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It's been a long time coming...

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Alrighty here's the problem.

I understand that mobs have had stat increases from the vanilla files.

I understand that characters have also had stat modifications from the vanilla.

But if i'm continuously missing and i've got 236 base ata, and hitting excessively low numbers for my level (123) with base atp of 660 (1250 with best weapon) there's a problem. Maybe i'm just used to playing GameCube and my own local server but this is ridiculous.

Still love the server but GAWD!

**And not to mention the FREAKING CRITS!

Edited by Akioyamato
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If you're missing monsters while on ultimate difficulty Keliou, why are you surprised? Put simply, the monsters in ultimate ARE TOUGH, the end. Even my characters miss those monsters once in a blue moon in ultimate, even the "mighty" Trigunman, my lvl 200 RAmar, who has very high ATA. (somewhere near 360 I think) Now if you're missing them in lower difficulties, I'd start to question what weapons are you using? Some of them are notoriously inaccurate, namely mechs and shots for RA weapons. If you're missing alot, my suggestion is to seriously hunt up or start saving your PDs for some very nice rare weapons with hit. As far as the crits go, see above explanation for ultimate monsters... Otherwise, do something about your armor if it's insufficient, it's why I've focused some on def mats for my characters and trying to find the strongest armor for my characters as possible. You need strong DEF and powerful armor when in ultimate if you plan to survive for long. Unfortunately, offensive ability can only take you so far and in some cases will not help you much against massive numbers of enemies in quests like Wrath of Forest or Plan of Salvation in EP1, you can easily get overwhelmed by superior numbers. Regardless, I hope this helps, good luck!

Edited by Trigunman
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If you're missing monsters while on ultimate difficulty Keliou, why are you surprised? Put simply, the monsters in ultimate ARE TOUGH, the end. Even my characters miss those monsters once in a blue moon in ultimate, even the "mighty" Trigunman, my lvl 200 RAmar, who has very high ATA. (somewhere near 360 I think) Now if you're missing them in lower difficulties, I'd start to question what weapons are you using? Some of them are notoriously inaccurate, namely mechs and shots for RA weapons. If you're missing alot, my suggestion is to seriously hunt up or start saving your PDs for some very nice rare weapons with hit. As far as the crits go, see above explanation for ultimate monsters... Otherwise, do something about your armor if it's insufficient, it's why I've focused some on def mats for my characters and trying to find the strongest armor for my characters as possible. You need strong DEF and powerful armor when in ultimate if you plan to survive for long. Unfortunately, offensive ability can only take you so far and in some cases will not help you much against massive numbers of enemies in quests like Wrath of Forest or Plan of Salvation in EP1, you can easily get overwhelmed by superior numbers. Regardless, I hope this helps, good luck!

I agree on all counts with TRI except for a few points (rather addition to some points). Namely depending on the hit pattern you do, for example I rarely miss with my FOmar (which has 176 base ATA) if you always start with a normal attack, even hell and those types of special, starting with a normal sometimes increases the likelihood it hits, if you have a cast then freeze traps can be your best friend or a frozen shooter :D (as it reduces EVP) making you highly unlikely to miss. There are also some weapons (higher tier) that add a lot more ATA. On you ranger you can also equip a "Ranger Wal" which boosts ATA over your base. Spread needle also works nicely on A LOT of mobs.

Armor wise, while it's true that high dfp is awesome and stuff, BUT focusing on HP is more useful than defence (imo), being knocked down by crits is a lifesaver, because you get that one second you could mate/resta in (or run away if you got invincibility with a good mag setup). Defence decreases damage by a small amount but with the buffed mobs, not so much the case. Some mobs also do a stable amount of damage regardless of what your DFP is (like the dorphon jump, which I know can crit but still, Falz's swipe attack etc).

Also, as a tip, always end your combo at second hit if you plan on being up close and personal, gives you time to run and get to their backs, on lots of mobs, same technique.

