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Everything posted by llanx

  1. detesto no tener un PSP por lo demas ese juego se ve de lo mejor increible que el psp tenga tanta potencia solo una duda me carcome se pouede jugar con el emulador ?
  2. put int he mix o put when your going to eat ? when im eating them i put some jelly (strawberry , grape ,and some more) and melt butter
  3. nice i didnt know it was a program like that ;
  4. niceeeee also the viviene its my favorite ;D
  5. no problemo xD


  7. llanx

    holassssssssss :D xD

  8. blablablabla que ondas :D

  9. Battle: Los Angeles nice movie at least it take out that sad feeling from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann T.T

    1. BlueFlare


      How was the movie?

      Good,HORRIBLE,or I just wanted to barf on all of them to cancel the movie or get out?

      So A,B,C

    2. llanx


      i would say good just for fun pretty predictable and a lot of gunfire bombs and some missiles

  10. xD nice one mantis hahahahaha
  11. hahahaah bueno hola y q lo pases bien
  12. we are not spamming just making clear some things that people tend to get it wrong for not spamming also i would say that i would be or garchomp for being the last of the powerhouse of Cynthia the champion ;D
  13. yes zeph that it also Deoxys is Spatial one if you follow me ;D XD
  14. Vypor your the man ! xD o and linksword mewtwo isnt a legend because he is a DNA experimente
  15. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann one of the best animes i have seen

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. llanx


      yeah chrono crusade has the saddest ending i ever seen.

    3. Zeph


      I still need to finish Chrono crusade

    4. llanx


      -_- go and see it you´ll...... better wait for your reaction
  16. ok i think now its time to get off from this topic
  17. DUH! your so useless apollo u.u then a non legend i would be emmmm Blastoise easily beat all the gym leaders on kanto and make a good job whit elite four ;D also hes my favorite pokemon from the first gen
  18. im arceus and your in one of my ilusions so that you think i can only learn splash
  19. i would be emmmmmmm ARCEUS TAKE THAT BEATCHS
  20. hhahaa well when your studying im playing ;D

    good luck then and put al your effort in it ;D

  21. :o i seee a lot of reason ..... xD also i just accquired the legendary TENEBRA FUCK YEAH! xD now i only need to get to take down a few barioths + and ill be set ;D
  22. why do you need monies ? FTW!

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