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Everything posted by Soly

  1. Soly

    Buying These:

    He's trying to buy.. not to get it to drop, in that case it can't have yeah, but if someone added to it, it can.
  2. Pretty much sleep and that's it...
  3. Dreamcast didn't have google chrome, skype, etc... (afaik )
  4. For me has worked fine. but right now I haven't uploaded anywhere else. Try this then http://www.phantasystaronline.net/cp/UltimaPsOBB_3.3.exe
  5. Have you tried in window mode?
  6. Well, it's not megaupload (maybe xD), but I ulpoaded that, is the most recent client and launcher and almost everything... so any issue you are having has to do with your computer. Have you tried to disable antivirus and running the game to see if it could be that? If it doesn't work add it to the DEP list. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/Change-Data-Execution-Prevention-settings?SignedIn=1
  7. It seems the issue is just fullscreen... gonna have to check that out.
  8. Try window mode and see what happens... I will actually try right now... Your resolution seems a bit extreme tho xD ... i'll get around some down-scaling to try that too. Edit: That's interesting, I just got stuck after the character selection at 1920x1080 There is something wrong there.
  9. Oh, thanks for the update. It's weird that it thrown the sfx to another line.
  10. Interesting, I'll ask around about it, but glad you can play now.
  11. Well... sadly the event is gone. If you didn't get your Centurion/Battle (or any of the other drops), better luck next year.
  12. Soly


    It's not the right place, but ask a GM in game and it should be solved quite easily.
  13. Could be, but as you might have seen in other post, I'm running windows 10 and I have no problem, but if you deleted the reg entries then it's not a configuration issue.
  14. My bad, with his typo thought was talking about final level.
  15. Your sound options are the same as mine... the only thing i noticed is the entry EXT0 which i dont have, you could backup the registry keys right clicking on PSOBB in the tree view, select export and save it somewhere, delete EXT0 right clicking on it and delete. Then try again. I don't know what that entry is for, but I don't have it (never had it) and should work just fine without it, either way you will have a backup that you can just double click and add to the registry so it will be as before. Edit: I added EXT0 to my reg keys and set the same value as you and everything worked fine... so it probably wont change anything. Still worth to try.
  16. Depends, not every installer works the same... but either way I would think if someone is reinstalling, they would remove the old files/data.
  17. 916 usually happens when the server is a bit "overloaded" ... but not actually full as you said. But also could you be your connection, what's your speed? ...do you run any bandwidth whore programs like skype for example and does anyone else use computers or phones in the same network?
  18. Pretty much click everything? Which launcher are you using, my options are based on the original options program... they should simply work. If you try to mess everything and it doesn't work, could you send me the values of the registry entry at this location HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SonicTeam\PSOBB SOUNDCTRL = <binary value> NOTE: Do NOT post your account name or the values of the password entries
  19. Glad you solved it... in that download i put there I removed crack mode exes ... idk why you still had them if you reinstalled
  20. Did you download our client? https://mega.nz/#!m1gnxbIR!Gs6pAD2zt1kRu4PO_MnMkqTbIQgIWRcm-WiUY3jBMIw
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