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Posts posted by Rivaul

  1. Hello family!! 😄 I want to do this so that those who want to get their TypeSH /Shot or another of the TYPE weapons mentioned below, can get it more easily :3 Feel free to add or correct me if i'm wrong or missing anything.



    Note 1: This guide is originally made by "Socks" this is only a traduction and repost!

    Note 2: Type Weapons are mainly just for novelty and not for real combat. The type weapons aren't very powerful, but they're good for show and have a decent grind Like (TypeME/Mech, typeSH/Shot, typeSS/Swords) . Not to mention they have no special, so they are for collectors mainly, or others who want a type weapon .

    Note 3: As you'll be (or maybe not be) aware of by now, each character can obtain a TYPE-weapon in The Beak's Cafe on the first try without actually guessing the numbers, but only once. The idea is to get 4 players together, each with a high level character capable of getting 500+ kills in MA3 Ver. 2 on Normal difficulty.

    To see the maximum attack 3 quest page, click here: http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2401



    - TypeN-SL/SABER Description: A saber with slicer animations.
    - TypeN-SL/J-SWORD Description: A TJS with slicer animation.
    - TypeSW/SLICER Description: A slicer with the sword animation.
    - TypeKN/BLADE (HU Only) Description: Daggers with knuckle animation (only has a 3 hit combo).
    - TypeSH/SHOT (RA Only) Description: A white shot.
    -TypeDS/ROD (FO Only) Description: A rod with double saber animation.

    - TypeN-SL/CLAW Description: A claw with slicer animation.
    - TypeJS/SLICER Description: A slicer with katana animation.
    - TypeCL/CLAW Description: A white claw.
    - TypeSS/SWORDS (HU Only) Description: White musashi.
    - TypeRI/RIFLE (RA Only) Description: White rifle.
    - TypeHA/ROD (FO Only) Description: Rod with partisan animation.


    Note: In Maximum attack 3 ver. 2, you will have a time limit of 30 minutes (so you shouldn't dilly dally) and you cannot die once or the quest will automatically end.

    Once you've started the quest (under episode 4 VR called Maximum Attack 3 Ver. 2), head out to the crater. To start open the gates in all areas, everyone has to click on the terminals, and select the top selection.


    So that a zu, or any other enemy won't kill the weakest players at the beginning, have them go to the west on the map where the red path takes them, and have them be wedged on the southern corner of the door.
    If you're alone, take the blue path on the map below. If you have at least two members in the party that can clear the paths easily, make one take the red path (The strongest one is recommended) and bring the lower levels with the stronger one. The other person will then take the blue path. At the end of the room when taking the blue path, remember, do not take the warp to the north at the end. Though I suggest if there are level 1's coming along for them to go into the last room warp and stay there untill the others get there. The switches on the map that the paths direct to all open up a secret room at the end if all the switches are pressed.


    After you clear that area, all click the monitor and select the top selection.
    In the Crater Interior area, just stick together as a group.


    At the room with the warps, the map doesn't help with that very much. Take the left warp, then after that the left warp again. After that, just take the warp that you land on and you'll be in a room with enemies. It is suggested that low levels do not take the warp until the room is cleared. The crater interior area is pretty simple, just get through the area and head onto subterranean desert 2 (1 and I believe 3 are also available, but 2 is the best choice). Now there are two maps: Subterranean desert 2 solo, and multiplayer. Now either way, I suggest taking the solo route. You should get more than 500 kills if you take the solo route, and take the extra room as well:
    -Subterranean Desert 2: Solo-


    -Subterranean Desert 2: Multiplayer-


    After you've completed the final room, either take the goal, or if you have enough time you can take the extra room. After the clicking on the terminal and selecting the top selection, you will be warped back to the principal's room. After talking with the principal talk to his assistant (the one to the right of the principal), there will be a number that will pop up. It can either be: 15 if you have 350 kills, 20 if you have 450 kills, or 30 if you have 500+ kills.

    Now after this quest, form the same party in the same difficulty same episode. Under event quests, click on wildhouse the break coffee. once in the quest walk around until you find a warp that takes you to subterranean desert.


    After warping there talk with the rappy in front of the computers. Make sure you have at least 1 free inventory space, and 20 or more points. You need 20 points to get a type weapon. After you talk to the rappy you will have four selections. The top selection shows you your score, which is good if you don't know how many lucky tickets you have. The second to top selection is unknown, the rappy just rambles on in Japanese. The bottom selection exits the conversation. The second to bottom (3) is what you need to get the type weapon. After that, click any random character, just not the same one in a row. after three pings of the computer, you may select your type weapon. Refer to the working type weapons list above.

    And that's all guys :3 I hope you like this post and support it, as that will motivate me to bring a video guide on how to obtain "Type" weapons in the beach laughter mission, since it is quite long and somewhat tiring, thank you very much !!





