Fixed Heart Container


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  • 1 year later...

Aselia (Test Server)

-All source code (Libraries, Tools, Servers, etc) is being ported to Net Core, this is an "open source cross platform version of Net Framework". This will allow the applications to run on Linux without requiring mono.

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- Updated World of Illusion (V0.132)

Fixed a bug that made player slots 2, 3 and 4 not correctly process the Photon Drop roll and get immobilized at Stage 1 clear.
Fixed a bug that made every photon drop reward check the previous stage roll rather than current one.

So for information here are the photon drop rates for every stage and for all 4 players.

  • 20%  Temple Alpha
  • 40%  Temple Beta
  • 80%  Spaceship
  • 90%  Central Control Area
  • 100% Seabed
  • 100% Control Tower
  • 100% Olga Flow

Please note that you will not get one if your inventory is 30/30, including other photon drops.

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- Path to Salvation (V1.02)

  • Added credits in description.
  • Added bank to Pioneer II.
  • Fixed first warp rotation to actually face the way to go in Ruin 3.
  • Added 2 warps that appear 22 seconds after doors get locked to prevent anyone from blocking the quest in Ruin 3.

- Raid on Central Tower (V1.51)

  • Timer exit check increased from 30:00 to 50:00 so you will no longer get kicked from the quest if boss cleared under 30 minutes.
  • Player check count removed: you no longer need to start the quest with 3+ players in order to get a reward at the end.
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  • 2 weeks later...

To give you guys an early update, I'll be changing a few things launcher/game wise
I am currently finishing these changes and they won't be live until later

  • The custom dll will be renamed to ultima.dll.
  • The game will now warn you and close if the DLL is not loaded into the game, this will mitigate issues of people not being aware the DLL was falsely flagged as a virus and quarantined/deleted.
  • The Test Server option will be removed from the options window, it will now be in a the right click context menu of the Start button (same way you launch the credits, if you didn't know).
  • The way window and HUD resolutions work will be changed, currently the game has a few hardcoded resolutions (matching the list in the launcher), and also there is a custom resolution where you can set the values you want (not all combinations work because sega), but now, the list of resolutions will be merely a "suggestion" and the values will be set individually (as if it was a custom resolution), this change is just for ease of use and to be able to extend the resolution list without breaking existing resolutions.
  • The full screen settings will be changed slightly to avoid interfering with other server's settings (specifically Ephinea).
  • Sadly, as it happened once before, the saved passwords will stop working and you have to re-add your saved accounts, you can do this by logging into the account, wait until you reach the character selection screen then open the launcher so it picks up the saved password.
  • The windows key will work on window mode and virtual fullscreen, normal fullscreen will stay the same since tabbing out of of the game would make it crash in that case.
  • The alternate palette (keys 1 to 0) will now work with keyboard when holding Ctrl.
  • The alternate palette keys can now be set from the customization menu, based on the action menu currently selected.
  • Added a registry settings generator page, this will help people that for any reason can't use the launcher (for example, windows XP users after the launcher is updated to .Net Core). It will include all the options except the crash dump options.
  • I'll add more stuff as I remember or implement it.


The alternate palette stuff and the windows key wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Esc's work.

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- Christmas Catastrophe (V1.02)

Rewards increased from 2 to 3 materials on Ultimate so now it is

  • 1 material on Normal
  • 1 material on Hard
  • 2 materials on Very Hard
  • 3 materials on Ultimate

Remember to make sure you have room in your inventory before talking to Hopkins.

- Endless Nightmare 4 (V1.01)

Updated floor pannels in Ruin 1 and Ruin 2 so you no longer need a second player to finish the quest.



- Seabed Upper Levels / Pattern 1 / Variation 1
- Seabed Upper Levels / Pattern 1 / Variation 2
- Seabed Upper Levels / Pattern 2 / Variation 1
- Seabed Upper Levels / Pattern 2 / Variation 2
- Seabed Lower Levels / Pattern 1 / Variation 1
- Seabed Lower Levels / Pattern 1 / Variation 2
- Seabed Lower Levels / Pattern 2 / Variation 1
- Seabed Lower Levels / Pattern 2 / Variation 2

All 8 multiplayer maps have been updated so that you no longer need to log an extra character to unlock 2-buttons doors.

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