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Posts posted by JupiterDeMars

  1. 13 hours ago, Azureraiden said:

    Hey man! I'll be hopping online in about 15 minutes. Not sure if that's too late for you if so, let me know and I'll try to hop on tomorrow sometime. I'm off work tomorrow so I should be more available.

    Yeah sorry i was sleeping, i'm back. Same, i'll be available tomorrow too

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Azureraiden said:

    I would also be interested in one of your heaven punishers. The stats don't matter to me. Let me know how many DTS for both. I'm at work now but I could be on later this evening if that works for you? I'm in the Eastern Time zone

    Sure, let me know when you re available 

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  3. 8 hours ago, flowgm said:

    i want this.

    S-Red Arms                                     10 PDs

    Centurion/Arms                                  5 PDs

    You can have it, but i sell c/arms 9 pds 

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