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Everything posted by dessens

  1. Well GMs wont banned me or my brother, cuz they know how to get weapons with this stats, and they know its not hack.
  2. Why do I have to tell you, are Larva or a GM?
  3. bueno igual podemos hablar unos mins no?

  4. me siento pesimo Gabi pero igual tratare de entrar hoy, creo ke me enferme

  5. Si no tiene % te puedo ofrecer pds.
  6. Que son unos ingorantes, Call of Duty Modern Warfare no esta basado en la segunda guerra mundial, es un conflicto ficticio actual. Por otro lado la violencia y matanza sin sentido siempre han sido parte de la humanidad, o me diran que Atila el huno o Genghis Khan ya jugaban Mortal Kombat?
  7. dessens


    You have a Shouren? if not 3 pds will be ok
  8. dessens


    I have 3 god/arms
  9. Depends on what the seller wants to received for two kamui and if Im willing to pay for it.
  10. Your name, I didnt read it before lol

  11. The last muscle is dead, the snake is gone......

    Long live the Viper!!!!

  12. Me interesa tu Flapjack Flapper, que pides por ella?
  13. Ok deal, so 4 pds a RS and MM, my ingame name is Syd.
  14. How many pds you want? I can give you a Mille Marteaux no % and a Red Sword no % too, if you want.
  15. I can give you pds for the Chameleon Scyhte and the Partisan of Lightning, if you want. But Im can give you something else for that Daisy Chain.
  16. Necesito exactamente 22 Centurion/Ability Si tienen alguno que quieran cambiar contactenme y veremos si podemos hacer un trato. Need exactly 22 Centurion/Ability If you got onefor trade contact me to see if we can make a deal. Total Centurions needed: 32 Total Centurions I got: 10
  17. OMEGA you hit lvl 200 and you dissapear?

    Shame on you man lol

    1. OMEGA9988


      this may be true but i always come back o.o im like a ninja :o i come back when no1 expects it.

  18. I thougth she was your friend, I tried to say hello a couple of times, but she didnt replied, that also explains why she wasnt on your team when I saw her. I will try to help you and contact her, but she doesnt talk, so its no easy task.
  19. Well I thought that you already made that lol, and yes basically thats what you have to do in this situation.
  20. Do you accept PDs for that Zanba? If your answer is yes, how much? Also Im looking for a Glide Divine for my brother Zero, let me know if we can make a deal on those items. Thanks and have a nice day.
  21. You need to ask larva for this.
  22. Bueno hoy al tratar de terminar mi nidra con ayuda de freedert me di cuenta de que mi mag habia ganado 2 lvls y perdido 5% de synchro, lo habia dejado a lvl 99 para poder transferirlo a mi force y tranformarlo en nidra, pero ahora es lvl 101 Al iniciar hoy a alimentar a mi mag Justo al momento de querer transferirlo a mi force con ayuda de freedert para terminar el nidra Ya es el cuarto mag que le pasa esto y no he podido terminar mi nidra, esta vez estaba a lvl 99 asi que enverdad no quisiera reiniciar otra vez.
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