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Everything posted by sheldama

  1. Hey n00blet Vince... next time you see me on just ask for it . This is why we add team members as friends on the forums
  2. How many pds are you giving for Shifta30?
  3. Second Shifta 30... why no Foie or Rafoie??

    1. SunnyD


      Uhm non support tech have a lower drop rate or drop on higher variants of the same zone :P

    2. Zynetic


      Support Techs are actually quite common drops: They are staples of the Force class, and are quite easy to obtain.

      Attack techniques, however, have a drop rate of 1/100,000, and a different one drops for a different ID in a specific area. For example, Pinkal Tower drops Grants 30 and Whitill R1 drops Gifoei 30.

  4. Since when did we care what other teams did as far as recruiting? I say we keep the standard. I don´t mind helping people get in but I don´t want to open up the team and then for the new people to want us to do all the work for them. Just saying
  5. Word, Wren 7 (Dizz obviously), Freedert, JCgamer
  6. Yeah just a Red Ring, a Wedding dress and some lvl 30 techs. Then I guess will start working on Ranger equips....
  7. I thought 502 boosted all specials. Oh well, at least it is one item less I have to hunt for!
  8. Great guide Zynetic As a FOnewearl I agree with 90% of what you say in regards to role fulfillment. Just the other day i picked up a Bringer's Rifle, boosted it to 50hit and feel like the game is a lot more fun. I now role with a v101, Smartlink, v801, and a Centi (which i want to upgrade to a v502). One thing that I have noticed it due to monster resistances, your techs do not do a WHOLE lot more damage per 1mst. For instance in ep4 I think I do 270 with a lvl29 Rafoie with my glide equipped and only like 266 without it. If I am not mistaking that is 55mst = 4 points of damage. Which means if you take 10 rafoies to kill something with Dark Bridge equipped, it will probably not take 9 to kill it with the glide. Where I am going with this is that lately I have not been focusing on maxing my MST because as a FoNewearl my techs to not benifit as much per 1point of Mst as my Bringer's Rifle benefits from 1ata. With this in mind I am focusing my endgame mag on maxing out my Ata then atp, and the rest sliding into Mst. so that I do not lose as much time switching all of my equips. Just something that I have noticed and am trying out now.
  9. A lot of Robin Hoods as of late. Kinda wierd when the Robin Hood has some of the best equips due to him "giving to the poor"
  10. Cheating // Hacking = Banning. If you were around longer you would know that exploiting the gallon shop would result in banning. Your items might be legit but it is like paying for a PS3 with fake 100 dollar bills. You get the idea? I think you really need to understand that you have to pay for the consequences of your actions. I think that the MODs and GMs are right for banning you and that you are the one with a shifty moral standpoint. And unless you registered for the boards after you started playing you have been here for 5 days and you already started to "expoit bugs" (not cheating right? lol). Just remember this is not a single player game where noone cares what you do. It is a MMO where I honestly hunted for my PFG and 50hit bringers rifle and whatnot and you just exploited some PDs and got them off people?
  11. Sunny's quest is designed to kill you... with vengeance.... but I finally got a bringer's arm off it!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sylarjr


      yep after i read sheldama post i spammed th equest a normal morning glory and a red mech :)

    3. Zynetic


      502 does not increase the success of Demon's. :v Only Paralyse/Hell/Confuse/Freeze.

    4. SunnyD


      yup hes right ^ :P

  12. sheldama

    Quest Request

    or turn rares into PDs. How many GaeBolgs have i picked up? TOOOOO MANY
  13. sheldama

    Quest Request

    lol Worst idea for a MMO I have ever heard. Would completely take away from any game dynamic that PSO is about
  14. I think you should type it out on Word, then every time a topic like this comes up, just copy and paste it. It isnt like the information changes that often
  15. Once you get high enough there is an armor called Sacred Cloth that stops you for being paralyzed as if you were a Cast class.
  16. 20 days to get all that? Especially when the Parasite Cell event was over? Seems fishy to me to be honest. As much as I want a red ring I dunno how much i can trust that this stuff isnt hacked
  17. sheldama


    Que son los stats del HS?
  18. No rep for only dancing on normal! DANCE DANCE ULTIMATE STYLE!!!!
  19. sheldama


    The bonus to ATA can be 61 or 62 (122 dex ad 124dex respectively) but 61 dex on a mag is just as good as 60.
  20. sheldama


    by 61 dex you mean 60 or 62? cause 61 dex still = 30ata
  21. There was a time where it was worth a bit, then we hit a 5xdrop event for a while and a 3x drop for a while so these things drop like candy. I don't think anyone really should trade for these anymore, and less for: Gael Gil
  22. Adding the combo to the L&K would be silly. 15 hits for one combo? As much as I like damage, it is completely silly considering every class can use it.
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