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Everything posted by Viande

  1. No problem, I'll be online most likely!
  2. Sorry I didn't see you replied on my thread :-( Like 10pds for the double cannon? And yes I still need one cent/ability
  3. Not sure, like 10pds? How many have you got, I need 2? Edit: Nevermind, I found both limiters today!
  4. Thank you good sir!
  5. Good day to you, fine sirs and ladies of Ultima! Here is a list of what I am selling at the moment, Send me a PM or post a message here if you want something 🙂 Note that I'm not too sure about prices so you can make offers with a more suitable price if you think it is too high. Also if you wish to buy something in DTs rather than in PDs or the other way around, feel free to ask! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. I've played Warframe quite a bit and I feel it has a lot in common with PSO: Sci-Fi, farming, loads of weapons, but gameplay-wise it is waaaay richer. When I started I did feel this game drew a lot of its inspiration from PSO. It's one of the games I've played the most, and still one of my all-time favorites even though I'm a bit bored of it. It is free-to-play and the cash shop is really optional since you can earn the "real money" currency by trading things you loot in-game. The community is okay, there's good and bad, but they're generally quite welcoming to new players. I think if I had to point out a flaw, I'd say the game is not self-explanatory. When you start out, it's pretty hard to know where to go, what to do, and there are sooooooooo many different game mechanics that need to be learned... But if you hang on the first 50 hours, it's really worth playing and investing your time in.
  7. There, made a humble donation to thank you guys for keeping PSO alive after all these years . Cheers!
  8. Hey guys, So I want to hunt a Spread Needle with my Greenill, what would you say is the best quest to farm for Merlans in the Ruins?
  9. Welcome back mate! I myself am a newly returning player and I've been having a great time playing PSO again! Plus the community here is very helpful (as you've seen on your thread :-p). Enjoy
  10. Hey! A noob here. So I've started on the server last week and got a RAmar and HUnewearl both around level 100-110 (thanks TTF). But I'm still quite lost with all the new items compared to the old Dreamcast version I used to play. Basically I'm getting my ass kicked in Ultimate. So I wanted to ask, for both these characters, what are the must-haves at those levels? I mean weapons and armor/shield. I managed to get a Vivienne and Angel harp for my huntress, which are quite nice, but I lack a good multihit weapon, I only have a Last Survivor. My RAmar on the other hand doesn't have any really good weapon, the only decent one being a Red Handgun. For him I'd also like a good multihit weapon because my Crush Bullet kinda sucks. As for armors and shield, I have no idea why to try and get... Thanks for the help!
  11. Thanks everyone! @MrHucast Noob question: about buying, is there a safer way than before when it was just dropping stuff on the floor?
  12. Yeah I noticed the 5x experience, that's unreal!
  13. Hey! So I just wanted to say hello on the forums, I just found out about your Ultima server a few days ago and honestly I've been no-lifing the game just like when it first came out on Dreamcast 17 years ago. So many memories on this game; it almost (naaah actually it did) brought tears to my eyes when I logged back in... I used to play quite a lot back then, and my parents weren't too happy about the Internet bills haha. I think it came out in 2001 on DC, I was just a kid and it was my first ever online game. I didn't think it'd hook me up like back in the day but it really did, so I think I'm gonna play a lot :-D Anyway, for now I'm just playing on my own to get used to the game again after so much time, and there're so many things that weren't in the game back then so basically I can be considered a noob. But I'd be happy to play with other people once I get better! Btw I'm amazed at how many people are level 200, even reaching 100 was a chore on the DC long ago! Sooo I'm playing a RAmar (lvl 114) and a HUnewearl (lvl 40ish but I'm leveling her right now), I'm having so much fun farming, I really almost never enjoyed farming this much in a game (except in Warframe but I think a lot of what this game offers can be traced back to PSO). Well, that's it, enjoy! IG I'm JohnViand (RAmar) and Boulette (HUnewearl) Edit: Oh and thanks to the server owners, whoever you are, because this is just too awesome. I understand there's a donation thingy going on, I'll probably donate once I stop being broke :-)
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