And put to shame by the legendary :(

**Hell, i guess a better question would be How much are they buffed...

I am not sure of the exact numbers, but from what I read up so far, speed, attack speed, HP, ATP, EVP are buffed by 1.5 or something like that. I will need someone to confirm this lol.

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Ahhh Squish makes a great point Keliou and something I did not properly address in my last post... (and thanks Squish for your input) Your combo pattern makes all the difference in the world in making it a successful one against a monster. As he has stated, starting with a normal hit will significantly increase your chances of making the rest of the combo connect with a target. In my experiences, the most successful combo to hit is a normal (N) hit, hard (H) hit then special (S) hit to finish the combo. You may not do as much damage as a "S S S" combo with a weapon that uses something like beserk for example, but the "N H S" combo will connect with all three hits far more often. Try and see what other combinations work for you, but the "N H S" will be best for trying to hit monsters in ultimate.

Ohhhh, also one thing that I forgot to mention, do not neglect your evade either! From my understanding it's even more important than your def in ultimate, of which Trigunman's is maxed out. Due to this he can rarely ever gets hit from long-range attacks from monsters and only occasionally gets hit up close, even in ultimate.(I found this out going up against the cursed Indi Belra's in ultimate ruins recently, haha!)

Edited by Trigunman
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They've given great advice. Definitely freeze with traps if you're playing as your cast or use frozen shooter/snow queen if you're playing as your Ramarl. Then quickly change weapons to something more effective to take'm down

Another thing that can greatly help is using SMARTLINK. If you like guns and you're not a ranger, it's a huge help (and very affordable too!). It will greatly increase your accuracy for ranged weapons, but make note of some these important points:

  • Smartlink only improves your accuracy for ranged weapons (all guns, slicers). It won't affect melee weapons.
  • Smartlink only works on NON-rangers. This means it's only useful for HUs and FOs.
  • *Technically Smartlink doesn't improve your ATA STAT, but it's LIKE it gives you 30+ ATA. It improves your accuracy even if you have maxed ATA also.

If all else, get some weapons with hit % either by trading or hunting. Every bit of extra ATA helps. Some AWESOME weapons are here on the trade forums very cheap.

Edited by Nessly
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  • 4 weeks later...

And put to shame by the legendary :(

**Hell, i guess a better question would be How much are they buffed...

I agree on all counts with TRI except for a few points (rather addition to some points). Namely depending on the hit pattern you do, for example I rarely miss with my FOmar (which has 176 base ATA) if you always start with a normal attack, even hell and those types of special, starting with a normal sometimes increases the likelihood it hits, if you have a cast then freeze traps can be your best friend or a frozen shooter :D (as it reduces EVP) making you highly unlikely to miss. There are also some weapons (higher tier) that add a lot more ATA. On you ranger you can also equip a "Ranger Wal" which boosts ATA over your base. Spread needle also works nicely on A LOT of mobs.

Armor wise, while it's true that high dfp is awesome and stuff, BUT focusing on HP is more useful than defence (imo), being knocked down by crits is a lifesaver, because you get that one second you could mate/resta in (or run away if you got invincibility with a good mag setup). Defence decreases damage by a small amount but with the buffed mobs, not so much the case. Some mobs also do a stable amount of damage regardless of what your DFP is (like the dorphon jump, which I know can crit but still, Falz's swipe attack etc).

Also, as a tip, always end your combo at second hit if you plan on being up close and personal, gives you time to run and get to their backs, on lots of mobs, same technique.

I am not sure of the exact numbers, but from what I read up so far, speed, attack speed, HP, ATP, EVP are buffed by 1.5 or something like that. I will need someone to confirm this lol.

the buff was made long ago. if im correct i think was made 4 years ago. and i dont quite remember how much did I increase it but it was around 1.5 or 2.5 something like that.

Is true that enemies in ultimate are tough, but is better to have them this way than just reach level 200 and kill everything too easy.. episode 2 in blue burst was and it is in default server just too easy.

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