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Everything posted by Larva

  1. no problem.. hai un server que nos esta copiando todo *couf* biza *couf* kisiera que copiaran el ponerle un drop special a HalloRappy , incluso puedo ponerlo la cantidad de drops que yo desee xD
  2. No te preocupes es algo que ya keria hacer. no me gusta ese evento en lo mas minimo , solo lo pongo para que haiga variedad.
  3. take it easy i was joking xDD lol
  4. hummm odd.. wish quest you want to play ? can you give us the exact error. thanks.
  5. ke buena historia man, y si la verda que buenos tiempos akellos donde solo era paz y trankilidad no como haora ¬¬ ke todos andan de grilleros jajajja.. pero sera dificil que nos renplascan aunque kieran. xD tienes +REP , y he sierto antes avia menos lvl 200, aremos menos eventos de x5 jejejje me agrada esa idea.
  6. dificulty dont matter. is the same for all. la dificultad no importa es lo mismo para todos.
  7. for your bad luck let me tell you... that It works we already test it many times. xD... bad luck for you kairi.. >>
  8. OK thats the main problem , you said in your initial post SLOT 2 . LOL LOL
  9. 4 quests already nice nice.... when we get 10 quest i put the 10 up and i announce the new /lang 3 for portugess thanks guys ..keep this awesome work xD
  10. y yo no estoy invitado al guateke o que pedo ? >> ya todos me odian jejejje
  11. aver cuando te miro man. ya para hacer lo que kedo pendiente. xD el delevel lol
  12. Larva

    bug iris

    etonces kedo bien ?? para cerrar el post.
  13. Larva


    ok lo regresaremos 24h antes de este post, gracias. espero y este listo hoy mismo antes del final del dia.
  14. the rollback is for the player = X-K E;;er RAmarl and lvl 38 ???? this post was made september 12, rolling back the char to sep-10 should work i guess.
  15. Ok seams like we have a new non desire guess in pioneer2 Michael Myers with the help of chuky has posses the bodys of a rappy he call him self.. Hallo Rappy Myers. the appearance of the hallo Rappy will be from Oct-10 to Oct-31. Higher appearance will be the days.. 23,24,30,31 Special Drops for Hallo Rapy is Pioneer parts (for mag) Good luck All ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Along this event we will set a event that has been sponsored by Big lip Radio... more late i set the information for it. Spañol: Ok párese ser que tenemos un invitado no deseado en Pioneer2, Michael Myers con la ayuda de chuky a tomado posesion del cuerpo de un Rappy, se hace llamar asi mismo.. Hallo Rappy Myers. Hallo Rappy lo pueden encontrar en Ep2 Temple apartir de Oct-10 a Oct-31 La aparision sera elevada solo los dias 23,24,30,31 el drops especial de hallo Rapy es Pioneer parts (for mag). Buena suerte a todos.
  16. what he need to do to run binaries of windows he can install virtualbox (ore a virtual machine for mac) i dont remember the sofwtare name. and run the game trough there.
  17. wow this topic really mark history hee...
  18. yep RR can be better (for someones) but other prefers the unique of the ftd xD like me. i dont really miss the buff of the RR i prefer the fancy ftd xD
  19. Larva

    bug iris

    ARTER lol que fecha seria la mas correcta para regresar a tu char , gracias.?
  20. remember if you are using windows XP start the game with online.exe if you are using vista ore 7 use vonline.exe that should fix the problem
  21. Larva


    .. sorry for la tardanza pero he estado muy ocuapdo. ok basado en tu primer post cuanto tiempo atras retrosedo el char ?
  22. Larva

    bug iris

    dj can you proceed to this one. plz thanks.
  23. thanks for the help dj.
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