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Everything posted by beezemanjones

  1. Why are those spoilers lol?
  2. My schedule got freed up today. QUEST FUN IS LIVE!! If you're not a square you'll come join me;)

  3. I love this. Thank you for your honesty Yui. Even if it turns out it wasn't duped, we could still use more players with this kind of integrity:D
  4. ill take one breh! pm me please. dont follow topics anymore
  5. Hey guys, I have times where I come online and just don't know what to hunt or do. Well, I got to thinking, there are so many incredible quests that blue burst has. As a Gcube player for many years I never have even played the myriad of cool interesting quests offered by blue burst and Ultima. So tomorrow at 5:00pm Central Time I will be doing a runthrough of any quests I have not done in Ep. 1 or some of the cooler unique ones. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment! If you would like to join me I will be making a room labeled 'Quest Fun'. I know there are some really unique quests that change everything about an area like forest on fire in forest 2 so come on out and lets have a blast!!!! EDIT: I just realized I have something going on at 5 tomorrow. I'm planning on doing this Friday afternoon same time though!
  6. I got like 5 Cent/Powers. Also have L&K 38 with 40 hit. Interested in your DTS. PM me if interested as I will probably not be following this topic! these guys make me laugh so hard hahaha.
  7. i can offer Deez Nuts.
  8. I was kindof looking for one yesterday. i have one now that is almost lvl 50. this can be closed/locked!
  9. Lol been posting like crazy in the forums today but last one for a while i promise hahaha. Looking for a darkish green (like a evergreen color) mag. either lvl 50 or close to it with stats only in dex and power (5 def is fine). PM me if u have one extremely interested.
  10. ive been told proof is 50-80 pds and not sure about cent ability. prob not alot tho. 3-4 pds?
  11. So I made a trade list a while back. It has gotten buried in the forums so I figured I'd remake it only this time not adding as much common items no one is looking for. Too lazy to add prices so just pm me or post in topic if your interested. Weapons Hell Laser +9 0/50/0/50/30 Berserk Vulcan +9 15/0/0/25/35 Berserk Arms +9 0/25/0/20/20 Demon's Vulcan +9 0/0/25/0/30 Frozen Shooter +9 20/0/15/0/15 Ultima Reaper 0/20/0/0/0 Holy Ray 0/0/0/30/35 Shields & Armor From the Depths Virus Armor: Lafuteria Units & Misc Cure (pretty much everything) V501 Heavenly Powers/Abilities Centurion Powers/Abilities/Minds Godric Ability NoOb/HP Mind, Evade, Def Mats Item Ticket Proof of Sonic Team Mag Kits Cell of Mag 213 Heart of Opa Opa Kit of Hamburger Panther's Spirit Kit of GENESIS Kit of DREAMCAST Kit of SEGA RETURN Heart of Kapu Kapu Heart of Angel
  12. Not sure. Prob pds or dts, im trying to get a if right now
  13. Buying Iron faust decent stats? selling Zalure Needle Sold 2 Sproofs
  14. I got one. good stats with 40 hit. PM me
  15. I recently posted a week back I'd pay someone to do this! 20 pds or something? PM me
  16. Buying a Blue Agastya 5/165/30/0. I will give you the mag color and liberta kit all i need you to do is correctly raise it and make sure it gets twins. Willing to pay in pds or items.
  17. 5 pds. PM me
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