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Everything posted by Tro

  1. Tro

    R-78 Trade List

    Can I get 5 add slots please
  2. S> Sues Coat (no joke)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tro


      No selling for less. Im a stupid idiot who thought Ramarl could use. No point having it atm.

    3. Misombre


      =/ oh so it's only for hunewearl and hucaseal I guess, good to know

    4. Tro


      So yea, learnt my lesson. Now looking to sell lol

  3. Tro

    b>asteron belt 30h

    Have one 40/0/0/0/30 offers?
  4. 150 cast and newman, 250 human, 125hp for all... I think.
  5. Let me check my tech levels in a min, think I will have the 20 jellen / zalure
  6. Eeerrrr 3pd and 5hp mats for your 40 mind?
  7. Mind mats not all for 3pd anymore?
  8. B> Sues coat

    1. Tro


      Forgot to mention that pgf will not drop until someone sells me Sues Coat.

  9. Would like to pay in dts please. Thank you, Edit: Purchased RR
  10. B> Sues coat, RR and Hylian

  11. We are going to bid here for these guns Im starting at 10dts
  12. Does the exact same fpr me. Seems to be room dependant, it will happen over and over on the same room but if I join a different one it goes straight in. If the room I couldnt get in is remade then everything is fine.
  13. Any other % on the weapon?
  14. I'm after beserk needle or arrest so please go ahead ;')
  15. Think Uranus has one for sale, can send him a pm to ask.
  16. Tro

    B> Gear for dts

    Still looking for the above
  17. How many dts for S rank needle Beserk?
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