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Everything posted by Diricos

  1. 88 minutes left. Sorry for the late report - I just got on!
  2. Thanks Soly! It kind of sucks to play on a resolution different from what I'm used to, but it did solve the problem!
  3. Whenever I take a screen shot of the game, they come out distorted. Is this an issue anyone's seen before, and if so, how can I fix this? See attached for example.
  4. Judging from banner today: Ultima Reaper: Whitill - Indi Belra (Ep 1)
  5. Heads up guys - I heard that all IDs find all of the items this event!
  6. Edited my post. Unfortunately another player scooped it up before I could. He shared the stats with me.
  7. Vampire Cloak confirmed Yellowboze VH Chaos Bringer. I didn't get the drop, so don't remember exactly what the stats were, but it was something along the lines of: 125 DFP 50 MST 105 EVP +45 EIC +35 EDK
  8. Welp, time to kill every enemy on every difficulty in every episode with every section ID...
  9. Defense only blocks if you would have taken 0 damage. Otherwise, no.
  10. If you have a means of hitting many enemies at once (and doing a reasonable amount of damage) the beginning of Wrath of Forest has waves of 15 rappies, boomas, goboomas, and gigoboomas. TTF (Towards the Future) is always an option if you can manage the bosses. If you're looking for a party, though, you can always try putting "help" in your title, such as "TTF help." More often than not a bored, higher level player will help you cruise through it.
  11. Actually, now that I think of it, I haven't crashed SINCE I got max meseta. Thanks meseta room!
  12. I think this is a known issue, but I'd like to know what circumstances cause it so I can prevent it. When it happens, it always seems to be when I'm quickly trying to deposit meseta into the common bank, most often at the end of a quest. I've heard that having 30/30 items in your inventory is related, but that alone doesn't seem to cause the game to crash.
  13. Isn't Godric/Ability a troll item?
  14. Have Viridia or Pinkal been confirmed to find anything special in the event? They're my only two on ultimate. It wouldn't take too long to train another one to ultimate, but it'd be nice to be able to hunt something with my best characters.
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