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Switch To Different Accounts without Re-Entering your Login/Password


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If you have multiple PSO accounts that you frequently use, you may get tired of re-entering your login/pass each time you want to use a character that's on a different account. After setting up with software called Sandboxie, you can access a different account without re-entering your login information each time you want to play on a different account.

Download/install Sandboxie

Create a sandbox for each PSO account you have. Name each one so you know which account you will use for each. For instance, I named my first sandbox "PSO1Nessly" (Nessly is the account name) and named the second sandbox PSO2Honeycut (Honeycut is the account name).


After you've created the sandboxes, you'll see them from your main window.


Now, we will set up each sandbox to use a different account. Right click on your PSOBB shortcut, wherever it is on your computer you access it. Select Run Sandboxed


You'll be presented with a window asking which sandbox to use. Select one of your PSO account's sandbox.


The game should start as normal. If you're playing the game in window mode, notice the pound signs (#) located in the title of the window. These #s indicates the game is running in a sandbox. Log into one of your PSO accounts and go to the lobby. After you load into the lobby, close out the game completely. That sandbox now has that account's information saved.


Perform the same steps (steps 4 -6) for all the different accounts you have making sure you select a different sandbox each time you log into a different different account.

★After doing this for all of your PSO accounts / sandboxes, all you need to do to change accounts is right click on your PSOBB shortcut and run it in the correct sandbox dedicated to the account want to play.


Each sandbox is a virtual environment that doesn't know about the other sandboxes. So if you log into your account in Sandbox A, the login information won't get overwritten when Sandbox B logs in with a different account.

If you purchase Sandboxie, you can run multiple sandboxes simultaneously, otherwise, you're limited to 1 sandbox open at a time.

If you need help, just holler.

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Sandboxie in any way. I just thought this was a neat trick that can save hassle from re-typing login credentials each time you switch accounts.

Edited by Nessly
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Woow. That would be really useful for me haha! Thanks for your effort! I will take a look at this tutorial and see if it works for me :)

thanks nessly im going to try this out and see how it does.

Cool beans guys. I'm glad you like. If you have trouble, just holler. I'll try to help as best I can.

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If you don't want to use sandboxie, you can make a .reg file for each of your accounts (with some registry info related to your username and password) that you have to run each time you want to change the saved account information... but this requires to explore a bit the registry... i will make a guide for this in a bit (after testing that it works lol) ... the only issue is that you will need to have these .reg files floating around in a folder or somewhere... isn't much different than using the program anyways, but since i don't like to use such programs is good for me :)

Edited by Soly
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Ok... if you, as me, don't want or like to install those programs... here is a another method that might involve some more work from your part, but requires no external program to make it work
Follow this for each of the accounts you want to save

  • Log into the account you want to save until you reach the character selection screen (this is where your credentials are saved into the registry)
  • Search for "regedit" and run it (that is part of windows)... browse to this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SonicTeam\PSOBB (you shouldn't have any issue with that)
  • Right click on the key (which looks like a folder) PSOBB and click export, save somewhere, use the name of the account to identify them easily
  • Optional, open the new .reg file with a text editor (i use notepad++) and delete the following entries SCREENFMT, LANGUAGE, TEXTURE, DIFFICULTY, WINDOW_MODE, CTRLBUF, GRAPHICCTRL, SOUNDCTRL, ACCOUNT_CHECK, FONT_JPN, FOCUS_SOUND, then save and be sure it has the extension .reg

After that you will have a few .reg files in some folder on your pc, just run the one you want to set as the current saved account (tell windows that you want to add the registry information) and there you go, no more password typing...

Here pics for reference




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