    ¡¡Hola familia!! 😄 Quiero hacer este post para que aquellos que quieran obtener su TypeSH / Shot u otra de las armas TYPE mencionadas a continuación, lo puedan hacer más fácilmente: 3 Siéntanse libres de decir o corregirme si estoy equivocado o me falta algo si?

    Nota 1: Esta guía está hecha originalmente por "Socks". ¡Esto es solo una traducción, la resubi a nuestro foro agregándole mas cositas :3!

    Nota 2: las armas type son mas para coleccion y no para combate real. Las armas type no son muy poderosas, pero son buenas para algunas situaciones  y tienen una rutina decente como (TypeME / Mech, typeSH / Shot, typeSS / Swords). Sin mencionar que vienen sin especial, por lo que son principalmente para coleccionistas u otros que desean un arma type, ocupas dts para agregarle hit y el especial que mas te guste uwu

    Para ver la página de misiones de ataque máximo 3, haz clic aquí: http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2401


    Recompensas/Armas Type para reclamar en esta guia


    - TypeN-SL/SABER Description: A saber with slicer animations.
    - TypeN-SL/J-SWORD Description: A TJS with slicer animation.
    - TypeSW/SLICER Description: A slicer with the sword animation.
    - TypeKN/BLADE (HU Only) Description: Daggers with knuckle animation (only has a 3 hit combo).
    - TypeSH/SHOT (RA Only) Description: A white shot.
    -TypeDS/ROD (FO Only) Description: A rod with double saber animation.

    - TypeN-SL/CLAW Description: A claw with slicer animation.
    - TypeJS/SLICER Description: A slicer with katana animation.
    - TypeCL/CLAW Description: A white claw.
    - TypeSS/SWORDS (HU Only) Description: White musashi.
    - TypeRI/RIFLE (RA Only) Description: White rifle.
    - TypeHA/ROD (FO Only) Description: Rod with partisan animation.


    Chicos para no hacer el cuento muy largo, para obtener una arma type solo deben pasar la mision "Maximum attack 3 ver 2." con un minimo de 450 kills para poder obtener 20 puntos, estos puntos son necesarios para luego reclamarlos en la mision de ep4 "Wildhouse the beak coffee" una vez en esa mision Solo deben caminar hasta el warp que los llevara a subterranean desert 3 y hablar con el rappy frente a las pantallas, ustedes elegiran la tercera opcion, luego elegiran 3 numeros aleatorios (que no sean iguales, todos diferentes pues XD) y listo, podran reclamar su arma type, recuerden que deben tener al menos 5 espacios libres en su inventario, tambien siempre y cuando vayan con el personaje adecuado obtendran una de las armas ya mencionadas, por ejemplo para la typeshot deben ir con un ranger masculino uwu Si tienen alguna duda por favor miren el video que subi a youtube, ya que traducir la guia del ingles al español se me dificulto bastante 😧 Ruego que me perdonen uwu

    Ojo: Solo podran sacar una arma type con un solo personaje, por ejemplo, si ya sacaron una arma type usando este metodo, ya ese personaje no podra sacar otra, mas nunca, es por eso que esta guia se basa un poco en los personajes "lv1" ya que si quieres, que se yo, farmear typeshots para venderlas o coleccionarlas y ponerles diferentes especiales, puedes crear cuentas lv 1 e intentar hacer la mision, es algo difícil pero bueno...





    Olá família!! 😄 quero fazer este post para que aqueles que querem obter o seu TypeSH/Shot ou outro tipo de armas tipo mencionadas abaixo, possam fazê-lo mais facilmente: 3 Sinta-se livre para me dizer ou corrigir se estou errado ou me falta algo se?


    Nota 1: Este guia é originalmente feito por "socks". Isto é apenas uma tradução, trazendo-a para o nosso fórum adicionando mais pequenas coisas :3!

    Nota 2: As armas de tipo são mais para recolha e não para combate real. As armas tipo não são muito poderosas, mas são boas para algumas situações e têm uma rotina decente como (TypeME/Mech, typeSH/Shot, typeSS/Espadas). Sem mencionar que vêm sem especial, por isso são principalmente para colecionadores ou outros que querem uma arma tipo, ocupam dts para adicionar sucesso e o especial que você gosta uwu

    Para ver as missões de maximum attack 3 ver2, clique aqui: http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2401

    Recompensas/Tipo de Armas para reivindicar neste guia:

    - TypeN-SL/SABER Description: A saber with slicer animations.
    - TypeN-SL/J-SWORD Description: A TJS with slicer animation.
    - TypeSW/SLICER Description: A slicer with the sword animation.
    - TypeKN/BLADE (HU Only) Description: Daggers with knuckle animation (only has a 3 hit combo).
    - TypeSH/SHOT (RA Only) Description: A white shot.
    -TypeDS/ROD (FO Only) Description: A rod with double saber animation.

