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Everything posted by Lee

  1. http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/moninfo.shtm use that generate an inf, load it as your monitor driver, see where it gets you.
  2. yeah you're having some real driver issues here lol, one of the ways i get around issues like this is do an edid override for the monitor driver, which forces the resolutions i want.
  3. that tool should tell you what programs actually see in reguards to resolutions pso wants to use and can on your system sometimes it repeats the same res a few times, because i haven't ironed out some filters yet for different frequencies
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/download/q69b1mraqhdpbsr/TestRes.rar This should show supported 32 bit 60 hz resolutions, it's still a wip, but should work for now.
  5. I can't make your card draw what it can't support
  6. to run at some resolutions those must be supported, so for example 1920x1080 should draw on your panel, as long as the os and card support it, i was working on some diagnostic tool to show supported resolutions, I could post it here if it would help.
  7. Could have sworn I made some fixes to its rate yesterday
  8. Since the game defaults to 640x480, they had to have messed with the res settings in the first place therefore csusing their own issue.
  9. it's called run it as admin or go to options and change the res, not bypass the stupidity in the first place.
  10. that's not a fix and chuk really should stop telling people to do that because it doesn't help find the issue.
  11. The log from online exe may give some clues as to which part is timing out
  12. Because weapons at the same hex must share the same range stats, hence why it's a combo locked rifle in thr first place. Not everything has to be optimal or top tier and just because people agree with you doesn't make it any less overpowerd, in fact if they had to use a trainer to do it pretty much proves it is otherwise why waste time.
  13. Now you know why I hid the quest ideas forum in qedits own sub forum.
  14. Forcing rare enemies negates the point of them being rare, multiple instances of the same floor can be called, but in most cases disabling the town warp is necessary, in this case though not needed since boss floors, for an example of multiple floor reuse see pw4 or cmode. Fixed box drops as well as advanced use of the bb opcode for bpd can award items, changing boss drops requires sever code. Multiple bosses at the same time is a stupid idea unless you like to crash, spawning them in waves can work as long as the delay waits out animations, again unless you like crashing clients, also don't wave spawn multi stage bosses, ahem falz, or sequence animation bosses ahem de ro lie.
  15. Nothing which is why you are demanding an unlock
  16. I'm saying a piercing freeze launcher with a combo is massively op and over shadows ever other weapon to the point that using something that isn't a ra pointless. The snow queen is fine and always has been, the choice between it and the shooter is a preference as they are both balanced as is.
  17. If you unlock the snow queen the rifle becomes irrlevent, it's a launcher and forfills a different role
  18. what would help with fixing bugs would be if user's actually paid attention to what they were doing in detail rather then worrying about their items etc. Not gonna happen though.
  19. whiles it's entirely possible to alter the shop (i did some minor changes to remove grinders and add scapedolls in their place), it's actually a hassle to make major changes, because the shop is actually a collection of hundreds of logs with one selected at random. I mean it is technically feasible, to remove the shop in it's current form, say the item shop in this example, and replace it with a static list while removing it's random elements, such as techs and the random scape doll. Ex new shop would only always have this no matter your lvl: Monomate 50 Dimate 300 Trimate 2000 Monofluid 100 Difluid 500 Trifluid 3600 Sol Atmoizer 300 Moon Atomizer 500 Star Atomizer 5000 Antidote 60 Antiparalysis 60 Telepipe 350 Trap Vision 100 Anyway something like this would be larva's call to make. A static list easily editable shop could also have other things placed in it for events or stuff. Anyway you get the point.
  20. yeah i'm totally not from the uk at all or anything and using ironic humor.
  21. it's shouldn't, it drops with 90% and teks to 100% but i'm splitting hairs.
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