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Hunter's Name


  1. Welcome! I will be placing everything I have for sale from all of my accounts in this thread. I'm going to also try my best to make the prices very fair for you guys as well. The more expensive gear (what few I have atm) will be highlighted in BOLD. If you buy techs, please try to get at least 2 at a time so it isnt such a hassle for me to get on for a 1 pd tech. Ya feel me? Now lets get to it Weapons Armor Shields Units Mag Cells TECHS Other Other Wants: Zalure shot More than likely I will make this my go to thread when I am wanting to sell something, so I will be keeping it updated with new items as I get them (but don't count on it lol). As usual items will be crossed out when bought. Thanks for viewing, and if you see anything you want just let me know!
  2. Hello people! My brothers and I have begun a nostalgic re-run of PSO and can't stop playing! I'm in Australia and they are in the U.S. but their items appear correct and normal. However for me I see items completely different for the most part! Not sure what the issue is.. for instance instead of Saber it is Gladius, or instead of Angel Mind for me it appears as God/HP. This is quite confusing and very difficult to figure out with items! Please let me know if there's a fix or what the problem is ASAP! Thank you Swisher
  3. 5 for 1 SALE! Pay 1 PD, get 5 items! RABBIT WAND 0/0/0/0NUG2000-BAZOOKA 0/0/0/0 LAST SURVIVOR 0/15/0/0 LAST SURVIVOR 5/25/0/0 LAST SURVIVOR 0/30/0/0 VIVIENNE 0/0/0/0 Arrest Diska +4 0/35/0/0/40%Hit SANGE 0/10/15/0 ANO BAZOOKA 0/0/0/0 H&S25 JUSTICE 0/0/0/0 H&S25 JUSTICE 0/0/0/0 BRANCH OF PAKUPAKU 0/0/0/0 BRANCH OF PAKUPAKU 0/25/0/0 WINDMILL 15/0/0/0 VARISTA 0/15/0/35 BLADE DANCE 5/20/0/0 CUSTOM RAY ver.00 0/20/0/0 BRAVACE 0/0/0/5 Chaos Laser 0/0/50/50/30%Hit Hell Laser +14 50/0/0/50 Gush Laser 0/50/0/50/30%Hit Berserk Laser +1 0/0/0/25/20%Hit Demon's Vulcan +1 0/0/0/15 Charge Striker 0/50/0/50/30 M&A60 VISE 25/0/20/0 L&K14 COMBAT 5/0/0/30 L&K14 COMBAT 0/15/0/15 L&K14 COMBAT 15/0/0/0 L&K14 COMBAT 0/0/0/0 METEOR SMASH 0/0/25/0 METEOR SMASH 0/0/0/0 ICE STAFF:DAGON 0/45/0/0 ELYSION 10/0/0/0 FROZEN SHOOTER +9 0/0/0/35 FROZEN SHOOTER 0/20/0/0 FROZEN SHOOTER 0/25/20/0 FROZEN SHOOTER 0/0/0/-5 FROZEN SHOOTER 5/0/0/0 FROZEN SHOOTER 15/0/0/0 PHOTON LAUNCHER 0/0/0/35 GUILTY LIGHT 0/0/0/35 GUILTY LIGHT 0/20/15/0 TALIS 0/0/0/0 Holiness Armor (4 Slots) FLOWEN'S FRAME (0 Slots) DB'S ARMOR (0 Slots)SACRED CLOTH (2 Slots) STAR CUIRASS (1 Slot) CUSTOM BARRIER ver.00 SECURE FEET YATA'S MIRROR x2 Amplifier of Barta God/Arm x5 God/Body God/Mind x4 HP/Revival x5 Cure/Slow x2 Heavenly/Battle General Battle Abuelita/BattleDelsaber's Left Arm Hildeblue's Head x8 Grass Assassin's Arms Gobooma's Right ArmRappy's Beak
  4. I'm sorry for writing this question, it may have already been answered before. I am still new at playing this game online and am learning that your ID really makes a difference in what items are dropped for you. I just wanted to know if all section ID's have a shot at all the rares coming up in this event, but with different monsters, or will some ID's not be able to get same rare items that will be dropped for this upcoming event? I am just asking because I just found the list of rares for the events and I already see a bunch that I need and I wanna be able to get them myself.
