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Posts posted by frost506

  1. New Updates, a whopping 3 months later because work affords me very little free time.

    Window tint, and Winter wheels (plasti-dipped with black and a light coat of blaze blue for a very dark navy). Upgrades are done for a while because winter is slowly barrelling in, lol.


    • Like 1
  2. ill tell you the same larva told you on this ( and probably you didnt even bother reading it since you kept saying it over and over )


    clearing it up, there are NO rollback files for january and larva answered that because i asked him over and over about the rollback files

    and as far as i know you got your stuff re-created short after


    also chuk already checked your common bank before too ( probably ? )

    http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/12900-need-common-bank-rollback-to-6-months-ago/#entry99909 <yes again on the same topic

    I understand this, and the items weren't created then as Kajex was waiting for Larva's approval to recreate the items. I'm not asking for a rollback since I knew that one didn't exist from back then. Kajex knows what items I lost, and all I really want at this point is my common bank fixed.

    Chuk, thank you for looking into that. A wipe would probably be easier, since those 5 items were originally just placeholders. It's probably registering the items as still in there if I had to guess, which would explain the limit of 18 items.

  3. Fast forward to SEVEN months after I initially needed a rollback, and my common bank no longer accepts more than 18 items. I understand a slight delay with the Tower stuff going on, but I've been pretty open about what's messed up and requires fixing for quite some time. If the common bank can't be fixed, could I just get my account cloned to a new username with a clean common bank? Kajex knows the majority of what I lost, and it's not like I'm asking for STA and 90-hit weapons to be restored without any sort of proof.

    Thus far, I've felt cheated and betrayed. I rarely feel like playing because of my hamstrung account and a lack of action being taken.

    • Like 7
  4. I figured I may as well keep track of my goings-on with my car, I'm going to keep a little picture diary/journal of the mods I do here and there on the forums. First up: Redoing the interior trim. It came stock as silver, and I figured something a little flashier was in order.

    Bone Stock:


    Interior trim pieces resprayed


    Intake!!! :D


    Tires + Tint


    • Like 7
  5. I can no longer deposit more than 18 items in my common bank, which has needed a rollback for the past ~6 months, and that never happened. We no longer have a backup of when my common bank worked properly. So on top of the items that I lost, my common bank is theoretically FUBAR with no way of restoring it to normal.

    What's going to happen now? I would love to get hit on my 7000V/9000M and get specials on the 7000V if possible, but to put it simply, I want my account working properly again before I consider it.

    • Like 3
  6. Okay, so I figure using a new thread would be a bit easier. I've stopped playing since my entire common bank was wiped when my characters corrupted, but it was never restored, causing me to lose loads of weapons I can't get back. I'm not sure who takes care of the rollbacks now that Andres is pretty much gone, but I do have another thread with the exact date it happened (I had fallen victim to the Saber bug during that time). I don't have screenshots, but as most of the PRO team can attest, I had tons of items in there.

  7. Late to the party since I've pretty much given up, but it's kinda hard to know everything that was in my common bank, as it was almost entirely filled. The character rollback was performed, but I'd been waiting for CB for ages

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