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A beginner's question

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Guys, I don't understand. I want to go in single company mode. But I don't understand how? Every time you enter the lobby, all progress is lost. All quests are reset to zero. Although the character himself retains experience and things. What am I doing wrong?

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3 hours ago, vital542 said:

Guys, I don't understand. I want to go in single company mode. But I don't understand how? Every time you enter the lobby, all progress is lost. All quests are reset to zero. Although the character himself retains experience and things. What am I doing wrong?

You're doing nothing wrong :0


That Is, unless you're doing "side quests", which I believe they are different from the main ones. (I'm probably wrong there...) 


When you start a main quest In "one person" mode, when you finish It (as In "claim rewards In guild" and such), It appears transparent when you go back to select a quest, which means you can't select quest again (until certain conditions are met. Something like doing all quests). 


And In case you mean running a stage casually and defeating boss, and that when you exit room by going back to lobby and then remake room, then yeah, whatever progress you've done on stages disappears. 

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7 hours ago, Kotta said:

Вы не делаете ничего плохого : 0


То есть, если только вы не выполняете «побочные квесты», которые, как я считаю, отличаются от основных. (Я, наверное, ошибаюсь ...) 


Когда вы начинаете основной квест В режиме «один человек», когда вы его завершаете (например, в «Требовать награды в гильдии» и т. Д.), Он становится прозрачным, когда вы возвращаетесь, чтобы выбрать квест, что означает, что вы не можете выбрать квест. снова (до тех пор, пока не будут выполнены определенные условия. Что-то вроде выполнения всех квестов). 


И если вы имеете в виду небрежное прохождение сцены и победу над боссом, и когда вы выходите из комнаты, возвращаясь в вестибюль, а затем переделываете комнату, то да, любой прогресс, который вы сделали на этапах, исчезает. 

Thank you for your attention and help. I apologize for not being accurate in English, I'm from Russia, and I write through transliteration. On the subject of quests, when I finish a quest, for example, the very first one is training, when I receive a reward in the guild, I am also thrown into the lobby. When I re-create a party and go to play in single player mode, this quest hangs as an undone one.(

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2 hours ago, vital542 said:

Thank you for your attention and help. I apologize for not being accurate in English, I'm from Russia, and I write through transliteration. On the subject of quests, when I finish a quest, for example, the very first one is training, when I receive a reward in the guild, I am also thrown into the lobby. When I re-create a party and go to play in single player mode, this quest hangs as an undone one.(

 When complete quest in single player  , it will be locked untill all single player quests completed . To unlock more single player quest . You must complete the Government Quests in multi-player 

  • Thanks 1
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4 hours ago, ink said:

 После завершения квеста в одиночной игре он будет заблокирован до тех пор, пока не будут выполнены все одиночные квесты. Чтобы разблокировать больше одиночных квестов. Вы должны выполнять правительственные квесты в многопользовательской игре. 

Thanks, I get it. Or maybe you can tell me how to do government quests if I don't have governments in my locations ((They are empty in all episodes(

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16 minutes ago, vital542 said:

Thanks, I get it. Or maybe you can tell me how to do government quests if I don't have governments in my locations ((They are empty in all episodes(

 Goverment quest are at another counter where captain of ship is in multi player mode should be 1-1 to start

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