  5. Hola amigos, me reporto para preguntar si es normal que las armas vengan solo con el nombre de lo que son. Por ejemplo: Una "Cane" en vez de llamarse "Glide Divine" (U otro nombre, es solo un ejemplo) se llama simplemente "Cane". No llevo mucho en el juego y me gustaría saber si esto es normal. Otra cosa es que mi MAG se llama simplemente "MAG", pero llegó cierto momento en que inicie el juego y se llamó durante toda una partida "Utatah" (O algo así, no recuerdo bien) y varias armas también cambiaron de nombre, ya no solo eran "Cane", "Blade", "Barrier" o "Frame". Pero al cerrar y volver a iniciar había cambiado nuevamente el nombre de lo que son. Tengo el juego con el Launcher viejo (Ya que el New launcher no me inicia) y con el idioma en Ingles. Llevo más de 6 horas de juego (No es mucho, pero creo que lo suficiente como para ver otro nombre xD). Un Saludo a todos.
  6. Weapons: Vjaja+7 30/0/0/0/30 Charge Laser 5/0/0/0/45 Dim Laser+6 0/0/0/0/35 Shadow Laser 0/0/0/5/25 Justy 0/0/0/0/20 Berserk Laser +11 0/0/0/45/40 Demon Laser+3 0/50/50/0/30 Caduseus Frozen Shooter 0/30/0/0/35 Frozen Shooter 30/0/0/0/25 Panzer Faust 0/25/0/0 Ice Staff: Dagon God Hand 0/20/0/0/15 Agito Real Madams Parasol Sange Yasha +30 0/25/25/0/20 Jizai +40 Armors/Shields: Green Ring Black Ring Aura Field 4 slots x4 Standstill Shield 5x Star Cuirass 4 slots Units: God/Power 14 Perfect/Resist 3 V801 2 Heav/Power 15 PB/Increase Cent/Arms 14 Noob/HP 2 Techs: Anti 5 Deband 15 3x Zalure 20 Shifta 15 Resta 28 Resta 20 Deband 20 Jellen 20 Zalure 20 Mag Cells: Heart of Devil 3 Kit of Hamburger 5 Kit of Mark 3 Kit of Sega Saturn 2 Kit of Master System 1 Kit of Genesis 2 Tablet Heaven Striker Coat Heart of Morolian Items: Def/Mats 45 Syncesta 5 Star Amplifier 4 Post offers or PM me Looking for: PD's, Lame/Excal With hit, Spread Needle with Hit.
  7. Selling Items: Weapons: Caduceus=1PD Rabbit Wand=1PD Arrest Club (0/50/0/50/50)=1PD The Sigh Of God=1PD Cross Scar (20/20/0/0/25/ ========= Shields: Secure Feet=1PD Black Ring 1PD Regenerate Gear: 1PD ----------------------------------------- Units: God/Power=1PD God/Mind 1PD Devil/Technique=1PD Heavenly/Mind 2PD =========================== Techs: Foie.Lv26 1PD Barta.Lv28 1PD --------------------- Items: 5xScape Dolls=1PD 10xGrinders=1PD GigoBooma's Right Arm=1PD --------------------------------------- Mag Cells: Rappy's Beak=1PD Panther's Spirit=1PD
  8. PD Count: 0 Do you have a ton of stuff that nobody will buy? Do you need pds quick? Are you wanting to buy some cool items? You have come to the right spot! You will get pds quick guarantee! No matter what the item is I will buy it! I will also sell you cool weapons! *Note* I will buy under retail price because that's how a pawnshop works. I will also deny any item that I can't make money off of. Hope you enjoy! Link to my trade list for the cool items: http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/6928-king-ras-new-trade-list/ How this works for buying: Im going to go in more detail as how this is going to work First off you post the item your selling and details about it that matter. such as stats for armor/shield and % for weapons Next you post the amount you want for the item I'll post a low ball number what i want to pay From there we will work towards the middle to find a price we both agree with If we can't then it's no deal Everything i buy will be posted on here for sell. I will not keep anything unless nobody buys it. Donations are welcomed. How this works for selling: I'm going to post the detail about it and my asking price If you don't have that much we might be able to come up with a solution. You can still try to get the items price down but depending on how much I paid will depend on how far it goes down Selling If stats aren't listed it means that it has no stats
