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  1. Guildcard: 4211457 Character Slot: 2 Date/Time: N/A Description: Don't have access to any quests beyond Gran Squall in one player mode on any difficulty. Have completed all available main storyline quests up to and including Gran Squall. Have definitely at least activated pillar in forest 2 and killed dragon on normal in one player mode. Have cleared TTF on hard multiplayer. Comments: Not a highly pressing issue, but would like to be able to access single player quest content further in the storyline.
  2. Disculpen tengo un problema con uno de mis personajes al entrar al juego, se llama Yin, el problema empezó cuando active el Skin, me saca al entrar a uno de los bloques y solo con ese personaje, podrían quitarme el Skin, y sí es posible saber por que ocurrió ese error, gracias por su atención y disculpen las molestias.
  3. bueno en resumen, ayer compre en gallons shop una magic rock heart key y los use en una invisible guard para crear el shield safety guard y salio bien todo. y entro hoy y no tengo la shield safety, tengo de nuevo la invisible guard y no tengo la magic rock heart key ;( la verdad no tome foto de el shield safety y de la rock magic solo tengo una foto cuando andaba en la quest comprandola y hoy solo tenia la invisible guard ;( se puede hacer algo?
  4. Hi i recently registered to play the game but i never got an email to confirm, is there any way i can have it re-sent?
  5. Howdy, I did a few runs and finally got my sonic gloves after a few attempts at a round of rock paper scissors against the trio haha after finally getting them I was pumped until... I did the Fire Swirl quest to talk to the man in the corner of the item shop but no matter how many times I talked to him there was never an option to convert them to Sonic Knuckles, I even got the gloves again to try but that didn't work. So is it broken, am I the only one with this issue or is there a fix? Thanks Swisher
  6. So, i try to launch the online.exe that is by default placed on my desktop. The first screen pops up no problem, i then press start game. The game launches again without any problem. Then when I sign in with my account information and try to log in from that screen, it tries to update the same files which I already previously updated. It then tells me to press enter to exit the game. I did this about three times before i gave up noticing that nothing was changing every time I did this. This has started today, as this is the first time i tried to play it right after a clean installation. Please help, I really wanna play this amazing old game.
  7. Hi, Cyanide told me to report this bug here. I have a Bhirava MAG, currently at level 82. The weirdest thing happened about 2 days ago. I logged in to find my MAG gained 2 DEF, and lost 5 DEX (It was at 50). Not a huge bug, but it does affect the stats I wanted to give it. I am hoping you can fix it, or otherwise reset the DEF to 5. Thanks! G card: 42153486 Character slot 1. EDIT: I feed my MAG Sol Atomizers and Monomates.
  8. Hello, My Level 200 Fuchsia Sato reset back to level 5 earlier today after feeding Star Atomizers to increase synchro. This happened around 2:30PM 6/27/15 when I logged back in after a "no connection" error. I followed this guide to make the Sato: http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1024 And the stats were 5/150/45/0 with Twins, Flipper, and Pilla. I have pictures of me with the Mag, but probably not of the stats themselves sadly. Would it please be possible to restore my Sato? Thank you very much. - Rend (RAmarl) GC: 42151637
  9. So I experience a problem where sometimes 5 minutes sometimes 15 minutes into my gaming (just enough time to get into a lobby, or start a quest etc) the game will force close. There are no pop-ups and no error codes. I have checked my error log and it is empty. I run the game as admin every time, and have ensured that my AV (Webroot) does not block it. Currently psobw.exe, psobb.exe, option.exe, and online.exe are all listed as 'allow' with my AV. It happens pretty often but seems random when it occurs. I have been able to game for sometimes 30minutes to an hour, but usually once it happens for the first time, any attempt to restart is killed by the same issue happening in a much shorter time. This is a recurring thing even after a new install (in fact it was even a fresh windows install). With each installation of PSO, I have also had to go into windows settings and set the DEP stuff, so all .exe's in the PSO file are listed under that setting for windows. Any other ideas? Really sucks not being able to finish quests with friends or play consistently =(
  10. I was playing this game yesterday lvling up my character and this morning when i wake up my character "motoko" is level 1 with no items. What is this bug? And how do i get my data back? Guildcard: 42151833 Character Slot: 4 Level: 31 Materials: I don't remember - Time: 8/6 - 9 am aprox
  11. My friends and I are playing on mines normal difficulty at the boss. after 2 screens left and center piece dropped the boss just stopped showing up. Time 11:49PM CST. Players: Talia - 1st slot - 42147962
  12. I just re-download PSOBB on my newly built PC, and am having a bug while loading my characters in (I know there is a server attack but that's not the problem), after the character select screen, and loading phase for connecting to a server, it freezes, without full on crash, it stops responding. I did some testing and found that in only happens in full-screen mode. when I run the game windowed it works fine. now I haven't loaded up all the resolutions, they didn't seem to effect it, from native to 1080. Variable that shouldn't cause the problem, but i will include anyway controller (Xbox 360) two way SLI graphics cards (GTX 660) (currently disabled for PSO) Christmas event patch Variables that might cause it **Might** Razer Synapse (I only include this because it seems to freeze when PSO does) HDMI input/Resolution conflict File corruption from installer (New installer didn't change anything, tried re-installing) Color depth/High End settings (?) (System font?) Windows 8.1 (Tried in compatibility, didn't change anything) Now Im not sure how to go about fixing this, and I really want to play, I know there is a server attack going on, but when that is over, I want to be able to play enjoyably! Preferably in Full-Screen! I can be reached here or at my email: CastOfOblivion@gmail.com for any additional information needed.
