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hey I was wondering if I could use the keyboard configuration and mouse configuration to modify my mouse to the action pallete and the command keys to different spots on the keyboard. I am also going to look at buying a joystick and seeing which buttons on there can replace certain keys? if there is any way you could help with some this I am sure id have to talk to soly or lemon. the big thing id like to do is have my movement keys the same and control z as my quick equip. after that have my command enter and the 3 shots on the mouse with the scroll clicker as special. the view finder could proably remain the same as dragging it around the screen to look. let me know what you think of  these ideas, while I experiment and give feed  back.



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"the view finder could proably remain the same as dragging it around the screen to look."
By that do you mean controlling the camera with the mouse? that isn't something built in to the game (the /cam command is something soly added later)
There might be something you can do with an external program or within windows to rebind a key to another key, and thus allow mouseclicks to simulate hitting the buttons for the action palette, but I'm not too familiar with how to do it.

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