  9. I'm going to list a few items that would be cool to have all around not just event. I have no clue if you can do any of these or not. I'm just going to post my ideas and see if you guys like them or not. Trap Grenades: They work just like traps. Damage, Confuse, and Freeze and have the same radius explosion. The only way to get these is through shop and you can get 10 of each but cost alot of meseta. like 100k each and pop up rarely like trimates and trifluids but a little rarer but not like scape dolls. V802 (or w/e): Something to increase the magic casting like a cent/battle. (this can be event only) Support Grenades: I know chuk been trying to make an item shifta & deband. So these could be the jellen and zalure. Not sure how shifta or deband could work here lol. Samething as trap grenades for getting. Recover Unit: Don't you hate getting knocked down and waiting forever to get back up? Well fear no more! This unit allows you to recover 50% faster! That's right i said it, 50% faster! (can be event only) ATP Charger: Everything you kill (or even hit) an enemy you atp increase up by 5 (or w/e) until you get hit or until you leave the game. (can be event only) Attack Speed Charger: Samething as atp but it increase your attack speed. (can be event only) This is a start ill post more later.
  10. Hola, gracias por leer esto n_n El problema que tengo es que todos los items de mis dos pjs están cambiados. Tanto los items del equipo, como la bolsa de items y los dos bancos (del pj y el común) son otros a los que tenía. Lo curioso de este bug es que cuando entro a algún mapa, se ven con la forma del item original, pero el nombre ha cambiado, e incluso el efecto es el que correspondería al del nuevo item. Adjunto unas screenshots de lo que les dije antes para que entiendan mejor No sé con exactitud cuando puedo haber ocurrido esto, pues gracias a motivos de estudio dejé de jugar por un rato, entrando por última vez el 23 de junio. Después, cuando decidí darme una escapada al PSO por un ratico, entré el 4 de julio y noté que mi Regenerate Gear BP (el cual había dejado equipado en mi pj Rydia) había desaparecido, pero no le di mayor importancia y me tomé a la tarea de conseguir otro. Finalmente, el 7 de julio, todos los items estaban buggeados. No tengo idea si esto requerirá de un Rollback u otra alternativa, pero les pido por favor que traten de reparar mis pjs, puesto que gracias a ello no he podido jugar tranquilo >.< Mi Guildcard: 42097703 Personajes afectados: Todos xD Aunque estos son: -Mizore- (slot 1) y Rydia (slot 2) Y por cierto, cree un nuevo pj el día que descubrí el bug (para jugar un rato). No sé si esto le afectará eventualmente a ella también Agrego las screenshots que fui capaz de encontrar, contienen algunos items que tengo... o tenía T.T (No hayé ninguna de la Excalibur, pero muchas personas me han visto jugar con ella, por si los testigos resolviesen esto) Si se necesita de más información no duden en hacermelo saber, les ruego que puedan resolverlo >.< Gracias por leer, ¡aprecio el tiempo y esfuerzo que inviertan en esto! PD: Hago el post hasta hoy 14 de julio (lo empecé en 13 de julio xP), porque antes he andado haciendo un par de cosas (enfermo, papeleo de la universidad, etc) y no me ha quedado tiempo ni energías... ¡Sí, incluso he carecido de energía para encender el PC!
