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Everything posted by MBogdanovic94

  1. This sounds awesome!!! I can't wait for it to be released. Thanks for the effort you put into these @Zandres
  2. How much are NYC each?
  3. Yay I'll let you know when I am around in game.
  4. Here's an interesting way to put what I said into perspective: if you are logged on a specific character and open a game, is there any class you are relieved to see join your party. For example like I mentioned earlier, if I am logged on my RAcast I like to have a RAmarl join my game (and vice versa).
  5. Do you mind sharing some reasons? I am curious to know because I am pretty much set up with my account with rangers and am planning on working on hunters soon.
  6. I am personally not so knowledgeable on hunters, but I saw a video of a HUcast and HUnewearl duo really effectively as well.
  7. I think an interesting thing to try is to instead of putting the classes in tiers individually, to try and make good team set ups regarding 1p/2p/3p/4p. For example, RAmarl + RAcast 2p is a good combo. This duo covers S/D/J/Z Resta (doesn't bother DF users since teammate is a RAcast) Anti and full powered Demon's from the RAmarl, while having the highest ATP ranger take use of the support techniques from RAmarl along with arrest boost and traps.
  8. It has I had to keep using sol atomizers to drop the dex and mind then use star atomizers to land EXACTLY on .98 lol…
  9. I've been able to get a lot of mags to have the .98 on the stats even after banking, so I am going to try and play with them so they land exactly on .98 and see what happens. I was asking cause sometimes I have had the stats land exactly on .99, or even to .00 (stops at .99 though, for example if the stat is at .97 and I feed a star atomizer which is plus .03 it would go to .00 if it was under level 200 and get a level but stops at .99) then after banking it the stat goes to .98. That's why I was wondering if there was something else in the game that determines that xD When I get home later today I'm gonna play around the feeding again, just wondering if maybe a GM or game coder knows anything that maybe I am missing as to how this works XD
  10. Here’s an example, as you can see I have this Tellusis in my bank with all bars completely filled and when I take this out the numbers on mag reader stay as .98 (you can see an example of this in my mag reader with the 171/29 Tellusis). But that Soniti in my mag reader, if let’s say I give it a star atomizer and bring that dex and mind from .96 to .99 bank it then take it back out they drop back to .96. Ive fixed this before on many other mags where for example I’d feed a sol or moon atomizer to drop stats and then bring them back up using star atomizers. But I wonder if anyone knows about any specific rules or coding the game uses regarding this?
  11. Hey everyone, so I would like to discuss and see if anyone has any idea or info on this. Whenever you bank or change blocks with a level 200 mag after all stats on the bars have reached .99 (stops at .99 because it can’t level anymore) the stats go back down. For example, let’s say you have a Level 200 Mag and on the mag reader you see these stats; Def 5.99 Power 150.99 DEX 45.99 Mind 0.99. You then put the Mag in the bank, and take it out and you see that the DEX and Mind have dropped to 45.96 and 0.96. Ive played with mags and have managed to get a number of them to stay at .98, where if you feed it a star atomizer there is no change in the bars (they are all filled up completely). At the moment I have a mag where Dex and mind are both .96, I’ll feed a star atomizer so they both go to .99 (+.03) and after banking it and taking it back out it drops back down to .96. So I’m trying to play with using sol atomizers to drop dex and mind and then feed star atomizers to try and get them both to stay at .98. Does anyone know if there’s a system or calculation in the game that I can follow to get them precisely to stay at .98 more easily? Whats interesting is I’ve had stats land on .99, and then drop to .98 (the bar is full) but other time I’ve landed on exactly .99 and then drop back down to like .96 or whatever it was before hitting .99.
  12. @Crank why confused reaction lol
  13. Looking for some PPP 0 Defense Level 100+ Mags for sale Doesn't matter what it is, planning on using Mag Cells on them. Looking for ones with mostly Power/Dex, let me know what you have for sale thanks.
  14. @assface Hey assface, it looked as though the Demon's on the Whitill card took out more than 75% of the enemies health or am I bugging o.o Also for Gal Wind how does triggering invincibility work?
  15. Hi it's a Spread Needle not Arrest.
  16. It's still good, not as active but I personally love the changes made overall and wouldn't move over to another server. Community is small but to play a few games with other players, even if just one, is great in my opinion.
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