  13. I cannot launch a second instance of the game without the first crashing. The first one works just fine, but when I try to launch the game, my first client crashes with and error code of complete jibberish. Can anyone help me out?
  14. estoy jugando recién pero al elegir vender y después comprar, no aparece la ventana de compras y no queda otra más que cerrar el juego. que hago? P.D.: esto sucede raras veces, siempre y cuando no aparezca la ventana de desconexión.
  15. Thanks in advance for any help. I am new to PSO on the PC and have been wanting to revisit this game for some time now. The installation and updating of the game was a breeze and it seems to run fine with the exception of this one problem (Which severely handicaps the overall gameplay). When accessing the in-game "pause" menu and selecting mag, (you know the menu where you would go to feed your mag) the game crashes to the desktop with a "PSObb.exe has stopped working" message. To clarify this is only happening upon pressing the button "MAG" in the in-game pause menu. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. A PSO fan. Specs Windows 8.1 Pro 32 bit AMD Sempron SI-42 3GB Ram ATI Radeon 3100 Graphics
  16. For anyone with a skin issue (everytime someone on the same room as you or yourself, equips an ultima custom weapon [has been happening with Hundred Souls] you crash) Locate your ItemTextureEP4.afs and ItemTextureEP4.pat Probably in C:\Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst\data Delete your ItemTextureEP4.afs and rename ItemTextureEP4.pat to ItemTextureEP4.afs After that, close the game, start the launcher with admin rights and patch the game. this should solve the issue.
  17. Description The infamous ???? bug is known to scramble up the inventory and banks of players when performing certain actions : Storing an item in the bank Withdrawing an item from the bank Dropping an item on the floor Picking up an item from the floor Equipping an item Unequipping an item Selling an item Usually the user gets prompted with an error and gets disconnected. Then when logging back in the inventory or bank is corrupted with ???? items. Those disapear the next time the player logs in. Cause At this moment there are reasons to believe it is related to a bug in the sorting method of the inventory (both manual and automatic). It screws up the item IDs which gives problems when performing above actions. Testcases Preparations : A garbage character of any level/class that can get bugged At least 31 items in the bank or inventory (try to copy a normal inventory setup) A friend with the same conditions as above Stacked items as it seems to happen more with them being involved (monomates and such will work ) Tests : 1. standard test manual sort A. Deposit all your items in the bank B. Withdraw about half of them really fast C. Sort the items randomly in your inventory D. Deposit half of it back in the bank E. Withdraw as much items as possible from the bank F. Disconnect using alt + back space 2. traded items test A. Trade 10 items with another person proceed with standard test manual sort 3. disconnect while retrieving proceed with standard test manual sort except step F. instead do : F. disconnect while retrieving items from the bank by pulling out your net cable 4. drop items test A. Drop all your items on the floor B. Pick up about half of them really fast C. Sort the items automatically in your inventory D. Drop half of it back on the floor E. Pick up as much items as possible F. Disconnect using alt + back space 5. equip items test proceed with standard test manual sort but between E & F : F. Go into forest area & kill a few monsters G. Equip and unequip items several times 6. common bank test A. proceed with standard test manual sort but use the common bank instead of the regular bank 7. combi test A. Trade 10 items with another player B. Deposit all items in the common bank C. Take another character of the same account D. Deposit 10 more items from this character in the common bank (You should have an empty inventory now ) E. Withdraw about 20 items from the common bank really fast F. Sort your inventory manually (randomly) G. Withdraw more items from the regular bank till your invent is full. H. Drop 5 items I. Sort automatically J. Pick up the items again as fast as possible K. Store about 15 items in bank quickly L. Withdraw 5 items form the bank again M. Sort inventory manually N. Go in forest 1 and kill a few monsters O. Equip/unequip the items a few times P. Dc using alt + backspace 8. monkey test A. Alternate between sorting traded items and depositing/withdrawing items from the bank B. Repeat step A at least 25 times. More is better. 9. custom test A. Repeat above tests in different order and with different people. ( even GM made items can be used) B. Try to memorize your steps briefly in case you need to reproduce the test to get the bug How can you help Pick a few testcases and execute them. Report in this topic if the testcase was successful for you or if you were able to reproduce the bug. There are no direct rewards linked to this but you're just helping us and everyone out by doing these. Don't be afraid to do a test several times to try to force out the bug. If you find anything strange post here and we can investigate it deeper.
