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About StahnAileron

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    Pan Arms
    Pan Arms

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  1. I'm not pulling off anything really.The way I explain the situation is confusing;I'm trying to clear it up.It's like this I can understand my own words,but putting it in a way for someone else is more of a challenge.I give out items that aren't used by me.I never have experienced an item glitch since I never use the bank.I'm not saying I didn't want friends.I am a relaxed player by my definition of cool.I never said I was the best.There's always someone better than me in reality. This goes off topic to my brother from a recent post. My youngest brother lives with me in the same location,so it's the same IP address.He hasn't come back to the game for at least a week.I have problems getting him to talk with me.My brother already has enough problems making friends.The fact he had a personality change.It isn't easy to reason with a brother that gave up most of of the values he once held dear to him.If nobody understands,I don't know what is there I can say that will make it completely clear.
  2. I'll explain it clearer.If you want to hang out with me that's fine.I give items to random players if I have something. Not many people see me as reputable.Those few strangers see my generosity.I don't expect anyone to give me anything.I give an item out of selflessness.Making life easier for others.Basically I help anyone and hand out free items.I don't have friends.I'm your average solo player looking for conversation to pass the time.I get bored easily playing alone.Well anyways be sure to check that list below to see what I have in store to give. Item giveaway week:Varista It's difficult to explain.Sorry about the weird explanation.I don't know if this clears up any confusion.I'm a weird person that forgot how to interact with other people.I have no feelings for eight years.I apologize for not being understandable.Is it wrong to ask for someone to trigger one's emotions? My youngest brother was playing the other account with my old e-mail.I made a new e-mail a month later before joining the game.Don't get us mixed up.My youngest brother has a reason why he hasn't came back to the game.
  3. Trust me I'm doing my best to get him to talk to me.He's losing control of his former self.I just needed a straight answer to somehow get the message through his head.Normally he isn't this reckless and impulsive.
  4. This may be hard to understand,but I need to clear things up.My name is Sáu meaning number six in Vietnamese.Steven is my youngest brother.I kept this confidential,unfortunately it has to come out now.He is very reclusive and he won't tell you everything about his life.It is his emotions that block his train of thought.We live together going to different colleges.I made a recent post about IP address to gain some information before making another post.We live in the same house,so our IP address would be the same from the same network. We are from the same location so regardless of different e-mail on two different computers it would still be the same.He's gone through an emotional wound because of the accusation of him being another person.It made him think he has no existence.I wouldn't talk much either,but since this is a severe problem for him I have to defend his case.I may not feel any more,but he's my youngest brother.I don't want him to go through what I have been through.His personality turned to complete hatred.All he asked was for understanding.He's not coming back to the game because of the judgement.At least give me an answer to tell him.I'm the only one that can reach him or all else fails.I was the one he came to when he had something to tell me.Blinded by his own fury;he won't open up to anyone.I know there's a remaining part of him that lies dormant inside of his heart.
  5. I'm just asking about home connection nothing too far.You answered the question about my home connection.Thank you for the information.My youngest brother wanted to know.We live together in the same house.There were a few misunderstandings some users think he and I are the same person on the forum.Actually we are not.He shared my old e-mail until I made a new e-mail a few months later.
  6. Let's say more than one person is connected to the same network is the IP address different for each computer or the IP address is exactly the same? Another similar question if someone is using your e-mail or computer does the IP stay the same? This is strictly at home no where else. There are some matters I need to gain information before I try to help out my sibling.
  7. I don't know what that means,but I'll take that as a no.
  8. It's good to hear from more people now. This post was pretty empty with three people.
  9. It looks like those players don't like you joking around.

  10. It's funny how nobody else has the desire to share what they have gone through. I mean your life isn't perfect; things happen out of no where. Disappointing how many people are afraid to come out of hiding. Someone at least give some information if you don't want to tell everything. Riki is an okay guy for playing video games. Only reason we'd be on the forums. This is a gathering to share your experiences in life.
  11. I'm open to any other suggestions.
  12. I'm just giving out materials,grinders,weapons,and anything else I wouldn't need. The bank glitch is a force to be reckoned with for sure.
  13. I don't care who you are.I hang out with anyone even if you are good or bad.

  14. you just dont know me XD

    when you know me you wil hate me to

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