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Everything posted by StahnAileron

  1. I'm leveling up some characters.They are low level right now.I don't take items off the spot.I'm the guy on the forums.Yeah my lifepoints went down to zero with nobody helping themselves to watching my video posts.If you stick with me,expect great things.
  2. We went to the same college together.You need to stop being afraid of everyone.You just stay calm and try not to embarrass yourself.Plenty of people asked where you disappeared during the quarter.
  3. There are ordinary people that play that aren't nerds.You are only a nerd if you are too smart at the game lol.I beat Legend of Zelda:Ocarina Of Time under 10 days after I beat it the first time:P.It's hard to describe nerds today in our world.I've seen guys wearing glasses with muscles.I can guess he's either smart and athletic or can't see and not book educated.You can be a cool guy no matter who you are,it is how people define you.I don't play online ultima that long maybe an hour to two hours.I am getting bored,so I post stuff I see on the forums to pass the time.I am a guy with nothing better to do with his spare time.You can enjoy those videos might find something that's right for you there's no app for that.It's okay for you to tell us about yourself and what interest you may have.Life is a hard thing,you can explain things here.We will try our best to guide you through your problems.
  4. I don't think playing Zelda automatically makes you a nerd.
  5. Yeah I found this today searching youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdtp69JWkQI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDMe-Nh_VmE&feature=related
  6. Yeah this will make you think hard about what you heard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzmLGBzs5xQ That girl misinterpreted that phrase.
  7. This is over for you the original Falcon Punch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7Vcw Extreme studying.
  8. That doesn't make sense for the hate from people,it looks more like of a jealously thing.

    You get respect people just starting stuff behind a computer.That's the lowest form of internet bullying.

  9. Anyways what's with the -225 rep?Just people that can't provide positive feedback?

  10. Thank you for being the first response.Yeah that was the worst roll video ever.This one doesn't make sense either.The guys stop fighting and start blushing at this girl's song.This is the most random and funniest thing you could see. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlaxUqrDT0M I'm thinking of powdered milk now.It really sounds good in this video. If could someone tell me if they can see my signature pictures or not.Doesn't seem to work. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/1569167/Ice+cream+gun/
  11. Respect is earned.It doesn't matter if you don't think too hard about it.
  12. Your heart hungers for vengeance? I didn't know vengeance was food and hearts actually eat things?
  13. I hear you want to increase the rate of imports.I happen to have a surplus for you. If there's a bad trade agreement innuendo.I haven't heard it.
  14. What I don't get is Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time.How did the dragon of the fire temple trap the Gorons?It magically crafted a prison cell with tools it can't hold.
  15. I have an expressionless face.My eyes stare deeply into your soul.I breathe calmly when talking to others.I can already tell you don't think of me as human.It's still a conversation regardless of how you see me.It's only a dream to revert yourself to the original state.
  16. I have been wondering if the rollback does reset the other characters you played.I'll give an example one of your characters is glitched.You don't that one character,already reported it and waiting on a fix.Like it glitched 2 days ago,you post that glitched character on the exact date it happened.You play the other three characters while waiting for a response.On the rollback does that knock those three back to where they were originally at lvl and items?
  17. I take it you played Touhou 6?While I was looking up Chirumiru Cirno on Youtube. I stumbled upon two names:Flandre and Remiliascarlet .

  18. Thank you very much for the reply.I'm sure my friend will come back to finally have someone to trust.
  19. Nico nico douga, some of it fails and some of it passes.
  20. You find the words to describe it.Osu is some type of beat game with songs from anime and video games. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5Z3vwVu3A4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLaxu12P0nY Osu is basically another DDR.If you played Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan.It's a game on Nintendo DS with the touch pad with various songs old and new.It has anime cutscenes while you keep the 3 people dancing in rhythm to help the person in distress in order to pass the stage.Osu is just a fanmade game of it.It has beatmaps with songs from almost anything.
  21. I have no clue if this is the actual translation. O.O
  22. Now you can't turn this down with chrono snapping on his new friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ27KBSlXt8&feature=related Damn right Inuyasha is going to hit that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ic4Rs6uevQ
  23. Oh a cookie first video:P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM-_Ns4QNTA Where will link go now?
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