  11. Probably the title of this topics is bit ambiguous, but I will try to explain this as best i can. Ultima server has a opportunity to obtain a tool that would allow us to completely create new items. During the years we been editing unused item (except Ultima Reaper that is a new item) in the game to make them different, by changing name, stats etc.. But editing existing items cant be done forever, it will be some day when we will not have more items to edit. In the other hand, with this tool we can create items for the game, from weapons, shields, unique items, items combine etc. BUT (everything has a but lol) to do this we need the help of the community. so we are offering the following. To the first 4 member who donate $65 (we only need 4) we are going to create a exclusive items for this member, the item will be your choice, we have some little rules for this. as for example edit:. I been receiving petitions for super ultra ubber weapons, therefore i want to be more clear with detail of weapons . the weapons will be as follow, we will gave you any kind of weapon you want. the stats of the weapon, we will set a valanced stats that would be fare good. If the user wants a expecific Skin the user must provide the files needed for the skin. otherwhise we will use a default one of the game. next you can find a quote of Lee, where he explains more clearly what you can get in the term of a weapon. This donations will help us to raise founds to get the tool and to maintain the server expenses, for we will need to pay the tool. Also I want to add this, i know not all users cant donate because of different reasons, I want from all member to understand, that this is to help the community and the server, this tool will help us in the feature by adding new items, and new cool things to the game. all this said, Thanks for reading if any user is interesting, please send me a PM. https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=pFtQ-vfnpwS_xeER5IUka4efuYGWjVZtGAfNwMIRD1gBdkOcmI8X2CEfDve&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d96fc0752e9614158f04872d2f2ae25dc Español Probablemnete el titulo de este topico es un poco ambiguo, pero intentare explicarlo de la mejor manera. Ultima server tiene la oportunidad de obtener una nueva herramienta la cual nos permitira completar crear nuevos items completamente. En estos años hemos estado editando items que no se usaban (excepto la ultima reaper esa es un nuevo item) en el juego para hacerlos diferentes, cambienod el nombre, los atributos etc... pero editar objetos no puede ser echo para siempre, llegara el dia que se terminen y no podremos editar mas. Por otro lado, con esta herramienta nosotros podemos crear items para el juego,armas, armaduras,objetos unicos etc. Pero (todo tiene un pero) necesitamos la ayuda de la comunidad, asi que estamos ofreciendo lo siguiente. los primeros 4 miembors que donen $65 vamos a crear items exclusivos para ellos, el objeto sera de su eleccion, tenemos unas pocas reglas para esto. como ejemplo. no pregunten por darkflow o cualquier clase con 3000atp eso es una peticion ridicula. Una de las reglas es que el arma debe tener el nombre del personaje, asi podremos rastrear esta arma en caso de perdida o lo que sea. si deceas un skin personalizado, deveras proporsionar los files necesarios del skin. Estas donaciones nos ayudaran a mantener los gastos del servidor. por lo que tendremos que pagar por la herramienta. Tambien quiero agregar esto. yo se que todos los user no pueden donar por las diferentes razones, quiero q todos entiendan, que esto es muy util para la comunidad y el servidor, esta nueva herramienta nos ayudara con las caracteristicas agregadas a los objetos creados y nuevas cosas al juego. Bueno por ahora es todo. gracias por tomarce el tiempo de leer. Si alguien esta interesado, por favor mandarme un mensage privado. https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=pFtQ-vfnpwS_xeER5IUka4efuYGWjVZtGAfNwMIRD1gBdkOcmI8X2CEfDve&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d96fc0752e9614158f04872d2f2ae25dc
  12. I logged in this morning to use my Lv 60, but the same thing had happened to that character as to HUNK (Items all being "????"). It was about 12:50am (UK), 26/10/2012 Slot 2: HUNKette Guild Card number: 42016215 Screenshot: http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy186/willJgreen94/pso1351252476.png Thanks again for your time. Will (HUNK)
  13. Dear GM(s) Between 02:40 and 02:55 (UK, London time) or thereabouts. I logged out then in again in order to change to my main, but my items were all "????". I was told to upload screenshots, provide my guild card number and about what time it happened so someone could help me out. Here is a link to the screenshot: http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy186/willJgreen94/pso1351129795.jpg My character's name is HUNK ( I don't know if you needed that. ) My Guild Card No: 42016215 Thanks for you time, your help is appreciated a LOT, since this is my main character. Thanks again. Will (HUNK)
  14. Hello, my problem is that all my items appear with question marks???? This happened when I was about to identify a rare item in the store, restart the game and when I returned to get my items were so???? The error occurred today Tuesday July 17 at approximately 8:00 pm (GMT -6:00) character: >gondra< Slot: 1 ID card: 42093865 Here is a screenshot of the bug http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/pso1342572693.png/ Thanks, I hope is resolved soon!
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