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Everything posted by Vypor

  1. So happy that you would come here with mysterious links, bad punctuation, and a lack of skill in paragraph usage. How considerate! : D I'm so thankful you brought this to our attention, I'll make sure to alert the authorities at once! Oh yes, THE GAME, Never gonna give you up, and various other internet memes that give you rage-face, etc. etc. GIT OFF OF THESE HERE FORUMS YOU ADWHOAR.
  2. What? People who -rep people cause they don't like them? On the internet? BLASPHEMY. ...Oh wait, no, it's just the internet. It's ok Link. I know you at least. This is prolly just some punk who feels better about themselves by -rep'ing you.
  3. rofl Yeah, come to think of it, these forums prolly aren't the best place to post literature huh? xD Instead, how about a Valentines picture representing yours truly... inb4DJIJpostshispicaboutwhyVypordon'thaveagirlfriend
  4. Vypor There, done. (I have some very bony elbows. Just gotta bend my arms so the bone hits the key.) Edit: Ahh, wait, just saw the part about not looking at the keyboard. Ok I'll try again, this should be fun. bppoyu lol, not too bad. Got the "P" and "O" at least.
  5. READ THIS. YOUR LIFE SHALL IMPROVE. So yeah, I made that in my spare time out f inspiration during my new job. Not a whole lot to say about it, though I do like the wordplay on the main character's last name. Edit: Ok ok I give. It's actually a Biography of my new job, aight? Happy now?
  6. Sadly I don't have any pictures of me in the beginning days. I wish I had taken some though. Though that's probably due to the fact that thanks to divine-intervention, I was never not epic. So nothing really ever changed. : P [/lie]
  7. Oh wait... Spam? Crap, I thought you said Canned Squid...
  8. 700+ hours just on Vypor. lol, I used to spend so much time on this game.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SunnyD
    3. Zynetic


      Eh, hours don't count in the lobby as far as I know, just game time.

      Which is my C-Mode characters usually only have like 8 hours maximum despite lobby AFK'ing for looonnng periods of time.

    4. SunnyD


      but they do pro :o

  9. Then my mission is complete.
  10. Thank goodness I was wrong. : P
  11. Please tell me you did not take his sarcastic advice and actually dug deep enough to find people like that.
  12. IfeelzpowerlesscauseIamjustasimplemember.
  13. Then good luck man. Serve well, and do your country proud. I'll pray for the best.
  14. Tasteless porn-loving people? Or people desperate for money and personal information.
  15. You sir, are awesome. Congratulations on being awesome.
  16. Why yes, as the descriptive process of describing the description to you, is a rather complicated demonstration that requires a description before the description's demonstration can be fully described. Descriptively speaking of course.
  17. Vypor


    Herro. I am the Grim Reaper, and I have come for your soul. : D
  18. lolrarestmechguninthegame. Low price offer is low. You're gonna definitely have to up that offer if you ever plan on getting a Guld Milla.
  19. If I still could still log my GM account, I would provide a true demonstration of the demonstration that I just demonstrated.
  20. Approximately 24.660273... years, (not accounting for leap-years).
  21. Do kill a few in memory of me would you kindly? :'D
  22. Don't make me dunk you again. :U
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