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Everything posted by ZenReborn

  1. Appreciated bro.
  2. Rainbow Baton 50/50/0/0/50hit 6pds I want this. Pmed
  3. Been quoted 40 DTs or so by several sources and already have an offer of 40 on it.
  4. Hello! Been trying to find this but cannot. I know it has something to do with Gallons shop but don't know what. Where do I buy this exactly? Do I need to unlock a quest or something? As of right now I'm officially stumped as to how to get one. Thanks in advance!
  5. My question is where the hell are you going to keep all those PDs? You'll have PDs out the wazoo if you sell even half of that lol
  6. Updated with more items, removed sold ones.
  7. Lol didn't realize this was in the spanish section. This can be closed
  8. Doing 20 grinders per PD. Need about 200 of them. PM if you have them. Not interested in partial amounts.
  9. You charged me over 5DTs for a 40/40/0/0 Zanba alone. A hitless Zanba worth over 5DTs but a 50 hit one isn't worth 20? Not buying that dude. Doesn't make sense.
  10. Tyvm for the Lame D'Argent
  11. And I'll bid 30DTs on it
  12. Zanba with 50 hit is worth more than 20DTs.
  13. You won't have to worry about a blank one. I doubt anyone even capable of finding or affording a PGF would use it on anything blank.
  14. Sold to Jason Wade. This can be locked
  15. You can't easily get them anymore. Someone sold a blank one the other day for 50 DTs.
  16. TJS price went up. It can't be donated for plus it's a hard drop.
  17. Looking for DT offers only. Thanks.
  18. Bump. Still have some cool stuff left xD
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