  18. GC: 42014802 Character: Slot 2 - Seandra Incident: Just got out of an RT game with Wayne, after he dropped me a Red Sword. After returning to lobby and trying to start a new game to test sword and bank some items the interface just locked up. After idling there unable to do anything while other people in the lobby moved, the game then proceeded to crash on me. Lost Red Sword and some other trash items I picked up from RT, I believe. Times: Around 3:10 - 3:13 EST Wish I had some screenshots but I really don't. Happened so fast I never got around to taking them. Even if there isn't anything you can do for me, just letting you guys know that there might be some bug with the counter.
  19. I was feeding a mag MARK3, minutes after it reached lvl 200 i got dc'd and lost it, also 11 power materials the mats aren't important (we are on event lol) but the mag... Guilcard: 42111642 Slot: 2 Name: Soly here is a pic of the mag
  20. - Dropped my hylian for Fakis. - Went to pick up his 99 pds, (had one in my inventory T-T). - Number over max error: = DC'ED. - Came back in the room, nothing on the ground. Dced again without touching anything but awsd. - Remade room , Fakis drops pds again and asks for hylian. Side note: Tweek was in the room. It's possible one of them picked it up. If you want to scan: Tweek (42005165) and Fakis (42113422). Note that Fakis has another hylian for the time being. It is not the one we lost. If Fakis has 2 hylians then one of them is the lost one. Since he dropped me the pds at will I know he was not trying to scam me. Please return my hylian! If this isn't good enough, I will need a rollback please. hope to hear back. Thanks for your time! ~Cerv
  21. kat2388


    hi kajex or lavra when i tradeing when i log kat items in her inventory was missing plz help
  22. Hi my character name is MiNiDonK I lost all my gear including my 2 mags after a crash everything in my inv turned into ???? And then disappeared. I'll do anything I can to help. Please roll me back D: I'm sorry if I'm posting in wrong area I'm just desperate for help. Thanks, Sam
  23. Hi, First sorry for no Screen shots, but I got a situation that my mag rollback... With a lot suffering, yesterday I made a Nidra (50/0/0/50) with my Force, arround 11:25pm GMT-3. since then i started to lvl my new Nidra with mind. Today I logged to the game arround 10:00pm GMT-3, and when i was to feed my mag, it turned back to a Bana! Yes, i could wait until lvl110, to get back a Nidra, but i want the specific stats of 50def and 150mind to my force. Since it got me a lot of work, i'm asking if a gm can turn my mag (that now is 50/0/0/53) again into a Nidra. My Guild Card number is: 42100949 My Character is at first slot, name: Lutz Thanks for undestanding, Elton
  24. Hola, gracias por leer esto n_n El problema que tengo es que todos los items de mis dos pjs están cambiados. Tanto los items del equipo, como la bolsa de items y los dos bancos (del pj y el común) son otros a los que tenía. Lo curioso de este bug es que cuando entro a algún mapa, se ven con la forma del item original, pero el nombre ha cambiado, e incluso el efecto es el que correspondería al del nuevo item. Adjunto unas screenshots de lo que les dije antes para que entiendan mejor No sé con exactitud cuando puedo haber ocurrido esto, pues gracias a motivos de estudio dejé de jugar por un rato, entrando por última vez el 23 de junio. Después, cuando decidí darme una escapada al PSO por un ratico, entré el 4 de julio y noté que mi Regenerate Gear BP (el cual había dejado equipado en mi pj Rydia) había desaparecido, pero no le di mayor importancia y me tomé a la tarea de conseguir otro. Finalmente, el 7 de julio, todos los items estaban buggeados. No tengo idea si esto requerirá de un Rollback u otra alternativa, pero les pido por favor que traten de reparar mis pjs, puesto que gracias a ello no he podido jugar tranquilo >.< Mi Guildcard: 42097703 Personajes afectados: Todos xD Aunque estos son: -Mizore- (slot 1) y Rydia (slot 2) Y por cierto, cree un nuevo pj el día que descubrí el bug (para jugar un rato). No sé si esto le afectará eventualmente a ella también Agrego las screenshots que fui capaz de encontrar, contienen algunos items que tengo... o tenía T.T (No hayé ninguna de la Excalibur, pero muchas personas me han visto jugar con ella, por si los testigos resolviesen esto) Si se necesita de más información no duden en hacermelo saber, les ruego que puedan resolverlo >.< Gracias por leer, ¡aprecio el tiempo y esfuerzo que inviertan en esto! PD: Hago el post hasta hoy 14 de julio (lo empecé en 13 de julio xP), porque antes he andado haciendo un par de cosas (enfermo, papeleo de la universidad, etc) y no me ha quedado tiempo ni energías... ¡Sí, incluso he carecido de energía para encender el PC!
  25. I just downloaded the full Phantasy Star Installer from this site, ran it, set online.exe to run as Administrator. The issue is, after going through all the patching to get the launcher up to date it keeps trying to redownload itemtextureep4.afs over and over every time I start the game up. Any thoughts or suggestions? Let me know if you need any more info, I'll be happy to tell you anything I can. Thank you.
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