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francisco charles charles

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Everything posted by francisco charles charles

  1. o charles esta na ultima

  2. bora ricardo aparece no destyne



  3. o que eu acho que não é justo fecha uma sala com uma ou duas pessoas dentro congratulations R-78 that's what I said sorry if someone was offended
  4. ao que eu acho que não é justo fecha uma sala com uma ou duas pessoas dentro friend, i know this in a room, it fits how many players 1 2 3 4 if you close the room only one and the other in the lobby is fair with only 1 or 2 in the room
  5. what I think is not fair closes a room with one or two people inside
  6. so the event is not for everyone equally
  7. for god sake don't put password in this room no one can enter
  8. T>TypeSH/Shot 80 hit demon >TypeGU/Mechgun 80 hit demon

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