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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by EDEN

  1. Techs have been notoriously crap in ultimate, even vanilla, without a ton of +percent to tech pieces. (with the exception of episode 4). That's just a hazard of playing a newman force. There is quite a big curve from Very Hard to Ultimate. You need to max your mag, get some materials, and that will take care of more than OP weapons will tbh. And about it being TOO hard, no it's definitely not. It's easy enough to steamroll TTF in roughly 10 minutes. If it was nerfed, it would be far too easy, more than it already is. And yeah what Lipelis said, it doesn't get much more vanilla than Ephinea. But take it from me, it's boring as hell.
  2. Do you have an option (usually a button) to disable the touchpad (I'm assuming if you don't have a mouse, you have a touchpad)? It may be an issue with that.
  3. I've never played pso2, if I can get it up and running, we should totally play
  4. I just passed the dreaded captcha test, gonna try it out soon
  5. Looking for two master ravens with hit to make a set. Prefer 40+hit and 2 stat. Paying in DT Let me know what you have
  6. EDEN

    Swapping models

    Thank you Shiva!
  7. EDEN

    Swapping models

    I'm working on it lol
  8. EDEN

    Swapping models

    I got it to work as well, just needed the right model ID. Awesome, thanks Soly
  9. EDEN

    Swapping models

    That is probably why.. The model numbers must be different from the sites skins I'm referencing. No friggen wonder. Didn't even think about it. Well I probably have a bunch of random items remodeled lmao. Ill retry it and see what happens. Thanks Soly
  10. EDEN

    Swapping models

    Yeah I've done that, the models never swap, nothing happens. I load the itemtextureep4 or itemmodelep4 file, find the correct file I want, export the files as .prs, rename to the correct file (like rename File 371 Gael Gil to File 359 or 361 for Sato and Nidra), and put into the appropriate texture or model folder, nothing happens in game. The same method always works for the textures of whatever item I'm swapping, but never the model.
  11. EDEN

    Swapping models

    http://speedstar1.wixsite.com/speedstar/skins all of his skins are now on this website, but there aren't any tutorials on how to do it Also, I don't know if this was before when you could just afp patch the files and roll with it, whereas now the files get overwritten when you start up the launcher. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I'm mainly trying to swap mag models and weapon models.
  12. EDEN

    Swapping models

    I have tried to swap models through exporting the model through AFS manager and swapping with the item I want, but it isn't working (at all). Anyone had any success with this? It would be quite dope to figure out how to do this
  13. Cant add hit to something that already has 3 stats
  14. Added things
  15. Will take PD offers for anything on the list for a little while. Need stuff to move so make an offer
  16. So I can hit with them?
  17. Added Chromatic Orb, 35H Lame, 50h daylight scar, reduced price on shard
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