    - TypeN-SL/CLAW Description: A claw with slicer animation.
    - TypeJS/SLICER Description: A slicer with katana animation.
    - TypeCL/CLAW Description: A white claw.
    - TypeSS/SWORDS (HU Only) Description: White musashi.
    - TypeRI/RIFLE (RA Only) Description: White rifle.
    - TypeHA/ROD (FO Only) Description: Rod with partisan animation.

    Pessoal para não fazer a história muito tempo, para obter um type de arma só tem que passar a missão "maximum attack 3 ver 2." com um mínimo de 450 mortes para conseguir 20 pontos, estes pontos são necessários para então reclamá-los na missão do Ep4 "Wildhouse, beak coffee" uma vez nessa missão Só deves caminhar até à dobra que te levará ao deserto subterrâneo 3 e falar com o rappy em frente aos ecrãs, vais escolher a terceira opção, depois escolherás 3 números aleatórios (que não são os mesmos, todos diferentes desde XD) e prontos , pode reivindicar o seu type de arma, lembre-se que deve ter pelo menos 5 espaços livres no seu inventário, também desde que vá com o caráter certo, receberá uma das armas já mencionadas, por exemplo, para os tipos de tiro que você deve ir com um ranger masculino uwu Se tenha dúvidas, por favor, olhe para o vídeo que enviei para o youtube, pois traduzir o guia inglês em espanhol tornou-me muito difícil 😧 rezo para que me perdoe

    Olho: Eles só serão capazes de desenhar uma arma type com um único personagem, por exemplo, se eles já puxaram uma arma type usando este método, esse personagem não será mais capaz de tomar outra, mas sempre, é por isso que este guia é baseado um pouco nos caracteres "lv1" porque se você quiser , que eu sei, máquinas de escrever para vendê-las ou colecioná-las e colocá-las em diferentes especiais, pode criar contas lv 1 e tentar fazer a missão, é algo difícil, mas bom...



    Here's the Video-Guide on Youtube :3 Please watch if you lose reading all this lol, it's more easy i think...



    Thank you very much to saith @Fyrewolf5 for showing me the best route for this mission


    Muchas gracias a @Palutena  y a @GrimNoiR Por ayudarme a grabar la vídeo guía :3 los amo ❤️ 


    No saliste en los videos pero igual te menciono porque eres asi de wapo ❤️ @serverus


    Thank you all very much for viewing this guide, please support me so that in the not too distant future I will make a guide on how to obtain Type weapons in Beach laughter, I know that these weapons are already available with dts but, well, the satisfaction of having taken them out yourself with your sweat....That satisfaction is not overcome by anything 😄

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  2. 20 minutes ago, RestrictedWings said:

    Thank you all so much for your support guys. I'm glad you feel the same- to tell the truth I was a little afraid that I was gonna get ostracized for not wanting to TTF/RT all the time.

    In fact, I think I might have found my answer to this issue. Had a great Vanilla group yesterday on EP2. I just called the room "Hunting" and we all just ran at the Vanilla experience of Episode 2.

    The OST in EP2 is so bombastically well done that I think I, in a bit of a guilty conscience, may enjoy it a bit more than EP1. However, I've done EP1 like a bajillion times.

    Maybe the key to finding a good group is just doing whatever the heck you want and naming it something cool so people will come in.

    You welcome 😄 

  3. It should also be said that for those who are new to the game (which for me, are already more than the old players, if not, someone who denies me please) The missions "TTF RT and POD" are the most famous missions and "simple" so to speak. These missions for the new public are flashy and entertaining and are not so long, that is why sometimes there is a lot of spam from those missions, but after all they are the best! when you show the game to someone for the first time I think you take it to a TTF first, and that person feels good! Of course, as this person progresses, he will want to experience new missions, of which let me tell you, there are enough on the server :)

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  4. What's up? What you are going to do is delete the entire pso folder, then you will have to download and reinstall the game but with your antivirus disabled. After the game is installed you will proceed to enter the configuration of your antivirus (which in this case is windows10 defender) and you will go to the exclusions section. Where there you will put as an exclusion to the pso folder. Then you will put as exclusions the following executables in the folder of pso "Launcher and psobb.exe". After having done this you will write the following in the windows search Bar "allow an app through windows firewall" you will change the configuration, then you will click to allow another application and there you will look for the executables of pso, that will be two, the launcher and psobb.exe, After doing this, it will activate your antivirus again. And everything will be fine :)make sure that before activating your antivirus again, the full pso folder and the pso launcher executables are in the exclusions of your antivirus !! because windows 10 detects the launcher as a virus, but it is not. So don't worry :)

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  5. What's up everyone? :") I have a request for music in lobby!! A few years ago, this song was in the lobby, could I put it back on? It's a very good song for the lobby, if anyone else likes the idea, please leave a like in this post to be added again! You can also comment on other songs to keep in mind. :rf-03::rf-03:


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