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Everything posted by beezemanjones

  1. Cool Guld Milla RaCast skin . I don't think I can post links to other sites so if you want to get this skin or see other areas and character skins just ask me about it!
  2. Welcome! you'll feel right at home just make sure you're not shy and say hi if you see me in game!
  3. yeah there is definately some things good from BPD like liberta kit, cent/ability, and basic spread needles.
  4. Mags are good. Because it is something that takes time people will usually always be rdy to pay 10pds at least and even more for custom made ones. Beside that cent/ability i rlly dont think youll be able to sell the rest of that stuff. Sometimes there are people who might need something but only once every blue moon. You're best off either trashing it or just keeping it for kicks and giggles
  5. Buying any mag just want it to be for the most part all mind
  6. I have an ancient saber you can just have. I also have the virus armor: lefuteria. We could maybe work out a deal. PM me if your interested!
  7. I'l take your shifta jellen and zalure techs good sir. PM me if you still have them
  8. B> Asteron Belt, Imperial Pick, Sacred Duster, and or Rika's Claw.

  9. no worries. Mainly just really want asteron belt with or without hit and sacred dusters
  10. Yeah thanks! I got a Ultima Reaper with 30 hit Lol! I just am bored with my weapons and want to play with other ones:D And yeah I was quite curious if Chain Sawd is Hu only on this server. They said it was ranger able on PSO-World but I'm not sure:/
  11. I know you are asking for 50 hit on that arms but thought I'd throw out the one i got Berserk Arms +9 0/25/0/20/20
  12. Very. Very interested in getting these weapons. If you are willing to help me hunt them great! Otherwise I'm willing to buy them either DTS, pds, or trade. As with any weapons if that have stats and or hit its even better. Flamberge Raikiri Rikas Claw Twin Chakrams Meteor Rouge Sacred Duster Imperial Pick and the big one I'm really looking for is Asteron Belt. (I'm mainly a RaCast so if you notice that my class can't use one of these weapons let me know:D) Thanks for your time!
  13. 65 dts is my offer plus I could scrounge up some power or hp mats. PM if interested
  14. @colorado wilson I know. It was realllly weird seeing misery because I remember her from way back in the day.
  15. Hey guys! Was going through my screenshots which I haven't done since the first day I played this game and found some pretty nostalgic stuff! This may just be stupid photos to you which is okay but they mean a lot to me so I thought I'd Share them! First time logging in! First time playing with others. First time getting a good rare weapon... Thanks for the amazing stats Saith! Getting my first Heaven Punisher! First time attempting MAD4MD. Hahaha boy was I in for a surprise. Soly the Wise teaching me to screenshot your best gear in case you lose it. My now main character Breezy created. My first three-way....Photon Blast! My first Sproof. My second Sproof and then deciding to share hahaha. Thanks for taking the time to look at them! We all started as a beginner and it was really fun for me to almost re-experience my time so far here. Hope you guys have been having as great a time as I have:D
  16. I have L&k 38 combat with 40 hit, 3 cent/powers, Adept, and 'Stacks of pds' for sale. PM me if interested.
  17. Cya! Hope you enjoyed your stay here! P.S. please dont TRY and get banned lol!
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